I saw a spiritual alien and now the UFOs are above My house!

I was just smoking another cigarette outside, about 5 minutes ago, and I saw another UFO.

This UFO that I just saw a few minutes ago was traveling horizontal, like an airplane. I actually thought it might have been an airplane while I was watching it, but then the light it emitted just went dim, until I couldn't see any light. I watched this UFO for about 5 seconds also.

Like I said, it appeared to be moving in a straight line, like an airplane, but then the light just went out.

I wish that I caught it on video camera, but I still don't own a video camera.

you are not seeing ufos , you do know between NASA and private astronomers and many many more space agencies and hobbiest around the world we pretty much have a full veiw of the night sky , you dont seriously think even the hobiest astronomers (who are pretty well respected after discovering many new planets and stars )are all going to be in on this big secret that aliens are visiting earth , i mean come on be real my friend .someone far more equipped and intelligent than you and i would of spilled the beans not everyone is working for some mega goverment ,
Do you live near the 37th parallel?

I don't know what parallel that I live near.

But I do know that I am currently living in Massachusetts: and I own a house in Maine.

I have only seen the UFOs in Massachusetts, if I am not mistaken.

you are not seeing ufos , you do know between NASA and private astronomers and many many more space agencies and hobbiest around the world we pretty much have a full veiw of the night sky , you dont seriously think even the hobiest astronomers (who are pretty well respected after discovering many new planets and stars )are all going to be in on this big secret that aliens are visiting earth , i mean come on be real my friend .someone far more equipped and intelligent than you and i would of spilled the beans not everyone is working for some mega goverment ,

You make some good points, and I would agree that you would think that these UFOs would be on the news or something.

But, by definition, I am seeing UFOs- Unidentified Flying Objects.

If I had a good video camera with a good zoom lens, you guys would be able to see the UFOs that I see too. I honestly don't believe that I am experiencing any "optical illusions" (as My friends said), because I can put a power line in front of the UFOs, and then the UFO will get back into My view: while I am sitting down with My head perfectly still. So I can conclude that the UFOs move, if My head was perfectly still, and then the UFOs come back into My view, after the power line was blocking My view of the UFOs.

I am only trying to be honest. I have no reason to decieve you guys, and its not even funny. I have been claiming to see some "alien" being, and UFOs, since the year 2012; and not once have I said that I'm playing a game or lying about it, because its very real to Me.

The problem, if these UFOs made the news, would be that they show up every night; so everyone would most likely be freaking out, because they too would be able to see UFOs every night that its not too cloudy outside. There might be some kind of mass panic, and many people would believe that the aliens are visiting us, and they might freak out. So, I don't know if it would be a good idea for these UFOs to make the news, because you can see them when the clouds are not blocking them.

I can only think of a dichotomy, its either the military or aliens. Either way, there is some kind of technology in our skies that beats anything that the military claims to have. I hope that in the future, we will also be able to get this technology, so we can fly around all over the place.

You guys should watch the "stars" in your night sky too.

I just saw another UFO move across the sky.

About 5 minutes ago, I was smoking a cigarette on My front porch. I looked up at the sky and there was a UFO that was moving to My left, or south. I saw this UFO move for about 10 seconds before it started to dim, and then it disappeared.

It looked exactly like all of the other UFOs, except it was moving in a nearly straight line going south, or to My left. These UFOs appear to be stars, except they move. Normally, the UFOs stay in nearly the same place, except they dance around. But this UFO was moving in a straight line for quite some distance: this is very rare. Then the UFO started to dim until I couldn't see it anymore.

Nearly the same thing happened to Me the other night, and I reported that in this thread too.

You guys should watch the "stars" in your sky, to see if they are really UFOs.

Over and out!

Again, I am still seeing the UFOs move in My sky.

If I didn't see the UFOs move, I would believe they were stars that I'm looking at, because they appear to be stars until I see them move.

You guys should look at your "stars" in your sky also, they might be UFOs.

how far do they move .....like right across the whole sky , or just backwards forwards to the side etc , ............you do realise stars appear to move about to the human eye , unless they are moving like right across the sky , then you are experiencing a common optical illusion .
how far do they move .....like right across the whole sky , or just backwards forwards to the side etc , ............you do realise stars appear to move about to the human eye , unless they are moving like right across the sky , then you are experiencing a common optical illusion .

Haa George already clearly knows this! It's already been explained to him in detail, yet he has more fun choosing to
"be l i e v e". Conscious or UNconscious denial, much like his "i am the messiah" thread.

Still love ya george!
Have you ever seen a purple 3 breasted female alien?
no just a tan one.
george you may benefit from getting back on the weed!

The cannabis makes Me crazy, paranoid, delusional, antisocial, and just nuts.

I'm doing just fine off the marijuana, and I am saving a ton of money too.

I am all set getting stoned again. Plus, My mother will kick Me out of her house. I can't afford to move back to My house in Maine, until My brother moves back with Me in like a year and a half.
