Female ? from dumb male


Well-Known Member

ok i know this lady ............i been talking with her and hooking her and ppl at her work up with free stuff now and then .....moonshine for some .......cookies for others (the good kind with 58 grams to 1 lb of butter)

ok we known each other for about 3 years from this last few months she has been calling me up and asking me to stop by sometimes to ask me about stuff sometimes to just bullshit

well this afternoon she calls me and ask me to come over ..........she wanted some smoke for other ppl and her father .........so we end up bullshitting talking like normal

she askes me if i like porn ............i told her the truth .........i am male what is there not to like about porn.....so talk about that and tells me she is a kink likes the freaky stuff

now the ? is this a sign she wants me to ask her out ....................i been good about doing this since she works in the postoffice and runs checks on my name for me once a month to see if i am under investagation with me getting seeds every 3 to 4 months

so females .............can u tell me so i do not make a fool out of self or lose the help to keep my ass covered
males...........i know your answer tag it bag it and do it untill she saids no more sleep now


Well-Known Member
hmm, sounds like you good to go, although the 3 year thing is a bit of a worry
why has it taken her so long
why has it taken you so long


Well-Known Member
hmm, sounds like you good to go, although the 3 year thing is a bit of a worry
why has it taken her so long
why has it taken you so long
i am not sure why her ( only thing i can come up with is my charm won over my looks ........i am not a pretty boy by any means scars and a thyroid thing so i am overweight with dark circles around my eyes )

as for me ...........i did not want to lose the friend or her checking the mail for me


Well-Known Member
she is talking to me now

has a bf but looks like she hate living with him want to be at work more then home
Ok, so she wants to play on the side. If she's waited 3 years and you don't want to mess up your post office gig, then I'd:

1. wait until she drops another rather obvious hint then just be direct and tell her: "it sounds too interesting to pass up, wanna go out sometime?"

2. drop a couple flirty lines of your own ad see how she responds.

Not sure how old you are, but some women love to play games. Especially when they are bored w/ their current man. They don't reallllly have the guts to leave him so they flirt. Best to be direct (can be in a nice or funny way) with her.


Well-Known Member
seems like she does not like you that way or she would of been watching porn with you 3 years ago
her b/f is not giving her any attention,
maybe she feels like she not got it any more, turns to you for reassurance
who knows
i do my best not to try to fathom the inner working of a woman's mind because they're all insane
its possible you might get a sympathy fuck, catch her at the right moment before she changes her mind again

tell her fat dudes are good at eating things
i think she is using you dude, if you ok with that and you get some pussy i guess its ok listening to her ramblings
but for 3 years i dunno, that's a mighty long time


Well-Known Member
lmao bro you're getting played for free shit....how is this not painfully obvious.

smh some people hahaha


Well-Known Member
i do my best not to try to fathom the inner working of a woman's mind because they're all insane
LOL! skunkdoc! I'm cray cray with the best of them!

tell her fat dudes are good at eating things
You are ruthless man! :clap: That's wickedly funny.

But seriously just ugh, listen to him. It is sort of weird that this has been going on for 3 years. But maybe only recently she's felt the need for attention...


Well-Known Member
Ok, so she wants to play on the side. If she's waited 3 years and you don't want to mess up your post office gig, then I'd:

1. wait until she drops another rather obvious hint then just be direct and tell her: "it sounds too interesting to pass up, wanna go out sometime?"

2. drop a couple flirty lines of your own ad see how she responds.

Not sure how old you are, but some women love to play games. Especially when they are bored w/ their current man. They don't reallllly have the guts to leave him so they flirt. Best to be direct (can be in a nice or funny way) with her.
well i got the story .............off and on thing they have a kid but this time it is not working she hates it and is going on auto pilot while at home ..........from the sound of it she wants to move out to a new place just herself and kid

BTW, can I have a cookie?
i will not mail those if u like to come by and grab some that is cool .............i always enjoy getting random ppl high it is good karma for me

seems like she does not like you that way or she would of been watching porn with you 3 years ago
her b/f is not giving her any attention,
maybe she feels like she not got it any more, turns to you for reassurance
who knows
i do my best not to try to fathom the inner working of a woman's mind because they're all insane
its possible you might get a sympathy fuck, catch her at the right moment before she changes her mind again

tell her fat dudes are good at eating things
i think she is using you dude, if you ok with that and you get some pussy i guess its ok listening to her ramblings
but for 3 years i dunno, that's a mighty long time

true dat ...................ok play it as fuck buddies if she wants it then


Well-Known Member
well i got the story .............off and on thing they have a kid but this time it is not working she hates it and is going on auto pilot while at home ..........from the sound of it she wants to move out to a new place just herself and kid

i will not mail those if u like to come by and grab some that is cool .............i always enjoy getting random ppl high it is good karma for me

true dat ...................ok play it as fuck buddies if she wants it then

Dude, then def. leave her be. sounds wacko. Now Skunkdoc will chime in and tell you that crazy chicks are the best in bed….Go find someone with less baggage and stop letting her use you.


Well-Known Member
Dude, then def. leave her be. sounds wacko. Now Skunkdoc will chime in and tell you that crazy chicks are the best in bed….Go find someone with less baggage and stop letting her use you.
well 35 is my age so every female comes with baggage from a asshole guy .................i am not a cradle robber

so the lady is telling me just stay friends ................guys got to go with the lady she understand the female mind better then us

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member

ok i know this lady ............i been talking with her and hooking her and ppl at her work up with free stuff now and then .....moonshine for some .......cookies for others (the good kind with 58 grams to 1 lb of butter)

ok we known each other for about 3 years from this last few months she has been calling me up and asking me to stop by sometimes to ask me about stuff sometimes to just bullshit

well this afternoon she calls me and ask me to come over ..........she wanted some smoke for other ppl and her father .........so we end up bullshitting talking like normal

she askes me if i like porn ............i told her the truth .........i am male what is there not to like about porn.....so talk about that and tells me she is a kink likes the freaky stuff

now the ? is this a sign she wants me to ask her out ....................i been good about doing this since she works in the postoffice and runs checks on my name for me once a month to see if i am under investagation with me getting seeds every 3 to 4 months

so females .............can u tell me so i do not make a fool out of self or lose the help to keep my ass covered
males...........i know your answer tag it bag it and do it untill she saids no more sleep now
She wanted to such your dick!! Missed opportunities suck!


Well-Known Member
She wanted to such your dick!! Missed opportunities suck!
nothing missed

she wants to hang out ...........so i offered to come down to ren fair with me and my ppl for a day of fun .......can bring the kiddies (i am just trying to be a nice guy like i was taught to be ) if i get something out of it ...bonus if not then atleast i helped her destress and the kiddies had a good time


Well-Known Member
nothing missed

she wants to hang out ...........so i offered to come down to ren fair with me and my ppl for a day of fun .......can bring the kiddies (i am just trying to be a nice guy like i was taught to be ) if i get something out of it ...bonus if not then atleast i helped her destress and the kiddies had a good time
Okay, so if you are truly as nice guy as that post then lock up your canna cookies. Srsly, dude, you sound like a sweet person. Women can be f'd up in their relationships, stressed with a kid, a man they don't love and they feel trapped. Want some excitement. By the time she's reconciled with her man or moved on, you won't even know what hit you.

When she mentions porn again, turn turn the tables and ask her why she's so interested? Make her a bit uncomfortable at her own game. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
nothing missed

she wants to hang out ...........so i offered to come down to ren fair with me and my ppl for a day of fun .......can bring the kiddies (i am just trying to be a nice guy like i was taught to be ) if i get something out of it ...bonus if not then atleast i helped her destress and the kiddies had a good time

Thats how I whould play it

Except im still young so there wouldn't be any kids involved lol

Although I think I have a kid

But anyways if she's cray cray then avoid that shit ive dated a few crazy bitchies and there attracted to us fat dudes lol

I had one that thought that we were gonna marry after she fucked me lol I felt bad but I still loved her

When I went out on deals with my friend I whould tell her that I was gonna go with my friend ill call u tomorrow

Well I whould be trying to act all intimidating and shit then I whould get like 50 texts

"Where are you "

" r u okay babe??? "

"Why haven't you called me "

And i just told her what I was doing when I was at her house and it was no shit a hour after that and she texts me like 50 times

And at school she whould legit stalk me

At first I thought it was cute

Then she whould leave her fucking class like 10mins before the bell rang just so she chould see if I was with another chick in class and it got creepy

And I had to take care of like 4 people's weed needs a day and I didn't want her to know about it lol

So it was just a fucking mess

And I still feel bad

I mean no chick should feel paranoid over me cuz im really ugly

And fat lol I was and still am like 260 and 5'11 so I was pretty fat lol

Most chicks fucked me for weed or zanny

Its a terrible feeling being used by some druggie bitch


Well-Known Member
I hate being stalked before the bell rings.

Ik man especially at elementary school

I mean it was the 3rd grade so idk why she was acting so immature

Now im in 5th grade and I barely see her

Maybe im too busy picking boogers idk

Lol jk highschool fucked up my life if you looked at it as a normal person

I mean I got arrested I dealed the marijuanas

I got in alot of fights

Lol but if you look at it in my perspective it was fucking amazing a time were I was in between freedom over my life but still had to go home to a mom lol

It was a time were I learned about the good and bad in society

And ik how to stay away from people who are bringing you down and to make a stand for myself

And idk why I just talked about my high school experience but I already typed it and im too lazy to delete the shit lol