
Well-Known Member
my wife vacuumed half the floor. she says the vacuum cleaner blew up but it's still sitting right here. at least she got the area i sit in first. :)


Well-Known Member
OMG It freaked me out in the best way when I was a kid. Great book. Personally, I think The Stand is just brilliant. Eye of the Dragon was one of my favorites too.
Thats it..THE STAND..I forgot the name...thats my 2nd fav. King book.......


Well-Known Member
i'm smoking nothing. Possibility of a fucking UA coming up. all this homegrown and nothing to do with it ... the worst part is not even knowing if I'm going to have one or not.


Well-Known Member
I was watching a tobacco commercial and it just like really struck me how unfair it is. Marijuana is illegal, but cigarettes, which will kill you, are perfectly legal. No one's ever died from smoking marijuana.

I bet if marijuana was legal like cigarettes, cigarettes sales would go way down. Maybe old smokers would keep smoking, but new smokers would choose pot over cigarettes, I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
store-rolled cigarettes and domestic tobacco is all shit. i roll my own every once in a while with amsterdam's finest schwag ... and i exclusively smoke spliffs of it. all the difference in the world and none of the chemicals.