Germination Problems


Well-Known Member
I've been having problems with germination. I couldn't germinate 3 vanilla kush from barney's. I did the papertowel method which I would wet a dampen the paper towel and place the seed in between it. I then would put the paper towel in a zip lock bag then the bag inbetween 2 plates to keep it dark. I then would put the plate on top of my cable box for warmth.

I know have a different seed from barney's and will keep u updated. This seed was germinated by the above paper towel method and the seed cracked and the taproot popped out about 1/4 inch... I then placed the seed in the grow cube (damp and PH'd to 5.8) and covered the seed hole. The seed has now been in the grow cube for 24 hours how long does it take to sprout up ???
I've been having problems with germination. I couldn't germinate 3 vanilla kush from barney's. I did the papertowel method which I would wet a dampen the paper towel and place the seed in between it. I then would put the paper towel in a zip lock bag then the bag inbetween 2 plates to keep it dark. I then would put the plate on top of my cable box for warmth.

I know have a different seed from barney's and will keep u updated. This seed was germinated by the above paper towel method and the seed cracked and the taproot popped out about 1/4 inch... I then placed the seed in the grow cube (damp and PH'd to 5.8) and covered the seed hole. The seed has now been in the grow cube for 24 hours how long does it take to sprout up ???
don't soak the paper towel. ph to 5??? temps.?
i just put mine in a small pot with compost and a bag over, and put then in my grow rnt where there warm,,never fails
I soak the paper towel and then squeeze it out, I also just throw the bag in a dark place, not really adding any heat, somewhere in the 20°c range.

If that doesn't work after a couple days, try the cup of water, no more then 2 days in the water, if that doesn't work toss em.

I'll show you my most recent seed, germinated it and the pic I posted is 6 hours after I put it in soil. I can't comment on root development, but I'd say it's working. The pics are 6 hrs, 18hrs, and 36hrs.
20140817_230648.jpg 20140819_074428.jpg 20140820_093136.jpg
your seed will begin to show probably in the next 48h window , but i agree with bomixius , the cup of water is the best method. just save the cup in a dark and warm place.
that little seedling will probably be up by tomorrow. ditch the zip lock bag use tupperware dont put the lid on keep in the dark. The paper towel will keep enough moisture. You want your paper towels damp but no excess of water in the tupperware. Get the towels moist put them in your container then holding your towels in place with a finger turn the tupperware upside down all the water you dont need (if you put to much water in) will just spill out. just germed 21 of 22 of two different breeders (cali connect and some rare dankness beans.)
I had a similar issue with Barney's actually. 4 of the 5 wouldn't germ and one did but it was super weak and stunted. I have actually read where a lot of peeps have similar issues with Barney's. Sucks because they have some amazing strains...mine were Violator Kush btw
Paper towel in bag works best I dont use plates or anything just set it in closet and check in 3 days tap roots should be out.I tried the cup of water method didnt like it
It's not why you're failing, but stop making it dark. Germinating in the dark is a myth...

I germinate my seeds in the light and always works within a day or two. There's absolutely no scientific basis to show that darkness will help germination, in fact the evidence points to the opposite. Light improves germination success rates in many species such as lettuce.
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I do mine on a paper towel on a heat pad with light on from 6 am to 11 pm.. Seeds need heat and light IMO that signals it is spring and the seed wants spring to grow.. Keep it simple
Just popped 5 seeds from barney ( pineapple chunck). I never soak my seeds. These are the steps I take. 1. De chlorinated water 2. Paper towel all white. The dollar store stuff. 3. Remove extra water not all of it just enough so it doesnt drip. 4. Layer that in the bottom of cookie tin. 5. Get another piece of paper towel do the samething as before. 6. Place seeds on first paper towel inside the tin. 7. Cover seeds with second paper towel and put lid on. If you have a heating mat place tin on top. Open tin once or twice a day for fresh air and make sure the paper towel are not dry. Generally takes 3 days. Taproot is showing and growing. PS also popped kush and cheese the same way, plus others.
The tin keeps excellent condensation inside.

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Cup of ph'd water, pop seed in leave in a dark warm place until you see it pop, plant... Jobs a good en 100% success

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Hey yall
I have used the paper towel method and had good results, also used the cup of distilled water with success, and ive used them in combination.

Im trying to germ an O.G. 18 fem seed from Reserva Prevada. Its a hard shelled seed, so I lined a pill bottle with sand paper, threw in seed and rattled it around in the sandpaper lined bottle to scar the shell.

It sat in ph distilled water 6.5 ph for 24 hours. No pop.
So I took it out with sterile tweezers to go to the paper towel method, while doing so, I thought I could help it alon. So with the tweezers I situated it where the seem was where the tweezers were contacting and lightly squeezed and popped open the seem some. Put it back in cup of water for 3 more hours, then went to paper towel method. 2 days and nothing, and my seed turned black. Did I kill it? As last resort, I planted it into starter soil, and mixed up a little root stimulator and misted with that, and set cup on heat pad. Did I kill the seed? Do I leave I leave it where its at or what should I do?
Hi All,

Im a complete noob when it comes to gardening in general so any help will be most appreciated. I have a friend that was an ex grower, this dude struggled at first but when he got the nack to growing, he grew the dankest shit Iv ever smoked. I use to buy weed all the time but have decided to grow my own because I don't believe weed should be sold. Anyhow I digress, thing is I ordered to seeds from the green smoke room one auto-flowering and one feminized. I decided to go with the space-box method seeing as it looked really cool and also for the fact that every time I did an outdoor grow ("Using just regular old seeds from the time I use to buy weed") my shit just went missing ("If only we lived in a world without crocked people...sigh"). Heres the issue I'm facing, I planted the auto-flowering seed 7 days ago and I still see nothing, I was a bit hasty with this whole operation at start and jumped into it with little knowledge of growing. My buddy told me this is the best place to find advice as well as by following a guy by the name of "Jorge Cervantes" (he's videos are cool check it out:

Methods I followed:
("I tried to keep it as close to mother nature as possible").

1. I put the seed in some good soil that I got from my friend ("the dude i mentioned in my above post"), I pushed it half a pinky down (28mm exactly)

2. Kept the soil damp

3. I recently found out about the heating mat, didn't have one so i had to improvise ("Used a hot water bottle wrapped in a pillow case double fold"), which I implemented on day 5.

4. Kept the light on attached to a timer set at 12hours light 12hours dark ("Could this be where I messed up? as I believe everyone is saying to leave it in a dark place")

5. Also i moved light closer to the pot on day 5.

Iv been doing a lot of reading on this blog and decided to sign up an account today to post this question. Normally I would just carry on reading but I couldn't seem to find an answer that soothed the way I'm feeling. I didn't use the paper towel method just incase i screw it up, as i mentioned above i tried to keep it as close to mother nature as i possible could. also i had fans running ("Two computer fans small ones 7.5cm x 7.5cm") one that pulled in air and one that pushed out air. On day 5 I turned them off to keep the drum warm since I believe from the research Iv done your environment needs to be warm in this stage of the project.

What should I do? Would anyone suggest I attempt the greenhouse method ("even at this 7") or should I just continue to wait.

All comments are welcome, even if you think Im a dumb ass :wall: for not doing the correct research...Go for it but please if you curse me out, at least top it off with some good advice :lol:.

Thanks in advance :leaf:

First off, Welcome Ruzuki,

Im not a pro by any means, but I know a thing or two. Lot's of seasoned guys here, who can answer some of your questions.I can try and answer some, and hopefully shed some light for you.

I agree with you on your beeliefs. Cannabis should be grown for personal use, and not need to be bought.

First of all, I'll have to answer your questions, with questions.

First off, what strain is your auto? What strain is your feminized?

Did you do anything to start the germination process before you planted?

Do you know how hot the soil your friend gave you is? Like amendments, ph, ppm?

Yes, Jorge Cervantes is legend Imo.

I dig your method of trying to keep it as close to mother nature as you can.,but mother nature also provides the right environmental factors. I've personally never planted straight in any medium, without some sort of germination first. But that's me.

Keep the soil moist, not very much water at all just enough to keep it moist. Too wet will kill your seed.

Germinating seeds do not need light, as far as I understand. Your right about germinating seeds needing warmth, but not light, or excessive heat.
I've never grown autos, but I think the photo period is 24 of lights on.
For a photo period seed 18/6 is for vegging, and 12/12 tells your plant to go into flower.

What size container did you plant in?

As far as what to do next, half of my pinky is about 1.5 inches. That too deep. A half inch is good, give or take.

I would wait for one of the more seasoned guys to answer that. If it were me, I'd take a pair of sterilized tweezers, or something sterilized, and very, very, very gently investigate ehats going on, and to see if your seed has split. You may have planted it too deep. A seed only has so much stored energy. 7 days is a little long Imo.

No such thing as a bad question. Thats how I leaMy very first post, I received a reply that made me look like an idiot. There are a few trolls but most are good folks, with lots of knowledge.
I always pre soak my seeds in RO over a seedling heating mat for about 8 to 12 hours or a night

then I plant in soil thats not too hot like roots or seed starting mixes I've had thats pre moistened with RO and usually beneficial like great white or xtreme gardening's mycos

I found soil being too moist or not on seedling heating mat slows down process bit still get near 100% success since I've used this method also don't plant too deep I usually plant the seed taproot down just press lightly on the soil put the seed in gentle and cover with soil lightly

then I usually put the seeds cups with newly planted seeds under a t5 light for 18/6 light cycle untill I see sprouts usually about another day or two so the whole process takes me three days from seed to sprout but I've heard good results from other methods peace and happy growing :)