Help! Swollen Catlyx or Hermie?


Well-Known Member
sorry to say man
hermie :(

full blown balls, might even be a male with pistils.
junk regardless :(



Never mind. Part of the learning curve I suppose. Would it be worthwhile putting it into quarantine on it's own?



Well-Known Member
I agree with kDude :( sorry man, but I think thats a ladyboy. Is it on all the branches/nodes? Or just that one?


There are a few but not all the branches. I thought it may be swollen catlyx because there are other areas where pistils have sprouted from similar growths.



Well-Known Member
you can see quite a few balls..
no reason to quarantine.. kill it. you're new, so i doubt breeding would be wise (especially with a plant showing both sexes anyway ;)) so it really serves no purpose for you.

it's not your only plant, is it?


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, thats one to chop for sure. Was going to say, if its just a few balls you could try pruning and watch it from there. Probably not worth your time at all with this one.


Another newbie question...

I don't want to storm in and rip it out while my light is off. Will it be ok to leave it there till my lights come on?



Well-Known Member
If you can isolate it from the other plants why would you kill it? Could it not still produce some ok smoke? I agree that it's a bad ideal to use the seeds just curious why the need to kill it if it wont effect the other plants?


If you can isolate it from the other plants why would you kill it? Could it not still produce some ok smoke?
This was what I was thinking but like I say, I'm a newbie. So not sure how that works exactly.

I'm sticking with cat-lyx now! Haha.

Once again folks. Cheers for the help.


Well-Known Member
That plant probably wouldnt make any good smoke. Male parts use up a lot of the energy making pollen, and if they use that pollen your bud sites will fill up with seeds. Also, if what I read is right, a hermied plant will make seeds that have a higher chance to make hermie plants. So really, theres no reason to keep it around.

Guess you could always try using whatever product you get from it to make butter or hash? Still not sure if it would come out good though. probably subpar.