men's rights!

this is the most hilarious page that i have ever run across.

i pity the men who believe in this.


if she is drunk, then it is not rape.

got it.

when will the courts stop persecuting men who get women drunk and have sex with them against their will?
You're adding to this poster something that is not there or even implied.

Many people think that if a girl is very drunk and manifests consent that it is not a valid consent if the guy isn't drunk.

While neither agreeing or disagreeing with that, if both the man and the woman are both drunk and she doesn't resist or say no then the rape by taking advantage of intoxication no longer applies.
WOW...sad thing is some men will say this
if you are both drunk ,then it is not rape:shock: WTF
No means NO
@ buck and London of course no means no whether of not either party is drunk

However there are people pushing the idea that the moment a woman inbibes even a single drink the she is no longer in fit state to consent. Now she could buy all the drinks herself, she could buy you drinks till your fall over drunk, she could hail the taxi for you both and then rip your clothes off before riding you like a bucking broncho.. But come morning she could sober up and say you raped her because she couldn't consent due to alcohol

Now how far thru the courts it gets is another question but there is a definite movement working towards that end
Statistically, a woman is more likely to be hurt by a man than she is to ever be eaten by a shark, hit by a car, be attacked by a bear, crash in a plane, or be bitten by a spider.
LOL, statistically those things listed are so fucking rare that of course a man will be more likely to hurt a woman.

A 1 in 1 billion chance to be attacked by a shark, zero if you don't go in the ocean. An average of 5 people per year world wide is the shark attack rate, lollerskatingly low

Hit by a car? out of the 12,000 pedestrians hit by a car in 2010, 4,000 were women=4,000 in 320 Million chance, again you can reduce that to zero if you stay off the road when walking.

Attacked by a bear? 162 people in total were attacked by bears since 1900 in the USA, you can eliminate those chances by not wandering around in the forest where bears live.

plane crash? LOL about 1 in 11 million, again you can reduce that to zero by not flying, take a train or drive.

Out of the 40,000 different spider species, only 12 can actually bite a human.

Yep, probably more likely that a male will hurt a woman either physically, mentally or otherwise, I accept that.
Then again it is just as truthful to argue that a MALE will be hurt by a female more often than any of those listed things happen to a man also.

Why do women feel its ok to hit men with their closed fist when ever they feel like it, but males are not allowed to defend themselves from those attacks?
Statistically, a woman is more likely to be hurt by a man than she is to ever be eaten by a shark, hit by a car, be attacked by a bear, crash in a plane, or be bitten by a spider.

When a woman expresses fear of any of these events, she is still seen as a rational person.

When I tell people that I am afraid of swimming in the ocean because I’m afraid of sharks, they accept it almost without question.

But, when I tell people that I’m afraid of men, that men scare me more than sharks and spiders and freak plane accidents all combined, I immediately lose their respect.

I am considered elitist. I am considered sub-human.

-author unknown

@ buck and London of course no means no whether of not either party is drunk

However there are people pushing the idea that the moment a woman imbibes even a single drink the she is no longer in fit state to consent. Now she could buy all the drinks herself, she could buy you drinks till your fall over drunk, she could hail the taxi for you both and then rip your clothes off before riding you like a bucking broncho.. But come morning she could sober up and say you raped her because she couldn't consent due to alcohol

Now how far thru the courts it gets is another question but there is a definite movement working towards that end

And by that logic, if a woman chooses to consume a single serving of alcohol, she has knowingly circumvented her own sound judgment, and has intentionally surrendered (temporarily) her ability to make responsible decisions. In other words: she has knowingly and intentionally rendered herself temporarily incompetent.

Why would anyone do that to themselves, in any environment containing reasonably assumed threats from potential predators?

Perhaps it was not the single drink, but rather that she was already naturally incapable of sound judgment?

Can of worms? Slippery slope?

...and yet, people are given massive penalties for choosing to drive drunk, after becoming impaired. If "impaired judgment" is sufficient grounds to retroactively alter the definition of consensual sex to "rape," then it's also grounds to claim a drunk driver is NOT responsible for any decision s/he made during intoxication, which can and should include any decision to drive. All you'd have to do is say: prior to drinking, i had no intention to drive. After i consumed alcohol, the desire to drive "raped me," because i was not able to consent.

I'm a firm believer in the notion that "anything you do while impaired, is still your responsibility, as long as you chose to become impaired." If someone doses you without your knowledge, that's a completely different beast. If you choose to impair yourself, you are also responsible for your impaired actions, even if they result in Terminal Shame, or worse.

How can we call women "equal," if ONE DRINK makes them legally cognitively incompetent? (i've seen it go both ways: some women are indeed so easily affected, while others seem to handle their altered states like champs)

And further... why is something SO DANGEROUS still allowed? How can we allow people to access something that only requires a few ounces to render someone mentally unfit to consent to anything?
I'd ask how you ever expect to be taken seriously when you're never serious about anything yourself, but you use this site as an outlet to troll, you don't want to give or receive serious answers. That seems like an endless circlejerk to me
I's annoying, right?
the boys who believe in men's rights are nothing more than a bunch of pitiful losers who feel that women owe them sex.
Statistically, a woman is more likely to be hurt by a man than she is to ever be eaten by a shark, hit by a car, be attacked by a bear, crash in a plane, or be bitten by a spider.

When a woman expresses fear of any of these events, she is still seen as a rational person.

When I tell people that I am afraid of swimming in the ocean because I’m afraid of sharks, they accept it almost without question.

But, when I tell people that I’m afraid of men, that men scare me more than sharks and spiders and freak plane accidents all combined, I immediately lose their respect.

I am considered elitist. I am considered sub-human.

-author unknown

The author is the one and only UncleBuck.
pitiful losers who feel that women owe them sex.

Only a narcissists would know

The sexual relationship with the narcissist is most peculiar. Narcissists are exhibitionists and sex is just one further means of being admired to her or him. Intimacy does not exist and you will frequently feel used. The narcissist will demand that you subdue yourself. Your own sexual preferences will be boycotted or twisted.

The narcissist instigates sex (like telling you erotic things and sending you pictures or emails which are sexual) but then decides last minute that nothing is to take place; or simply demands abusive sex

* Firstly, the victim will be forced to reveal her or his sexual preferences and experiences to the perpetrator.

* Secondly, the perpetrator will condition the victim to direct her or his entire sexuality towards the perpetrator. At this stage, the sexual relationship is intense.

* Thirdly, the perpetrator reduces the intensity of the sexual relationship dramatically, so that the victim is in constant sexual need. (Sexual Hyperarousal)

* Fourthly, the perpetrator grants inproper sexual gratification in order to maintain the sexual need of the victim. Now, the victim, who is (sexually) dependent on the perpetrator, can be humiliated, manipulated and used.