The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

I think I have my usb thing under control. got an adapter that goes into the mouse port so i will be able to post pictures. I will press my run shortly.
that will not work if you mean a little green or purple adapter. They only carry the keyboard signal not information.
I am thinking of just cutting fresh colas from my outdoor grow this year, and running them in a 5 gallon bucket lined with bubble bags and filled with iced water. I will let the fresh colas sit in the ice water for 10-15 mins and then will gently agitate the colas by the stem, and then harvest my trichomes. I will remove fan leaves, but leave all sugar leaves.

Does this sound like a viable option to do this? I will probably run the colas 2-3 times through, but wanted some thoughts from the experts on this...perhaps someone has done it this way previously?
I did this but removed the flowers from the main cola stem. Ask Frenchy and TC how they liked it! It was like thick honey oil. Mulanje African sativa.
Hey Frenchy - how are the fires? Did you evacuate?
It was a close call and the fire is 60% under control now instead of 30% a few days ago so the danger is really past.
The Mulanje was OUH LA LA big time, a terpenes profile very unique, super tasty with a nice kick.
You got the overall idea Mighty but you really have to remove the buds at the stems as Mo mentioned and by doing that you will cut it open in a way for the water to do its work. Fresh buds are usually too dense to work as is.
I am thinking of just cutting fresh colas from my outdoor grow this year, and running them in a 5 gallon bucket lined with bubble bags and filled with iced water. I will let the fresh colas sit in the ice water for 10-15 mins and then will gently agitate the colas by the stem, and then harvest my trichomes. I will remove fan leaves, but leave all sugar leaves.

Does this sound like a viable option to do this? I will probably run the colas 2-3 times through, but wanted some thoughts from the experts on this...perhaps someone has done it this way previously?
cut the buds off the stems If you dont have a washer use these upload_2014-8-17_12-59-38.jpegupload_2014-8-17_14-21-39.jpeg
mix first in a bucket with ice then poor into the bags. you will need three buckets.
Yes, I was only considering leaving the buds on the colas a matter of efficiency, cutting corners is what it really is. I will not be doing that but will remove the buds and will mix in a bucket, it possible to stir with a wooden spoon or something like it. Gentleness being key as Frenchy has recommended from what I have been reading.
I still need to try out my machine! I finally got some pretty trim from Kase recently so i think I shall give my machine a go soon!
cut the buds off the stems If you dont have a washer use these View attachment 3231175View attachment 3231235
mix first in a bucket with ice then poor into the bags. you will need three buckets.

Same as Frenchy here.

If you wanna go to the butcher side, then...

Look at the bubble movie from subcool, he says the same!
Be gentle with your trims, forget your mixers.

A drill is even worse!

Don't praise, rather listen and learn