So much for maximum 150 gram carry.....

You're absolutely right leaf about needing to be healthy to grow. I know for myself, some days it is just too much for me to deal with. Harvest days just do me in for days...and I have small plants compared to some people. Some days there aren't enough drugs in the world.

As I was typing I hear that Haptler coming to Whitehorse today. Maybe someone will go postal!!!!!
Yeah, I don't see a lot of support to selling out to the man. I've been in this fight way too long to turtle now. There are some that will, the LP wannabe's are a prime example, but they traded their principles for the lure of easy money. The fact is, whether it be for medical or recreational use, I should be free to grow what I need. I haven't seen any limits on the number of tomato or parsley plants a person can grow, nor for herbal medicines such as aloe-Vera or gingsing root, I can even grow tobacco and brew as much beer or wine as I want. I will not settle for anything less when it comes to marijuana. That's not to say it's going to come all at once, but that's my ultimate goal. I think a very effective tool would be an advertising campaign to reinstate alcohol prohibition, using the same arguments made to justify marijuana prohibition. We all know how people would react to that and we can use their outrage to highlight the unjust marijuana prohibition. Any one got an extra half million $ so I can get started on that? lol

I don't agree with the statement of the LP wannabe's trading their principles for the lure of easy money.
I probably have a different opinion on LPs than most here, that's democracy.
Fascinating idea with a campaign to reinstate alcohol prohibition...sometimes thinking out of the box is the way to go.
You're absolutely right leaf about needing to be healthy to grow. I know for myself, some days it is just too much for me to deal with. Harvest days just do me in for days...and I have small plants compared to some people. Some days there aren't enough drugs in the world.

As I was typing I hear that Haptler coming to Whitehorse today. Maybe someone will go postal!!!!!
Leaf didn't say anything about being healthy to grow in the last few posts.
They can't stop designated growers..Just handle them better by forcing them to keep track. Not an issue!
Many sick people can't grow their own. AND they don't have the money or time or are they healthy enough to do so.
If the bikers are doing it wrong and breaking the law? THAT'S WHAT LAW ENFORCEMENT is for. It's WORK for them!
Sick people don't need to worry about being arrested for saving their life! Neither should you BC breeder, if you are indeed sick. You have every right.
SURE, it could cost you a bundle by the time you are finished, Maybe!!! ?????
... but it's your RIGHT you're fighting for after all.
DIE or live, is the only choice some have!
Thanks for that,
In regards to designated growers, I think patients bear some responsibility here too for the broken system.
When I was growing for the compassion club I had several requests from sick folks to grow for them,
Only thing they figured if their license was with me then they are entitled to 100% free meds,
Well how is a guy supposed to pay for power, notes etch let alone a living wage??
Too many patients sold out to this concept and knowingly figured well the designated grower can just grow more
Than on the license to cover it, well that doesn't work for little mom and pop growers but works fine for black market
Big boys with huge operations that want a cover.
So unfortunately all the patients that entered into these great looking get free meds deals with "designated growers"
Helped the system fail. Some of these growers are now in with the LPs so ironically those who you now despise
For charging retail for meds are the same ones you got free meds from before.
Meanwhile ethical little mom and pop types that truly had empathy and would have only been too happy to grow and sell
At cost\wholesale got left by the wayside\busted without licenses selling to compassion clubs.
Myself I'm glad the new mmpr improvements allow my legitimate illness to make me exempted,
Hopefully I will be able to grow for myself and if a realistic designated grower system is conceived also grow for few sicker peeps than me.
There will always be someone doing it wrong!
Seems weird HC actually thinks this means anything to a sick person. Who cares about the ones doing it wrong. Bust them!
Its all about making coin and you cant blame people for wanting more. It's their nature after all.
If everyone knew how this country was formed and how many people broke the law to get it where it is today...It'd make your head spin.
Prohibition was put in place to make money!
They are trying to figure out another way to fuck everyone all over again with their same idiotic ideals...
which are... who ever dies with the most ...wins!...
:lol: Not sure how that's a win though.
Thanks for that,
In regards to designated growers, I think patients bear some responsibility here too for the broken system.
When I was growing for the compassion club...

So unfortunately all the patients that entered into these great looking get free meds deals with "designated growers"
Helped the system fail....

Myself I'm glad the new mmpr improvements allow my legitimate illness to make me exempted,
Hopefully I will be able to grow for myself and if a realistic designated grower system is conceived also grow for few sicker peeps than me.

May I ask how much the CC paid you?

I really take exception to this ...
"So unfortunately all the patients that entered into these great looking get free meds deals with "designated growers"
Helped the system fail."
You can't paint everyone with the same brush. I know this statement is not accurate.

I have no clue what you are talking about with that last part about mmpr helping you.
try and name something someone hasn't tried to scam or fuck over for their own benefit. just doesn't mean everyone does it.
Well if were choosing between Mom and Pop little business or the big LP giants.......I vote for little businesses every time. I use small business as much as I can for other things I buy and need. I loath big giants like Wal mart......Target....Lottery corps....etc. Once they become big, that's when the raping and looting begins.
So apparently I have better medication than I originally thought. I am now making up posts for leaf and telling gb he's not really seeing what's apologies to both.
Where can I find this info at?! I'm trying to find all this out and would be spectacular if you could help me out :)
The 150 g limit was imposed on patients operating within the mmar through the injunction we won? It was kind of a compromise I guess because hey who needs to be carrying around 3k's?
ya but this must really suck if you have 100 gram per day script and use wet mj like eating leaves....
you could only go on holiday for a day and a half,,,so its really unfair in some cases....what was wrong with the status quo
which was a 30 day supply x your current daily use.....that then made sense...
Totally agree dan....I guess in that circumstance (and probably more) 30 times your daily limit seemed reasonable. I guess if you need fresh stuff all the time or a really high dose you won't be going far from home because of whatever ails you or limitations on freshness. Legalization solves sooooo many problems as long as it's treated like booze...make it...consume it.