Well-Known Member
It is a fine ass indeed!! I braved the hypothermic temperature's of Florida to return with it as a gift for my King....Man i love that chick in your sig... Her ass is so sexy...

It is a fine ass indeed!! I braved the hypothermic temperature's of Florida to return with it as a gift for my King....Man i love that chick in your sig... Her ass is so sexy...
I wonder how many American stealth aircraft are suddenly finding themselves in prepared revetments in nearby NATO countries?
I wonder if Mr. Obama has the balls to treat Putin like the common thug he is- and simply call his bluff;
Use a slew of stealth aircraft to destroy vast tracts of Russian armor on both sides of the border... and then claim that it was merely Ukrainian nationals who were making progress in the fight!
Anyone remember the Highway of Death between Kuwait and Baghdad? It left a very strong impression on local politics to this very day- and the Russians deserve their ass kicked as much as Saddam did.
And if we don't, he'll become another Hitler- only this time he'll be healthy, KGB trained and in possession of a large arsenal of nuclear weapons.
Just because it's happening on the other side of the world doesn't mean it doesn't have serious consequences here. Don't believe me? Many of you will read this post by the electricity generated from reprocessed Russian nuclear missiles left over on Ukrainian soil after the Soviet breakup. We bought those missiles and under treaty we converted those megatons into our megawatts. That's the same treaty that currently obliges us to protect them today, by the way.
Only if Obama had a stroke and suddenly began acting like Regan...
Get serious... Obama will dither and talk about sanctions. Russia did a complete end around everyone. Newsflash... He doesnt need the Ukraine, nor the pipelines. He has already made a deal with China to trade the oil and/or gas. He doesnt need Europe. In fact, he is in a position to cut Europe off and sell the product to China.
What that means is that he owns the UN. He has veto power and he has enough economic incentives to sway the european countries to look the other way as it suits them. The Ukraine does not have a NATO membership so technically we are not required to protect them. Obama wont go it alone because he is a giant pussy and Putin knows that. The Chinese know that too. And so do the terrorists, etc. When Eric Holder is busy wasting justice department time looking into overseas beheadings it isnt causing ISIS any lost sleep.
Treaties?? Those can be blah blah'd away if the consequences are not dire.. And even if they are but long term. Putin is gong to get the Ukraine and I am betting China will succeed in it's territorial ambitions as well. ISIS will grow stronger and we may have another 9/11 incident this year. I am more concerned than I have been since 2001.
Only if Obama had a stroke and suddenly began acting like Regan...
Get serious... Obama will dither and talk about sanctions. Russia did a complete end around everyone. Newsflash... He doesnt need the Ukraine, nor the pipelines. He has already made a deal with China to trade the oil and/or gas. He doesnt need Europe. In fact, he is in a position to cut Europe off and sell the product to China.
What that means is that he owns the UN. He has veto power and he has enough economic incentives to sway the european countries to look the other way as it suits them. The Ukraine does not have a NATO membership so technically we are not required to protect them. Obama wont go it alone because he is a giant pussy and Putin knows that. The Chinese know that too. And so do the terrorists, etc. When Eric Holder is busy wasting justice department time looking into overseas beheadings it isnt causing ISIS any lost sleep.
Treaties?? Those can be blah blah'd away if the consequences are not dire.. And even if they are but long term. Putin is gong to get the Ukraine and I am betting China will succeed in it's territorial ambitions as well. ISIS will grow stronger and we may have another 9/11 incident this year. I am more concerned than I have been since 2001.
Only if Obama had a stroke and suddenly began acting like Regan...
Get serious... Obama will dither and talk about sanctions. Russia did a complete end around everyone. Newsflash... He doesnt need the Ukraine, nor the pipelines. He has already made a deal with China to trade the oil and/or gas. He doesnt need Europe. In fact, he is in a position to cut Europe off and sell the product to China.
What that means is that he owns the UN. He has veto power and he has enough economic incentives to sway the european countries to look the other way as it suits them. The Ukraine does not have a NATO membership so technically we are not required to protect them. Obama wont go it alone because he is a giant pussy and Putin knows that. The Chinese know that too. And so do the terrorists, etc. When Eric Holder is busy wasting justice department time looking into overseas beheadings it isnt causing ISIS any lost sleep.
Treaties?? Those can be blah blah'd away if the consequences are not dire.. And even if they are but long term. Putin is gong to get the Ukraine and I am betting China will succeed in it's territorial ambitions as well. ISIS will grow stronger and we may have another 9/11 incident this year. I am more concerned than I have been since 2001.
Wrong. Flat wrong. Ukraine is as much of a tripwire now as Poland was during the Cold War.
Yes, the United States, United Kingdom, Ukraine and Russia are all signatory to the Budapest Memorandum;
In other words, Putin is a thug who is trampling on the treaty written by his predecessor- and if we dither, he just gets bolder.
With nuclear weapons.
Frankly, I think Ukraine should have kept its nuclear force, in top condition- and mentioned to Putin that several dozen are always pointed at him, personally.
We let them twist, and America will have only the international pariah of Israel as a friend. Some friend...
Russia already has nukes.
What I am saying is that Europe cannot be swayed due to it's own economic interests.
Why cant we blame someone other than America for once?
Sanction's? Putin's beatin off to the sound off those sanction's....Obama's not gonna commit troops anywhere American soldier's have been committed to Afghan/Iraq for the last 12/13 Yrs...It would be political suicide for the Democractic party to start another war, the same kind of suicide that Boehner/Cruz have brought on themselves....Realistically there only a handful of European nation's that could Economically withstand a conflict with Russia and would maybe even relish in the jump start that war give's them? But, truth be told lack the armament's and military personal that Russia have. I mean what are these nation's gonna do, take the same citizen's who have never seen gun's and that they have forbid to own them; draft them up with 8 wk BCT(basic combat training) and say here ya go drive those commie bastard's home?Yes, they do- so this needs to be dealt with on THEIR home soil, not some foreign land they think they'll get away with nuking.
Europe is actually taking the lead on this one. Ignore the self righteous spin of our news media, and you'll see America is hand wringing while Europe already has teeth in their sanctions.
No one is blaming America for Russia's invasion of its neighbor- a neighbor it signed a treaty never to attack... with us and the UK.
I still think (I have no knowledge, just an educated guess) that airbases are suddenly busy places in western Europe right now, lots of military personnel disappearing into their bases under media blackout orders.
Yes and No, It's a little harder to hide armored element's in a Desert and you can be assured that a lot of the strike's were painted....Laser Guided....So, before it would become practical you would need to have that technology in the hand's of whatever opposition force, then get them close enough to the column's ...If not Stealth or not the Jet's would have to fly @ a pretty vulnerable altitude.....Plenty vulnerable to the technology Russia's armies posses.Stealth aircraft have changed the game completely since Desert Storm; we would not need or want to put our troops on the ground. Let the Ukrainians handle occupation of their own country, we just provide air support with smart munitions that were specifically built to sniff out and destroy Russian armor.
A couple of 'highway of death' nights and no Russian will want to stand within 20 metres of a Russian armored vehicle, let alone drive one into the fight!
we bomb our own city on 9/11 and allow foreigners to rape us on fake wars and you worry about what Russia is doing on Russia's border? We have crisis actors pretending to commit mass murders to take our guns, to take our constitutional rights, we have police that make the Castapo look like girl scouts and your worried that we should enter into ANOTHER fake war? just go ba ba and lay down little sheeple.. you should not think until you Wake Up.
Yes and No, It's a little harder to hide armored element's in a Desert and you can be assured that a lot of the strike's were painted....Laser Guided....So, before it would become practical you would need to have that technology in the hand's of whatever opposition force, then get them close enough to the column's ...If not Stealth or not the Jet's would have to fly @ a pretty vulnerable altitude.....Plenty vulnerable to the technology Russia's armies posses.
1. Stealth aircraft by their very nature are all but impossible to target, especially with ground based systems.
2. You clearly don't know shit about the military capabilities of either side in this conflict, so kindly stop making assumptions other people might believe.
The USAF is very, very capable of dealing with armored vehicles in the dark, with or without laser spotlighting.
3. A tank that's hiding from air power is a tank that's not in the fight; so that's an acceptable outcome as well.
Not any more, the US will get killed going head to head with Russia.This is the war our military was built to fight, since the days of staring at Soviet T-72 tanks across the Iron curtain.
On the open plains of eastern Europe and western Russia (including much of Ukraine), our military won't have much trouble making tinfoil out of Russian armor.
Ok....LMFAO....I fought in the US Army and am quite aware of it's capabilities to take over Europe if we wanted to.....LOL.....You want a copy of my DD214 to prove it as well? 11B Bang Bang Bang.......I was gonna type up a whole bunch a shit before I figured out it's not worth arguing with somebody that's never had to coordinate a Air strike or call in FA and watch the pure beauty of what happen's when a full battery of Howitzer's Fire for effect and rain's nothing but all mighty American Death down ...It's a beautiful thing.And I thought me and you was gonna get to be buddie's1. Stealth aircraft by their very nature are all but impossible to target, especially with ground based systems.
2. You clearly don't know shit about the military capabilities of either side in this conflict, so kindly stop making assumptions other people might believe.
The USAF is very, very capable of dealing with armored vehicles in the dark, with or without laser spotlighting.
3. A tank that's hiding from air power is a tank that's not in the fight; so that's an acceptable outcome as well.
Which incarnation of stealth are you talking about?