The Drunk Thread!

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
got any vids of your drumming? post em up if so. Like the songs.
oh and BTW I was dancing round the room somewhat head banging to that stuff. Damn near danced with the dog.. Not trying to be judgeful or whatever just PM me some shit. Whatever I'm out bud. (ps) getting pretty drunk, take what I say with a grain a salt)


Well-Known Member

Fuck you tequila. You are destroying my life.
I drank sik tequila tonight it tasted loke whiskey but better kinda i love ou guys especially you pinny and singel male ang yessica and growan and outdoorsman sn garen boss adn sunshine and dyna ruda what does that even mean and sunni dont quit I love you and skux asnd fuck 29 palms and Ty ur almos t kule and hooka and sativad and abe and bigsby and buck and strax aand fuking erybod y buit okalltight i hate that guy Fuckin doosh


Well-Known Member
I drank sik tequila tonight it tasted loke whiskey but better kinda i love ou guys especially you pinny and singel male ang yessica and growan and outdoorsman sn garen boss adn sunshine and dyna ruda what does that even mean and sunni dont quit I love you and skux asnd fuck 29 palms and Ty ur almos t kule and hooka and sativad and abe and bigsby and buck and strax aand fuking erybod y buit okalltight i hate that guy Fuckin doosh
I lubs yew Mr Ching. its moments like these that make me realize that life ain't so fucking bad. we should all be happy with what he have. because we have more than most. wherther or not what people say, we are the best people.


Well-Known Member
am I evil for telling the coke dealer his blow and hard have been getting pretty laughable?

then telling him you need to go back to your old business stlyle of good blow for rocking, like fuck I smoke a 20 rock and fall asleep.

I may have been in the wrong telling him who in the neighborhood I ain't in has been giving me this info also that his trap house owner is taking fronts and spending money else where, but fuck I got some free and he needs to know his quality been slipping since he got out the joint.

drunken ramble. fuck This guy used to have the best of the best now I am a sad panda \.

also beefing with me for selling lsd and m and rc's to his custies. like fuck diff drugs nigga get on yo game, I use my profits for you and my h dealer fuck off bitch


Well-Known Member
I have been smoking hash all night mixed with cocaine and something else

love is in the air, its eitehr that girl girving me a sexy look in an alley or maybe im still at home.

naaaaw im still still sitting here got a rancid album, goin full blast and finished so much liqour an dcoaine my body should syay no but my mind syay haaaaylo

last line last 5 shotrs i swear


Well-Known Member
worst thing i promised my mother i would take her for breakfast this mornign at the other side of my city!

she don't want someone tripping on lsd and blasting on coke to drive her so well i guesss mommy gets that transit way, i will eat a nice salad feuit style cuz i gangsta.

i am so sad i shouldn't be blasted and wicked high at this time.

guesss nigga updated his blow cuz im in a snowstorm. time to go pimp out my video games!