
Yeah, I love the stuff, but they refuse to import it to the US. What's worse, Republic Tobacco of America has taken over the name anj makes garbage. Even worse is that they make the package look exactly the same in the hopes of fooling folks into buying it. That's all I smoked when I lived in France, but I can't get it here unless a friend flies internationally and picks some up for me.

The way I found drum was in these magazine adds saying to send in for free pack..I sent in about a dozen and got it all free.....

twisty you gotta watch those train conductors, they are a crooked bunch lol. on my last grow i had a dream that my wife harvested all my plants like 4 weeks too early. in the dream the cut down buds were hanging all over the place with company over. i was so pissed and kept saying they werent fucking readyyyyy!!!

Waking up with a woody is better then a coronary.......

rolling your own cigarettes is for poor people and prisoners

Hey 40...your point is ...... :):):)

You Do?????????

Here ya go ,, Balls ,,,,, Meet Stoney,,, Stoney Meet my balls ,,, While your there you might as well Say Hi to the one eyed monster ... :hump:
Rep for loving balls

Are you showing peeps your trouser snake again..........

i'm down with a rolled cigaweed. tobacco is foul.


Hi Dank...long time no read........
i just got stung in the foot by a wasp while mowing the grass half an hour ago.
never doin it barefoot again.
it hurt instantly. then was numb/painful/sesitive.
i ran it under super hot water and now it doesnt hurt at all.
water, is there anything it cant do....
i just got stung in the foot by a wasp while mowing the grass half an hour ago.
never doin it barefoot again.
it hurt instantly. then was numb/painful/sesitive.
i ran it under super hot water and now it doesnt hurt at all.
water, is there anything it cant do....

That sucks Alx. You mow the lawn in your barefeet? Are you nuts? :mrgreen::peace:
I used to smoke Cannabis Free, but they smell more like weed than weed does. I used to keep the case and roll up joints with cigarette filters. I would smoke in bars and when the bouncer came over I just pointed at the pack. Worked every time.
I used to smoke Cannabis Free, but they smell more like weed than weed does. I used to keep the case and roll up joints with cigarette filters. I would smoke in bars and when the bouncer came over I just pointed at the pack. Worked every time.

that's awesome. i often roll weak spliffs and smoke them outside bars. not that people around here would give a shit if it was smoking joints, but ...
I'm sitting on my front porch stoned and watching an awesome storm blow in. I have a Martini beside me as well. Life is good. It is now starting to hale...and I just got a little Martini down the wrong pipe which is causing quite a hacker of a cough, but I'm okay.
we had a helluva storm this morning...wind gusts in some places up to 160, I heard.
I'm sitting on my front porch stoned and watching an awesome storm blow in. I have a Martini beside me as well. Life is good. It is now starting to hale...and I just got a little Martini down the wrong pipe which is causing quite a hacker of a cough, but I'm okay.
Update- It is raining hard with pretty severe winds. I expect that my old lady will be down soon to ask if she needs to worry. I will tell her no, but in reality I'm not sure as I'm on this website instead of the weather.