men's rights!

Some Muslim immigrants admit their bias quite openly. An Islamic Mufti in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are “asking for rape.” Apparently, he’s not the only one thinking this way. “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid. “The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably fucked before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is important that she retains her virginity until she marries.”


i've noticed that a lot of the shit you post comes directly from the men's rights movement.

you and pada seem to have that in common with the muslims, that certain women are "asking for rape".

elfoodstampo also feels that same way as you. if she's too drunk, she's asking for rape.

red1966 feels the same way. if she's dressed like a harlot, she'll get treated like a harlot.

bignbushy also feels the same way, and you have high words of praise for him.

in fact, it seems like a lot of you right wingers and men's right movement types all harbor the same feelings as these arab terrorists you are so terrified of.

kinda funny how you share the same beliefs and values as those you are so racist against.

LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - A 15-year-old girl was raped for hours by 38 Muslim men on May 20, in an abandoned hut in the country's northern state of Kelantan. Police have apprehended at least 13 individuals, and are looking for others suspected of the crime.
The Sydney gang rapes were a series of gang rape attacks committed by a group of up to fourteen Lebanese Australian youths led by Bilal Skaf against Australian women and teenage girls, as young as 14, in Sydney Australia in 2000. The crimes — described as ethnically motivated hate crimes by officials and commentators[1][2][3] — were covered extensively by the news media, and prompted the passing of new laws. The nine men convicted of the gang rapes were sentenced to a total of more than 240 years in jail. According to court transcripts Judge Michael Finnane described the rapes as events "you hear about or read about only in the context of wartime atrocities".[4]

were the women dressed scantily? had they imbibed any alcohol?

if so, they deserved it, according to you and your ideological colleagues.
When Lara Logan traveled to Egypt to cover the Tahrir Square protests, she was unaware that she was going to be working in a country where sexual harassment rates of women and especially foreign women are so high as to be universal. In a politically correct profession, such truths are politically incorrect. And even now all of the coverage studiously avoids mentioning one dangerous word. Islam.

Muslim rape culture did not begin in Tahrir Square and it won't end there. Not when it actually began in the year 624 when Mohammed came up with an ingenious means of rewarding his followers. In addition to the trophies of war, he made it legal for them to capture and rape married women. Previously that would have been considered adultery. Now it was an incentive to become one of Islam's Holy Warriors. It doesn't take much to imagine how ugly and awful the camp of Mohammed's followers was for a woman. That's why the Burka was invented.
Egyptian Cleric: Muslim Brotherhood Authorizes 'Anal Jihad' for Lonely Terrorists

An Egyptian cleric formerly known as the "preacher of the revolution" during the revolt against President Hosni Mubarak warned Egyptian television viewers this week that Muslim Brotherhood sheiks have issued a fatwa permitting "anal jihad" for terrorists far from their wives, which is exactly what it sounds like.
When Lara Logan traveled to Egypt to cover the Tahrir Square protests, she was unaware that she was going to be working in a country where sexual harassment rates of women and especially foreign women are so high as to be universal. In a politically correct profession, such truths are politically incorrect. And even now all of the coverage studiously avoids mentioning one dangerous word. Islam.

Muslim rape culture did not begin in Tahrir Square and it won't end there. Not when it actually began in the year 624 when Mohammed came up with an ingenious means of rewarding his followers. In addition to the trophies of war, he made it legal for them to capture and rape married women. Previously that would have been considered adultery. Now it was an incentive to become one of Islam's Holy Warriors. It doesn't take much to imagine how ugly and awful the camp of Mohammed's followers was for a woman. That's why the Burka was invented.

are you complaining about sexual harassment now?

because last time i checked, you supported a presidential candidate who said that sexual harassment laws should not exist and that victims of sexual harassment should quit their jobs.

i guess you just forgot that little detail about your hero and savior in your rush to be racist against those scary muslims, eh?

Egyptian Cleric: Muslim Brotherhood Authorizes 'Anal Jihad' for Lonely Terrorists

An Egyptian cleric formerly known as the "preacher of the revolution" during the revolt against President Hosni Mubarak warned Egyptian television viewers this week that Muslim Brotherhood sheiks have issued a fatwa permitting "anal jihad" for terrorists far from their wives, which is exactly what it sounds like.

you know it's good info if it's coming from breitbart, the same organization that destroyed the career of shirley sherrod because she told a tale of racial reconciliation.
Is it really that hard to ask womyn for permission to insert your phallus into their vagina? Is it too much to ask them if you may polish their pearl before initiating oral sex?

Men, ask your partner to penetrate your anus with a strap on dildo so that you can experience what females do. Learn what it feels like to be bent over and have something inserted deep inside of you.
By any chance do you possess urethral inserts such as the following? (I found it on Ebay :lol: )


It's bulbous for your pleasure
By any chance do you possess urethral inserts such as the following? (I found it on Ebay :lol: )


It's bulbous for your pleasure.

Wonders never cease.

Buck, you should shove one of these into your peepee whilst riding a splintery wooden dildo so you will know what a womyn goes through.
Buck, have you ever used a spiny dildo to ream your ass as a show of solidarity with the Dworkin beast?

Why don’t they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously, the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem?”

your hero and savior, rawn pawl.

but now you're concerned with sexual harassment if it's muslims doing it?

where does this odd double standard of yours come from? would it have anything to do with why you joined a white supremacy group and espouse men's rights constantly?
Wonders never cease.

Buck, you should shove one of these into your peepee whilst riding a splintery wooden dildo so you will know what a womyn goes through.

you should experience some nice friction in one of your cavities to find out what the women you allegedly have sex with feel.

If I got laid any more than I already do, my dick would turn into a smoking ember from the friction.

hint: if you're getting that much friction, she's not wet or enjoying it.

most men don't have this problem with women, but most men aren't as disgusting as you are.
Why don’t they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously, the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem?”

your hero and savior, rawn pawl.

but now you're concerned with sexual harassment if it's muslims doing it?

where does this odd double standard of yours come from? would it have anything to do with why you joined a white supremacy group and espouse men's rights constantly?

The minority Christian community in Pakistan is said to be outraged following the rape of a 12-year-old Christian girl in Lahore by two Muslim men. Christian advocates have said Muslims often use sexual violence as a means of controlling the Christian population, especially women and girls.

"In Pakistan rape is used as an instrument of arbitrary power over Christian girls, who come from poor and marginalized families. It is a form of violence that wants to reiterate the submission to Muslims. The rest of society is not outraged because the victims mostly belong to religious minorities, who are the most vulnerable. Rarely rapists are punished," Christian lawyer Sardar Mushtaq Gill told Fides News Agency.
UK: Yet Another Muslim Rape Gang Convicted of Sexually Abusing Schoolgirl

“Four men convicted of sexually abusing schoolgirl,” Bucks Free Press, April 24, 2014 (thanks to David):
FOUR men from south Buckinghamshire have been found guilty of sexually abusing a vulnerable schoolgirl over an eight month period.

Nazakat Mahmood, Ghulfaraz Nawaz, Haroon Rauf and Omar Sharif were convicted of committing a string of sexual offences against the girl between December 2011 and July 2012.

She was just 14 years old at the time of the abuse.

Mahmood, Nawaz and Rauf forced the girl, who was often plied with alcohol, to perform sex acts on them and pressured her into having full sex on several occasions in the Chesham area, Reading Crown Court heard.

The minority Christian community in Pakistan is said to be outraged following the rape of a 12-year-old Christian girl in Lahore by two Muslim men. Christian advocates have said Muslims often use sexual violence as a means of controlling the Christian population, especially women and girls.

"In Pakistan rape is used as an instrument of arbitrary power over Christian girls, who come from poor and marginalized families. It is a form of violence that wants to reiterate the submission to Muslims. The rest of society is not outraged because the victims mostly belong to religious minorities, who are the most vulnerable. Rarely rapists are punished," Christian lawyer Sardar Mushtaq Gill told Fides News Agency.

according to your hero and savior rawn pawl, the rape victim can't escape all of the responsibility for being raped.
UK: Yet Another Muslim Rape Gang Convicted of Sexually Abusing Schoolgirl
“Four men convicted of sexually abusing schoolgirl,” Bucks Free Press, April 24, 2014 (thanks to David):
FOUR men from south Buckinghamshire have been found guilty of sexually abusing a vulnerable schoolgirl over an eight month period.

Nazakat Mahmood, Ghulfaraz Nawaz, Haroon Rauf and Omar Sharif were convicted of committing a string of sexual offences against the girl between December 2011 and July 2012.

She was just 14 years old at the time of the abuse.

Mahmood, Nawaz and Rauf forced the girl, who was often plied with alcohol, to perform sex acts on them and pressured her into having full sex on several occasions in the Chesham area, Reading Crown Court heard.

14 years old is OK to rape when thomas jefferson does it to a girl he owns as property.

this girl wasn't even owned as property though.

besides, rawn pawl will tell you that she can't escape all the responsibility for the rape, and you love rawn pawl.
Have a nice day!
The Muslim groper had blamed his serial assaults on “a misunderstanding of cultural differences” claiming that he had just been trying to be friendly. In his Middle Eastern Muslim culture, friendliness apparently consisted of forcibly groping female joggers while telling them “Happy New Year.”

well, the joggers can't escape all the responsibility for getting groped, according to you and the man you worship.

During Jihad (religion war), many men and women become war captives. The Amirul Mu”minin [leader of the believers, or caliph -- an office now vacant] has the choice of distributing them amongst the Mujahidin [warriors of jihad], in which event they will become the property of these Mujahidin. This enslavement is the penalty for disbelief (kufr).

He goes on to explain that this is not ancient history:

None of the injunctions pertaining to slavery have been abrogated in the Shari”ah. The reason that the Muslims of today do not have slaves is because they do not engage in Jihad (religion war). Their wars are fought by the instruction of the disbelievers (kuffar) and are halted by the same felons. The Muslim [sic] have been shackled by such treaties of the disbelievers (kuffar) whereby they cannot enslave anyone in the event of a war. Muslims have been denied a great boon whereby every home could have had a slave. May Allah grant the Muslims the ability to escape the tentacles of the enemy, remain steadfast upon the Din (religion) and engage in Jihad (religion war) according to the injunctions of Shari”ah. Amen!