desert dude
Well-Known Member
Your musselmen are just having a regular rape-fest, Buck!
Your musselmen are just having a regular rape-fest, Buck!
Wonders never cease.
Buck, you should shove one of these into your peepee whilst riding a splintery wooden dildo so you will know what a womyn goes through.
Do you condemn any crime committed by a musselman, or is your standard reply, "bbbbbut, the crusades!"?
you and pada seem to have that in common with the muslims, that certain women are "asking for rape".
What a conundrum for you progs: Do you condemn musselman for their hateful religion and embrace these poor women, or do you condemn these harlots and embrace these loving musselmen?
Which Country has the Highest Rape Rate in the World?
After thinking over the question for five minutes, you might come up with South Africa or some other third world country as your answer. However, the real answer might shock you.
Who has the highest number of rapes in the world?
The title sadly goes to Sweden, which now sees one out of every four Swedish women being the victim of rape.
Is this the result of the rapid influx of Muslim immigrants who continue to form a larger percentage of the Swedish population?
From the Counter Jihad Report:
With Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology.
More like i need my inalienable rights acknowledged and respected, even by women who are prejudiced against all men, due to their bad experiences with a few men. Meanwhile, their prejudices and overly negative and discriminatory behavior toward me, inflicts an undeserved injustice upon me, and while i can't say anyone "owes" me anything, i can certainly say it feels very wrong to be treated like a piece of shit because of actions someone else chose, and because of a generalized prejudice against "all men" (or at least those they deem "unappealing" and irrationally assume are "the bad ones"). And if that's what they want "women's rights" to mean (arbitrary mistreatment and belittling of those who do not deserve such treatment), then i say just need more rights as a man.
she has no right to spurn your sexual advances.
she OWES it to you.
More like i need my inalienable rights acknowledged and respected, even by women who are prejudiced against all men, due to their bad experiences with a few men. Meanwhile, their prejudices and overly negative and discriminatory behavior toward me, inflicts an undeserved injustice upon me, and while i can't say anyone "owes" me anything, i can certainly say it feels very wrong to be treated like a piece of shit because of actions someone else chose, and because of a generalized prejudice against "all men" (or at least those they deem "unappealing" and irrationally assume are "the bad ones"). And if that's what they want "women's rights" to mean (arbitrary mistreatment and belittling of those who do not deserve such treatment), then i say no.
I don't even bother to make "sexual advances" anymore, due to the overwhelming amount of arbitrary and completely unfair bullshit i've encountered. Women are indeed like cats: nice to look at, but if you spend time interacting with them, they'll inevitably fuck your shit up, "because that's what cats do." (of course, there are some exceptions...)
"Feminism" (aka "radical feminazism") has done nothing but punish me unjustly, while women continue to make terrible choices to reward abusive chauvinists, and then complain that "all men are bad," simply because the ones they find most appealing, are granted a much wider mate selection spectrum, which tends to reduce the perceived value of each potential selection. They are defeating the scarcity principle for the most privileged and abusive men, while making it impossible for anyone like me to even find a female who isn't batshit insane and/or hatefully prejudiced against me, due to someone else, without ever even having met me.
Jung said it best: "beautiful women are a source of terror; a beautiful woman is often a terrible disappointment." (because too many of us tend to project our ideals upon them, rather than learning/seeing them for Who they really are... but people like me have realized: women are rarely who and what we wish they were... and i'm sure many women have realized similar things about men...)
I tend to assume lesbians would not have compatible sexual interests with my own, so i don't bother saying much of anything to them, unless it's something entirely removed from anything gender or sexuality related. If a lesbian has skills or knowledge she's willing to share with me, i will respect and appreciate those things. If a lesbian asks me just as a person, for my assistance with anything, i see no reason to refuse (unless there's personal issues between us). Why would i want to spend my time and effort in pursuit of something with someone who obviously doesn't want it? Similarly, why would i bother to pursue any woman who thinks "all guys" are rapists waiting for an exploitable opportunity? I want nothing to do with anyone who thinks such ridiculous things, especially those who insist such things, while refusing to be reasonable, and demanding i label their unfair treatment of me as "equality."that is hilarious.
you start off with the classic "not all men" line (which makes me bust my guts every time i hear it) only to say that women will "inevitably" fuck your shit up.
if you can't find the ironic hilarity in that, i can't help ya.