Shit fdd, you just blew my mind...Thats Benny Hinn..Years ago a friend (who found God) asked me to go see that dude with him, so I did...I don't buy into religionor that cultish sort of stuff....So after the meal Benny starts his "routine"...At the end my friend asked me to go up for the blessing with him... I'm not religious at ALL, but I went up with him....As we're standing there I'm looking around and people are passing out, screaming and all kinds of bizarre shit....So when we get close I see Benny staring at me........ WTF..... So when we reach him he turns to me and says.. "you don't believe do you".... "no I said, not in the least", so he puts his hand on my head and starts the prayer/chant??....
Fuck, I wake up in 2 guys arms..I passed out or some shit...3 times he did it..I got up and said..this ain't religion..this is hypnotism or some sort of shit and I got the fuck out of there... That was VERY strange... Plus after that, I wake up one morning and he's splashing Holy water on me..... "get the fuck out dude" I told him and never spoke to him again.......... actually passed out? That's kind of scary. I'm Catholic, but I...I dunno, I'm not exactly Catholic I guess, cuz there's a lot of stuff I don't believe and don't agree with. I guess I should just say I was RAISED Catholic.

And yeah, those shows, people passing out and feeling the spirit and what not, creep me out.

My son on the PS3:hump:

AWWWWW! I just want to :hug: him, he's so cute! Is he any good on PS3?
*stunned at being on the receiving end of the tackle* lol

It was a pretty busy Saturday. Was out with my best friend from 9am to 11:30 pm. I got my haircut, met up with the guys and did some wedding stuff, went to eat, went to see the Dark Knight....

My weekend is wearing me out.
*stunned at being on the receiving end of the tackle* lol

It was a pretty busy Saturday. Was out with my best friend from 9am to 11:30 pm. I got my haircut, met up with the guys and did some wedding stuff, went to eat, went to see the Dark Knight....

My weekend is wearing me out.

Funny shit, as I am reading this, the bubble popped up letting me know "The Dark Knight has finished downloading", lol:mrgreen::peace:
Fuck YEAH! I love Stephen King, and I LOVED the Dark Tower series, seeing all the links to his other works. Or reading his other works and seeing their references to Roland.

If you ever look at my profile, check out my occupation, lol.
Fuck YEAH! I love Stephen King, and I LOVED the Dark Tower series, seeing all the links to his other works. Or reading his other works and seeing their references to Roland.

If you ever look at my profile, check out my occupation, lol.

I got impatient waiting for the Wizard and the Glass or whatever it's called ... I've been waiting to just start them all over. Is the series complete now?

When I was younger I read all the King I could get my hands on, but I really didn't care for Rose Madder and whatever that one is where the chick gets stuck in her cabin and has to cut her hand off or something... so I stopped reading him.
Yeah, I don't read everything by him, but I've tried to read everything related to the Dark Tower. YES, the series is complete. Some people hate the way it ended, personally I liked it. The hardest book for me was the very first one, that was some slow reading. After that I flew through the rest.

Wizard and the Glass....that's the one where you find out about Roland's past. AWESOME, seriously. But I loved all the books. Such a great series. I think I'm going to get it to listen to at work now... actually passed out? That's kind of scary. I'm Catholic, but I...I dunno, I'm not exactly Catholic I guess, cuz there's a lot of stuff I don't believe and don't agree with. I guess I should just say I was RAISED Catholic.

And yeah, those shows, people passing out and feeling the spirit and what not, creep me out.

AWWWWW! I just want to :hug: him, he's so cute! Is he any good on PS3?

Not a word of whats worse is it was the morning...If it had happened after smoking I might be able to put some logic to it...but alas, I've no rhyme or reason....

Fuck YEAH! I love Stephen King, and I LOVED the Dark Tower series, seeing all the links to his other works. Or reading his other works and seeing their references to Roland.

If you ever look at my profile, check out my occupation, lol.

It & Talisman.......... fuck it was creepy, plus the movie was good...Kings ability to describe the actions of kids always amazed me.. He really is the freak merchant........
I got impatient waiting for the Wizard and the Glass or whatever it's called ... I've been waiting to just start them all over. Is the series complete now?

When I was younger I read all the King I could get my hands on, but I really didn't care for Rose Madder and whatever that one is where the chick gets stuck in her cabin and has to cut her hand off or something... so I stopped reading him.

There was wizard and glass, then song of susanna. I think thats the last of the series, but i havent been keeping up too much. Just ma 2 cents...:peace::blsmoke:
Not a word of whats worse is it was the morning...If it had happened after smoking I might be able to put some logic to it...but alas, I've no rhyme or reason....

It & Talisman.......... fuck it was creepy, plus the movie was good...Kings ability to describe the actions of kids always amazed me.. He really is the freak merchant........

OMG It freaked me out in the best way when I was a kid. Great book. Personally, I think The Stand is just brilliant. Eye of the Dragon was one of my favorites too.
Not a word of whats worse is it was the morning...If it had happened after smoking I might be able to put some logic to it...but alas, I've no rhyme or reason....

It & Talisman.......... fuck it was creepy, plus the movie was good...Kings ability to describe the actions of kids always amazed me.. He really is the freak merchant........

I LOVED IT! I read it in high school and it scared the shit out of me. I reread it in college and did one of my best papers on that book.

There was wizard and glass, then song of susanna. I think thats the last of the series, but i havent been keeping up too much. Just ma 2 cents...:peace::blsmoke:

Song of Susannah was the second to last book. The Dark Tower is the last book.

OMG It freaked me out in the best way when I was a kid. Great book. Personally, I think The Stand is just brilliant. Eye of the Dragon was one of my favorites too.

The Stand was awesome too. Randall Flagg