Travan Martin all over again??

is this a good reason for white people to riot? im not sure how it works

GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- Court documents show a 24-year-old Grand Rapids man was "defenseless" when he was kicked in the head during an attack at the Sibley Elementary School playground in May.

Scott Simerson died on Sunday, Aug. 10. Police said he suffered multiple head injuries in the attack allegedly carried out by two juveniles and two older teens.

Bystanders took cell phone video of the attack, Grand Rapids Police Lt. Pat Merrill said.

Police said Simerson was watching two teenagers on the Sibley Elementary playground when a conflict developed with another group of teens. The attack on Simerson was not provoked, police said after the incident.

Prior to Simerson's death, Donmard White, 17, and Robert Kelly, 18, were charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder. White pleaded guilty to the charge in late July and is scheduled to be sentenced in September, while Kelly awaits a jury trial, court records show.

Two juveniles, ages 15 and 16, are also held on assault charges connected to the crime.

Authorities expect that autopsy results will take several weeks. If the medical examiner's report shows the assault was a significant contributing factor in Simerson's death, a report will be forwarded to the Kent County prosecutor for review and a change in charges to reflect homicide.

If authorities pursue homicide charges, Merrill said White could be arraigned on the higher charge. A new conviction would supersede the sentence in the assault case.

Scott SimersonCourtesy photo
Police wrote in court records that White and Kelly allegedly kicked Simerson in the head when he was down, "inflicting a serious head injury."

Kelly is held on $50,000 bond, jail records show. White was remanded to jail pending sentencing.

Simerson was a new father and engaged to be married at the time he was attacked, friends said.
Revised rules.

1st Rule of Fight Club: Dont fight cops.

2nd Rule of Fight Club: If you break the first rule, don't go for his gun.

3rd Rule of Fight Club: If you break the first two rules, don't come back for a second helping after he has his weapon trained on you and yells "Freeze".
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The thug groupies of RIU are finding out that the evidence piling up does not support their narrative, so desperation sets in and they now argue that if PCP is not found in his system or his tackling technique is not correct, he must be innocent.

"if the glove does not fit, you must acquit"
Revised rules.

1st Rule of Fight Club: Dont fight cops.

2nd Rule of Fight Club: If you break the first rule, don't go for his gun.

3rd Rule of Fight Club: If you break the first two rules, don't come back for a second helping after he has his weapon trained on you and yells "Freeze".

No shit. I bet you a dollar to a donut that store burglaring POS got what he deserved. Hope the cop gets what he deserves - promotion to chief. ;)

Oh, & common sense is a foreign concept for dem buckaroo types.

Hearsay is not when the words are heard DIRECTLY from the mouth of the eyewitness. Its what they saw and they said as much. We have not heard, seen or any of the above from these so called 12 witnesses. In fact the reporter could not even name her police source who said they have 12 witnesses...what type of bullshit is that. At least name the police source who made this claim.

  • Law Hearsay
    the report of another person's words by a witness, usually disallowed as evidence in a court of law.
    "everything they had told him would have been ruled out as hearsay"

Dodge. No one was talking about the hearsay rules in Court, but you.

NX said we have only heard ABOUT eyewitnesses. And to my knowledge that is correct. We have not heard FROM them.

Hence it is hearsay, that there ARE eyewitness until they come forward. Yes?
The thug groupies of RIU are finding out that the evidence piling up does not support their narrative, so desperation sets in and they now argue that if PCP is not found in his system or his tackling technique is not correct, he must be innocent.

"if the glove does not fit, you must acquit"

Thug groupies against the poo-pants in the dustbin of history?

Sure, fine. Bring it on.
there are so many idiotic claims in this post, ill have to break it down for you.
cuz youre clearly an idiot.

you have claimed that you believe in "european cultural superiority"

i make no bones about that. it is true.
i firmly believe western, and particularly european culture is the single most successful form of society on the planet.

from the greeks to the romans, ( the notable exception being the dark ages ) to the glories of the renaissance, and on to the marvels of the enlightenment age, and the rise of the US, and even unto the wonders of the age of american supremacy, european and western culture has always been head and shoulders above the rest of the world in culture, science, and the advancement of Classical Liberalism and it's attendant freedoms.
if you want to argue for the early success of the han culture, and the good run china had before the warring states period, thats a different subject.

(thinly veiled euphemism for white supremacy...
nope, no veil, thick, thin or otherwise. it's all out in the open, with no subtext or shenanigans.

often found on american renaissance and stormfront)

since you love to bring them up, quote them, link to them and accuse people pf being members, i suspect your real goal is todrive traffic to those sites, do you get a pay-per-click deal on any traffic from this forum?

and have repeatedly given away that "culture" is just a crude substitute word for skin color.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
youre gonna have a hard time trying to back that one up, cuz its pure calumny.
you are purely lying.

for example, san jose, with a near even split between races, was not "multicultural" enough for you, but downtown oakland (majority black) is sufficiently multicultural enough.
you moved into an area i know well, and while san jose does have a fairly even racial split between honkeys, chicanos and blacks, the area you were in was WHITE BREAD smothered in mayonassie, with just a dollop of tapatio on top.
hardly "multicultural", and certainly not the ghetto slum, where you could chill with your incredibly ethnically diverse posse, looking like a bennetton ad, which you attempted to portray.

you also endlessly defend white supremacists.
only true if YOU get to decide who is or is not a white supremacist, which, as we have already firmly established, is anyone who dares hold a position which is contrary to Bucky-Approved Doctrine

you are a white supremacist.

endless repetition of the claim doesnt make it true, it makes you a fool.
Well we now know you never played football..
You don't tackle with your head down you idiot
you sure as fuck do, playboy

you keep your eyes on the target, get up a head of steam, then you get low, and just before you make contact, you gotta lower your head or break your neck in the collision, or at the very least shock your spine, preventing you from getting a good hold on your bitch, so you cant drag him down.

you've clearly never even SEEN a football game, youre probably assuming it's just like Futbol, or rugby, but it aint.

hitting the line at scrimmage isnt a game of red rover like rugby, its a trainwreck.

350 pound dudes flying into the air, pads getting crushed into shards which always slide right into your jock, and bones breaking.

if you keep your head up, youll get it knocked clean off.
Well we now know you never played football..
You don't tackle with your head down you idiot
Of course you do if you want to deliver a maximum blow. That's why they started throwing 15 yard penalties for it a few years back.

Goldberg, a famous pro wrestler from a decade or so ago was an ex football player and that was his finishing move.
Of course you do if you want to deliver a maximum blow. That's why they started throwing 15 yard penalties for it a few years back.

Goldberg, a famous pro wrestler from a decade or so ago was an ex football player and that was his finishing move.


nah.. these guys are doin it all wrong...

InB4 the pansy new "heads up tackling" bullshit.

the safety police are trying to turn football into a game suitable for interior designers, nancy boys and transvestites

might as well play flag, or two hand touch if your gonna do "heads up tackle"
And... strong-arm robbery is not shoplifting, just like rape is not an infraction.
but what if it's not "RAPE rape"?


like say, if the girl is 13 ...

Liberal Roman Polanski Defenders: "Whoa now... she wasnt 13! she was gonna turn 14 in only 10 months! lets not exaggerate the issue!"

or if her mom set her up for this "encounter"

Liberal Roman Polanski Defenders: "Whoa now... this was a "Modelling job"...

and she was plied with quaaludes and booze...

Liberal Roman Polanski Defenders: "Whoa now...she consented to all that shit!"

and Jack Nicholson was smurfing off in the corner...

Liberal Roman Polanski Defenders: "Whoa now...Jack was running the video camera with BOTH HANDS, he wasnt jerking it at all!"

while roman fucked her in the butt as she was unconscious...

Liberal Roman Polanski Defenders: "Whoa now...thats entirely untrue! i watched the video (countless times) and in frame 4352 you can clearly she she moved a little bit!"

cuz thats not "RAPE rape".
The thug groupies of RIU are finding out that the evidence piling up does not support their narrative, so desperation sets in and they now argue that if PCP is not found in his system or his tackling technique is not correct, he must be innocent.

"if the glove does not fit, you must acquit"
the police groupies of riu are slurping down all the info that the police release cuz the police would never lie to the public.


nah.. these guys are doin it all wrong...

InB4 the pansy new "heads up tackling" bullshit.

the safety police are trying to turn football into a game suitable for interior designers, nancy boys and transvestites

might as well play flag, or two hand touch if your gonna do "heads up tackle"
Heads up tackles were banned in Rugby (similar to American Football) because of the likelihood of someone breaking your neck by hitting it/your head at momentum with a force perpendicular to the direction of travel.
Heads up tackles were banned in Rugby (similar to American Football) because of the likelihood of someone breaking your neck by hitting it/your head at momentum with a force perpendicular to the direction of travel.
"heads up tackle" is now being pimped as a "Safer Way To Play" by the safety police, but the only way to make contact using their techniques is to hit like a fairy.

thats why they are pushing it, to make football a low contact sport like soccer:


fuck that shit.
What maroons. You hit with your head in the gut if all possible. You tackle with arms wraping with your shoulder under his, if at all possible.

Jezze these idiots don't even know the football, do they?

But, did you know? There is crying in cricket.

the police groupies of riu are slurping down all the info that the police release cuz the police would never lie to the public.

Police didn't video tape Michael Thug's strong arm robbery.
Police didn't shoot the video of an eye witness describing Michael Thug running back towards the police officer.

Another thug groupie FAIL
you moved into an area i know well, and while san jose does have a fairly even racial split between honkeys, chicanos and blacks, the area you were in was WHITE BREAD smothered in mayonassie, with just a dollop of tapatio on top.

you are an idiot.

so i was living in san jose, which is multicultural as it gets, but since i was living in san jose, it was a highly white area.

got it. that makes no fucking sense you retarded stooge.

only true if YOU get to decide who is or is not a white supremacist

if david duke, former grand wizrd of the KKK, is not a white supremacist, then who is?

if self admitted white separatist jared taylor is not a white supremacist, who is?

if phillipe rushton, who applauds and supports the notion that blacks do not deserve constitutional protections because they are sub human and who funds white separatists like jared taylor, is not a white supremacist, then who is?

this is the literal who's who of white supremacy in america.

everything that drops out of that retarded fat old mouth of yours is a dead ringer for what you'll read on american renaissance and stormfront.

when you speak of multiculturalism as a plot to drive the extinction of whites, you are repeating the claims of white supremacists on both of those sites.

you are clearly a white supremacist.