• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Thoughts on MMPR, LPs (Tilray), prices and other musings


Well-Known Member
I guess some of us that are "in later years" (hate saying old, I'm not old) are just fed up with this ridiculous and just plain wrong injustice. Its gone on too long and has to be changed. I, and many others are fighting back in whatever small ways we can, including saying fuck-you to the law, growing it and providing it either really cheap or pro-bono to those sick people we know can benefit from it. I also do and will support any cause that has a chance at making real changes. I would almost welcome getting busted, though I won't go out of my way to make it easy for them. I have enough money, resources and contacts to take my case as far as it needs to go, even if that takes some jail time or a bunch of money.

The LP's are not directly the blame, but as the saying goes, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. LP's are associated with a program and government which is trying to take even more rights away from sick people, therefore the backlash, rightly so imo. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, imo supporting LP's is supporting a more restrictive system and a conservative government that is long overdue to get thrown out of this country.


Well-Known Member
I have been lurking around here for a while now and I have read a lot of complaints and bitching about the MMPR, the LPs and the general state of the medical marijuana industry. I want to offer up another perspective.

I am a 55 year old veteran with PTSD and Fibromyalgia patient and no, of course my handle is not my real name. And BTW, I pay for my weed, no intention of getting the public to pay for it as long as I can work.

I have tried a panoply of traditional meds for my conditions, SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs and others such as Valproic Acid, Pregabalin, Gabapectin. you name it, it has been tried and most of them have given me worse issues than the actual illnesses. Then I found weed, a friend told me to try it and I did in a moment when I really needed it. And it worked, yes the side effect is the 3 to 4 hour buzz but the medical element is real and it is a life saver, and I am not speaking figuratively.

So, after buying the stuff on the street risking my professional career for the ability to get some relief from my ailments I finally got in the MMPR and chose Tilray as my LP as recommended by my doctor. I have read a lot of complaining and a ton of bitching on this site and others but what I have not seen is an acknowledgment of how far we have come. It is legal folks! Expensive? it can be but if your complaints are about the fact that you need to pay $13/gram for a type of weed then buy a cheaper version or go back to the street. How much does a criminal record cost you? If you are in this for the buzz and to get stoned then get the hell out before you ruin it for the people who actually need it for what the program is for. Your loud complaints about the costs of high THC weed is just giving ammunition to the Neanderthals who would love nothing else than to shut the whole thing down and go back to the dark ages.

I am not trying to take your right to complain away, I am just asking that you do it in a way that does not look like a bunch of spoiled teenagers who found a way to get an acupuncturist to get them in the program. Some of us need this to live folks.

Now on the subject of Licensed Producers, are they altruistic non-profit corporations in it to help mankind? Of course not, they are private and in some cases even publicly traded, for-profit companies reacting to supply and demand. They are blazing a path in uncharted territory in an adverse political environment and for that I thank them. If you don't like the prices or the products, complain to them and try to go to others, yes, I recognize the system tried to build in monopolies but that too will change with customer pressure. Things will get better and prices will come down, they always do but for now these companies need to recuperate their investment and they need to get stable. Once that's done we will reap the benefits. Oh and one more thing on the subject, people complaining that Tilray does not ask for signatures and Purolator leaves the package on their doorstep. Would you prefer that a signature be required so that if you are not home the package needs to get stored in the Purolator store room where the people working in the warehouse can get a whiff of whats in the box? Once again not perfect but think about the alternative before bitching.

I am not expecting to stop the moaning, haters gotta hate but I just want to make sure we recognize where we are. Getting caught with 5 grams of weed without an MMPR license is still illegal and a criminal offense in this country. The Supreme Court helped those of us who actually need this to live a normal life get access to it against the wishes of the conservative government. I for one want to say thanks and I know its going to get better.
Perhaps having a full understanding of the issues, and knowing the history of the programs provides a different perspective.
I think you're way off base on some points. Offensive actually.
MMPR and MMAR= The Way it Should Be !
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Well-Known Member
Perhaps having a full understanding of the issues, and knowing the history of the programs provides a different perspective.
I think your way off base on some points. Offensive actually.
MMPR and MMAR= The Way it Should Be !
Right now - the "system" is exactly what the government wants. They wrote it, they made it - and they probably made it with one of the distinct purposes to PISS EVERYONE IN THE OLD SYSTEM OFF.

It's working.

But - instead of fighting with each other over what everyone believes, do you think we could stop arguing over opinions and start looking to solutions?

I do not think the OP is wrong for liking the new system, the MMPR. That is what he knows, and it's working for him. I'm in the same boat. I'm new - in the new system.

It's REALLY awesome compared to being illegal and buying it for a jacked-up price with no selection (where I live anyways). Is it better than the old way of being able to grow your own? FUCK NO!!!!

I also do not think you @leaffan , or anyone else for that matter, are wrong for HATING it.

But let's change it.

It's not going to be perfect for everyone. It never is.

The government will HAVE to be happy with it - they're the ones writing all the rules. But hopefully, if we try hard enough and speak loud enough - we can have a say in how things are to become.

Just the way I feel about it anyways...


Well-Known Member
Why do people think that it became legal with the introduction of the MMPR?....so wrong!
It became available in 2001.
The MMPR took away your rights, and didn't give you anything except more vendors other than PPS.


Well-Known Member
Why do people think that it became legal with the introduction of the MMPR?....so wrong!
It became available in 2001.
The MMPR took away your rights, and didn't give you anything except more vendors other than PPS.
I was aware of the 2001 date - I read about it.

IF people do think it started with the MMPR, that's just because no one told them, or they didn't read it.

I understand you know A LOT about all of this, and it has been a huge part of your life, for a long time I imagine.

But some of us, are new.

And we need to be given the opportunity to learn, without anger being directed towards us.

I would appreciate that a lot, actually. Not from you only, from EVERYONE here.

Maybe then more people would speak up, ask questions. Want to learn.

I think it would be really nice.


Well-Known Member
I don't think there's anyone here closed minded enough to blanket hate the LPs for trying to run a business. As I understand it the MMJ has been a business for a long time (compassion clubs and DGs are not run for free - someone is filling their wallets). There's no reason LPs can't be a part of the market.

What I do hate is the barriers to access the mmpr has introduced: Single source, insufficient quantity/quality, no patient protection.

Health canada has tried to wash their hands of the mess of the mmar and managed to fall into the steaming pile of dung that is the mmpr.

Oh yeah and fuck tweed.


Well-Known Member
Hahah maybe there on the LP's pay list. Lol what a joke progression in the wrong direction!!! Ever hear of mandatory minimum sentences and the right to grow taken away. All so some rich asses could profit. If this is progress I say fuck it.

THIS isn't progress. What's happening now - is INTENTIONAL non-progression. They giveth, and they takeith away...(never quoted the bible much before, but you get the idea)

All the shit that's happening has been strategic and intentional from a government that does NOT want Medical marijuana to be a thing, much less legalized.

The MMPR, is a clear bust. But it's a necessary evil to get us through to an election where potentially NONE of this will make a difference after.

Well - after a long and arduous process, etc, etc.


Well-Known Member
it's all perspective, this might shed more light on it..... imagine if the govt took your right to make your own beer, micro breweries are closed, only place to buy it is through mail order through a handful of breweries (licensed by the govt)
no longer do ya have coors or bud, blue or Canadian. but they sell a couple different beers for ya ... not allowed to see what they are like before ya order them ..... you could get your beer from the underground but..... NWT is the only place you can have Bars selling booze... sort of a grey area..... oh too bad you live in AB.... anyways you order it... exciting eh?? then ya taste it.... it's more watered down than American beer .... but one kind was alright tasting..... seems everyone else thought that too so when you go to order that ok tasting one ... awww it's all sold out.... so ya order a different kind not at all great and weak.... but ya gotta have that beer.... that legal beer

that should be more eye opening to flakes

complaining is ok .....


Well-Known Member
Ask yourselves this...What did patients do before the introduction of the MMPR?

My answer...they grew it themselves or had someone else grow it for them under the MMAR.
They bought it from HC under the MMAR.
They bought it from CCs or a dealer without the MMAR.

We lost tons of ground here. It should be so plain to see for everyone.


Well-Known Member
it's all perspective, this might shed more light on it..... imagine if the govt took your right to make your own beer, micro breweries are closed, only place to buy it is through mail order through a handful of breweries (licensed by the govt)
no longer do ya have coors or bud, blue or Canadian. but they sell a couple different beers for ya ... not allowed to see what they are like before ya order them ..... you could get your beer from the underground but..... NWT is the only place you can have Bars selling booze... sort of a grey area..... oh too bad you live in AB.... anyways you order it... exciting eh?? then ya taste it.... it's more watered down than American beer .... but one kind was alright tasting..... seems everyone else thought that too so when you go to order that ok tasting one ... awww it's all sold out.... so ya order a different kind not at all great and weak.... but ya gotta have that beer.... that legal beer

that should be more eye opening to flakes

complaining is ok .....
It is ok - I get it - I would be fucking pissed - I've said that 100 times! It would have fucking sucked. And it REALLY sucks that it happened to all of you. Honestly, it fucking sucks!

But A LOT of the postings here are negative. I get it, there's a lot of negative shit.

But too much negativity, and dwelling too much on the shitty shitty things that have happened, isn't good for anyone. Believe me - I have done that my ENTIRE life. hahaha

Um...do as I say, not as I do? ANywho - bitch away! I don't really mind, I just can't read it all the time is all.

Personal thing.


Well-Known Member
Yessi, with a few years on me I've seen and heard a lot of things. One thing I've learned is that there are few politicians that will sacrifice their career or life to fight for what they believe in. The only exception I can think of is/was Nelson Mandela, RIP to probably the greatest human we'll see in our lifetime.

As much as the liberals give us some hope, it's just that, hope that they'll get in, ideally with a majority, in which case we may see some positive changes to this particular issue. Short of a majority, we'll be disappointed to say the least. And I'm a glass half-full guy, always try and look at things positively. BUT, I'm also a realist and I tend to go with experience and data, both point towards the realist view on this one :(


Well-Known Member
Oh finally! I really haven't heard much on here about tweed. NOT good eh? I was thinking of switching from mine, but I just don't know where to go.
Ever seen the movie "the purge"? If it was a true event I'd be planning a trip to smiths falls to axe them a question. Then I'd head to stayner to have a chat with my buddy mark.

Bunch of clowns.


Well-Known Member
Yessi, with a few years on me I've seen and heard a lot of things. One thing I've learned is that there are few politicians that will sacrifice their career or life to fight for what they believe in. The only exception I can think of is/was Nelson Mandela, RIP to probably the greatest human we'll see in our lifetime.

As much as the liberals give us some hope, it's just that, hope that they'll get in, ideally with a majority, in which case we may see some positive changes to this particular issue. Short of a majority, we'll be disappointed to say the least. And I'm a glass half-full guy, always try and look at things positively. BUT, I'm also a realist and I tend to go with experience and data, both point towards the realist view on this one :(
All I can do - is try as hard as I can. And believing that there is a possibility and believing that there is hope - is the only way I can do it.

That's just me though (winking emoticon).


Well-Known Member
It is ok - I get it - I would be fucking pissed - I've said that 100 times! It would have fucking sucked. And it REALLY sucks that it happened to all of you. Honestly, it fucking sucks!

But A LOT of the postings here are negative. I get it, there's a lot of negative shit.

But too much negativity, and dwelling too much on the shitty shitty things that have happened, isn't good for anyone. Believe me - I have done that my ENTIRE life. hahaha

Um...do as I say, not as I do? ANywho - bitch away! I don't really mind, I just can't read it all the time is all.

Personal thing.
It happened to you too. You lost your rights, not just us.

I'm not negative, but I will not roll over and accept bullshit being rammed down my throat.
Educate everyone on the reality of the situation.
Try to find the path back.


Well-Known Member
Educate everyone on the reality of the situation.
Try to find the path back.

Isn't that what's happening right now?

So - we are all good.

I just said I like my information with a little less "you're dumb for not knowing that" and a little more "let me show you the way young Skywalker".

I'm sure we can find a happy medium!