Hash and Oil Picture Thread

nope, if youd look close the carpet dust is still there, causing way more harm than 5ppm of SS steel shavings in the dish!!
what are you trying to prove your shits dirty..?
we know

you looked up to me?! thats kinda sad to admit....
finally we come to an agreement
but you seemed to know what you were talking about when I was a complete newb
now id run circles around you
looking up to you is an understatement I looked much higher than you
your missing the big picture

contradictive? how so? I think youre still upset that I grouped you with finshaggy and oilmkr, like I said, grow up and stop being a pussy over everything.

How so??
it is as clear as day
budbro said it best!
you truly are slow
who the fuck let you back on this site!
you are at least 18 right?

Yes please guys, take it to The Contributors thread that is the un-offical PW thread (PW post whore)

Better idea Squashing It.
VP's stuff isnt meds and he doesnt sell it so Moss we dont need you throwing any gas on the fire
Texas, VP does have a harsh sense of humor i would be butt hurt to be lumped in with finshaggy and oilmkr
VP chill out man some of us dont have your alligator skin and Texas is trying to drop it, can we agree to leave it out of here atleast
Texas you did kinda start it all when he put ur name in there and you went off lol

and yes a lot of people use the cloak of "meds" so they can smoke pot

and yes VP you are looked up to by some of the new guys back a year ago when sirdabs you guzias and i and a couple other where going hard with all the blasting and experiments we did, so please don't chastise him for that, i was flattered even though he wasn't talking about me, we all worked together.

So can we stop the bitch fest
I am not your moms and i am not a MOD, so you don't have to listen to me, i just would like the Pic thread that we fought so hard to get stickied be filled with stupid banter that started from a misunderstanding
hey yall, i need a picture for the banner of my facebook page Twitch Extracts.
I wanted one of shatter, Kase your avatar is kinda what i had in mind how it kinda looks like lava flowing.

anyways i was going to see if i could use some ones pic, and i would credit the picture to your tag name here on roll it up
extra carpet dust and SS shavings, just for you.

To everyone in the Picture thread I am going to go through and look for good pics. If i find some i would like to use it I will a credit you with the extract but i will PM you and ask you permission first.
If any one has a problem with this or doesnt want their pics use let me know.