Why Do White People Smile In Pictures?


Well-Known Member
I do not mean this offensively, and I am Hispanic-white (my mom had us take fake pictures with smiles and stuff since we were little), I am not like "calling out white people".

But I think smiling is predatory, we think of it as "happy", but other animals that "smile" do so for purposes that have to do with their teeth and their ability to catch prey.

So whether we realize it or not, when we smile for a picture, we are basically saying "Look at what a predator I am". Other people smile too, but I want to point out something.

Indians didn't smile

And in the early 1900s, Marcus Garvey taught his people that being silent and strong gives off a stronger aura to the White Christian Power structure. So smiling may be predatory, but it is not necessarily strong.



Nation of Islam



Well-Known Member
Whites are more likely to:
have a better income,
have higher education (2nd to asains that is)
come from wealth,

And they are the majority populus of the most 'powerful' country in the world. Plus if they have enough income/wealth they're able to ignore laws (even murder lol) and control political puppets.

Wouldn't you be smiling : ) ?

I'm not white, but I came from a decent background, and love math and science. Its kind of painful watching Biff and Chad rake in 6 figures from their fathers companies (AFTER flunking out undergrad) while I'm working 2 IT jobs and tutoring to scrape by.

This can ONLY happen to whites. It does NOT mean that there aren't whites wayyyyy worse off than me. In highschool I ONLY hung out with white kids who lived in tailer parks. Realest group of friends I ever had. Its the rich whites giving off thr bad rep. Same thing with poor blacks. People see all whites as rich-douche types and all blacks as poor thugs-types


Well-Known Member
I do not mean this offensively, and I am Hispanic-white (my mom had us take fake pictures with smiles and stuff since we were little), I am not like "calling out white people".

But I think smiling is predatory, we think of it as "happy", but other animals that "smile" do so for purposes that have to do with their teeth and their ability to catch prey.

So whether we realize it or not, when we smile for a picture, we are basically saying "Look at what a predator I am". Other people smile too, but I want to point out something.

Indians didn't smile

And in the early 1900s, Marcus Garvey taught his people that being silent and strong gives off a stronger aura to the White Christian Power structure. So smiling may be predatory, but it is not necessarily strong.



Nation of Islam


because there happy in the knowledge your gonna be hung for this thread,,,ha ;)

i coudn't think like this ^^^if i tryed lol


Well-Known Member
Would you like to be remembered as

Or as
I mean, they are just against a brick wall. If you had them in a tobacco field, or with horses, a lot of people would say they would rather be the one on the bottom when they are young and the one on top when they are old.

I really think we are entering a misguided time in human history though. That bottom picture is predatory, and we don't realize it. And it shows us nothing about those people, pictures are supposed to tell stories.


Well-Known Member
Maybe if humans fought with their mouths as animals do, but we dont. We use our hands and feet
That is not even thought out.

Wolves bar their teeth BEFORE they fight.
Lions growl and bar their teeth BEFORE they fight.
Tigers and Bears? Oh My!


Well-Known Member
That is not even thought out.

Wolves bar their teeth BEFORE they fight.
Lions growl and bar their teeth BEFORE they fight.
Tigers and Bears? Oh My!
It actually is. I think you didn't think it out. Humans make their hands into fists and get in a fighting stance BEFORE we fight. We don't bare our teeth and growl.


Well-Known Member
Most of these aren't THAT old
Those that aren't are photos of specific situations where it's inappropriate to smile...

It has nothing to do with predators... people starting smiling on pictures when cameras became widely available for everyone, like people going on holidays and other happy events they want to remember. Before that it was more like having a portrait painted, on which it was inappropriate to smile as well. There are simple logical explanations that make sense... your nonsense as usually is just that, nonsense.