STL is about to start rioting.


Well-Known Member
he has to tiptoe around australian hate speech laws, so he is not allowed to actually say it.

instead, he joins holocaust denial groups, makes endless anti-semitic remarks, and the like.

he never once said a bad word to or corrected anyone who was demonstrably denying the holocaust, because that is what he believes.

he has no problem opening his idiot mouth to anyone for any reason, but you will never see him once stand up to any of the members who we had here that were denying the holocaust.

in fact, he joined their little group repeatedly.

that's because sketchy etchy is a holocaust denier.
Alot of words and no citations. Another hit and miss.


Well-Known Member
The above is a citation
you are an idiot.

Yet you can't come up with one quote you can attribute to me.
you had to delete all the comments you made in your holocaust denial group because they violated australian hate speech laws.

can you show me one single example where you told your buddies in the holocaust denial groups that they were wrong about their holocaust denial?


Well-Known Member
you are an idiot.

you had to delete all the comments you made in your holocaust denial group because they violated australian hate speech laws.

can you show me one single example where you told your buddies in the holocaust denial groups that they were wrong about their holocaust denial?
You are as pathetic as ever. You're an even sloppier drunk on weekends. Here's some more straw if you run out



Well-Known Member
You are as pathetic as ever. You're an even sloppier drunk on weekends. Here's some more straw if you run out

so you not only joined a holocaust denial group repeatedly, but you never once told those people that they were incorrect or mistaken when they spouted off about their holocaust denial?


not only that, but you would join in with the holocaust deniers and make anti-semitic remarks towards me and my family repeatedly?


did your holocaust denial also get you booted from the military, armchair patton?


Well-Known Member
how hard did you kick your dog/girlfriend after you got banned?

how hard did you kick your canines/pugs as well?

it was so nice in here for a while without all your bitterness and anti-semitism.
Looks like i hit a nerve.

So you have reduced your wife to a shell of a woman.

That's what narcissists do, injure those around them by living. The best thing she can do for herself and her bank balance is run as fast and as far away as she can. If she's a member here i hope she reads this as this would be an everyday contemplation for someone who is used by an narcissist.

If you really loved her (which you can't as you can only love the idea of love) you would leave her and let her be happy.

I totally understand why she will not let you acquire a firearm.


Well-Known Member
so you not only joined a holocaust denial group repeatedly, but you never once told those people that they were incorrect or mistaken when they spouted off about their holocaust denial?


not only that, but you would join in with the holocaust deniers and make anti-semitic remarks towards me and my family repeatedly?


did your holocaust denial also get you booted from the military, armchair patton?
You love to rage on people. I was kinda hoping we could talk more about Obama's affect on the country, real money, and entitlement. But it seems you are better seated in a place where you can attack people on "forum Character" instead.
It's hard to take your opinions seriously. You just call peoples names and slander anyone with different views? I don't get how you add anything to a conversation. Is this how life is like for you at the dinner table.?


Well-Known Member
Looks like i hit a nerve.

So you have reduced your wife to a shell of a woman.

That's what narcissists do, injure those around them by living. The best thing she can do for herself and her bank balance is run as fast and as far away as she can. If she's a member here i hope she reads this as this would be an everyday contemplation for someone who is used by an narcissist.

If you really loved her (which you can't as you can only love the idea of love) you would leave her and let her be happy.

I totally understand why she will not let you acquire a firearm.



Well-Known Member
You love to rage on people. I was kinda hoping we could talk more about Obama's affect on the country, real money, and entitlement. But it seems you are better seated in a place where you can attack people on "forum Character" instead.
It's hard to take your opinions seriously. You just call peoples names and slander anyone with different views? I don't get how you add anything to a conversation. Is this how life is like for you at the dinner table.?
Pretty darn pathetic, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
You must be crazy drunk on weekends... Obviously you claim everyone is a sock puppet.

You're also too stupid to know thats a quote from your lord and saviour AL SHARPTON.

can you show me one single example where you told AL he was wrong about his anti semitism?

Whats that you say? YOU DIDN'T?

If i use bucktard logic that makes you the anti-semite.

You support Sharptons race baiting and indulge in a shitload yourself.

Again, if you love your wife you'll leave her to be happy.


Well-Known Member
can you show me one single example where you told AL he was wrong about his anti semitism?
i can. i called him racist for that stupid decades old remark.

you, however, said nothing to condemn the massive amounts of holocaust denial we saw on this forum.

in fact, you even joined their holocaust denial group over and over again.

you even contributed to the holocaust denial (see my sig).

better watch out, that's a crime in your nation.


Well-Known Member
i can. i called him racist for that stupid decades old remark.

you, however, said nothing to condemn the massive amounts of holocaust denial we saw on this forum.

in fact, you even joined their holocaust denial group over and over again.

you even contributed to the holocaust denial (see my sig).

better watch out, that's a crime in your nation.
LOL I hit a nerve and you have a drunken tantrum and accuse me of being someone else.

You're nothing but a sexual predator who has a confessed passion for rape. And rape is in part a manifestation of your narcissism.

So clinically, you got no chance. A lot of scholarly articles linking narcissism, sexual coercion, rape and sexual violence.

Thanks for the sig you are living proof soft sciences can pick the sick and soul deprived.

Again, if you really love your wife leave her and fulfill her wishes.


Well-Known Member
didn't think i'd actually find you making holocaust denial statements, but i did.

and now you try to deny that you are sketchy etchy.

you sad, bitter little thing.


Well-Known Member
didn't think i'd actually find you making holocaust denial statements, but i did.

and now you try to deny that you are sketchy etchy.

you sad, bitter little thing.
Lame attempt at a holocaust denial statement. Your trolling attempt is lame at best but thanks for letting me know i was right on about the walrus. She hates you doesn't she


Well-Known Member
Yeah. When I put up de-classifed US Army photos of General Ike Eisenhower in front of a rack holding a row of wire nooses, some said that was just propaganda. But, it was just Dashau as the General found it that day. The Field Commanders put the local townsfolk to work, cleaning it up. There is nothing made up about this.

WWII killed 50 million. 6 million Jews were only a portion of those murdered in the Camps. We have the Nazi records, thanks to Hitler. He held out and forced them all to hold on. We know the Final Solution was aimed at the Jews and we have the minutes of those meetings.

Yet, the Western world blames the murder, of a man that never was, on the Jews, in order to to call HIM a God.


Well-Known Member
Lame attempt at a holocaust denial statement.
you said, and i quote:

"Jews conflate their number to garner more sympathy and justify ongoing israeli war crimes nothing more..."

that is the very definition of holocaust denial, straight from your bitter little mouth.