Favorite kinds of cigarettes or cigars?

seems like americans and canadians have completely different brands of tobbaco.

American tobacco is all low nornicotine conversion tobacco , ben that way for about 5 years now via the fda

nornictine is the component in tobacco that helps prevent alzhimers ,and is a potent analagsic and has other positive health effects, it can also be converted by enzymes to n-nitronorcitine and other TNSA's that are potent carcingens that are some of the worst components of tobacco's
American tobacco is all low nornicotine conversion tobacco , ben that way for about 5 years now via the fda

nornictine is the component in tobacco that helps prevent alzhimers ,and is a potent analagsic and has other positive health effects, it can also be converted by enzymes to n-nitronorcitine and other TNSA's that are potent carcingens that are some of the worst components of tobacco's

so American tobacco is worst for u then Canadian?
I quit when I was fairly new to the game (luckily). But I would often switch from menthol to regulars. Not sure why, im the type of person who gets tired of things so maybe I needed a change. Usually Marlboro. then went to usa gold because it was cheaper. then in my last few months it was roll your own from the smoke shop. seemed easier to quit, almost like there was less oxycotin mixed in;-)

I still have an empty Marlboro pack on my wall. Just to remind me I used to throw my money away for no good reason.
I like Kamel Reds


As for rolling tobacco... Peter Stokkebye Amsterdam Shag is awesome.

the warning label says second hand smoke causes more frequent and severe asthmatic attacks in children, u know, the least unappealing thing they could put on it.
I also smoke anything by Padron when I want a real cigar, they have affordable ones and really nice ones that are pricey... all good.