This shit is scary scary, Anti-American sentiments in western schools being taught to the most ideologically vulnerable: the children.
The old testament wasn't acceptable in modern times and was changed, Islam's clerics if they had humanities best interest at heart, like they keep saying they do, would revise the damn texts that tell them to kill me and to infiltrate the western world to kill us from within. Their religion states they can disregard teachings as to infiltrate our societies and attack from within without raising suspicion. They have done it several times in America and people are still standing by "oh religious respect"
Why is it ok for the Qur'an to say to kill everyone different, but Mein Khampf was evil? Cause the Qur'an is a religious text? It should be banned in the western world until they revise the violence and hatred out of it. The atrocities committed in the name of Islam are just as horrific as the committed in the name of Hitler. Islam has been at it longer and is continuing to get away with genocide.
I am intolerant of a religion that says it's members should kill me for not believing, not only that they should feel good about killing me because they have done the lords will. The same damn way I am intolerant of neo-nazi's spreading hatred.
How on earth does anyone accept that book? How is there not weekly burnings in the street? Oh cause we'll hurt feelings? and all religions should be respected? So if Hitler made Nazism a religion instead of a political movement we would have respected it? It's no different, it's genocide.
I can disparage a religion, I have no problem, being part of that religion is a choice, and so is the hatred. If there are peaceful members that's fine and dandy, but they aren't the majority, the majority is tearing up the middle east and stoning people in the street. These stoning incidences are villages of people killing another person... that's fucked up.