Why Do White People Smile In Pictures?


Well-Known Member
Its unfortunate as it is a great way to get teeth knocked out.
bite down hard
So there is NO middle ground between smiling, and putting your teeth in someone's face?

I can't even believe how you guys.

And AGAIN. Cross species battle. Consider it FIRST. If you want to not get eaten by a BEAR (not a person) you have to show your teeth and huff and puff air.
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Well-Known Member
So there is NO middle ground between smiling, and putting your teeth in someone's face?

I can't even believe how you guys are.

And AGAIN. Cross species battle. Consider it FIRST. If you want to not get eaten by a BEAR (not a person) you have to show your teeth and huff and puff air.
Please dont call names shag.
It is very hurtful.
I was trying to be a friend to you.
Now im confused about us.
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Well-Known Member
Do we at least agree that smiling is a friendly form of non-verbal communication? Why would you not want to look friendly or happy in a photo? Unless the purpose of the photo was to intimidate or "look tough", I think it's obvious why most people smile in photos (not just white people).


Well-Known Member
I do not mean this offensively, and I am Hispanic-white (my mom had us take fake pictures with smiles and stuff since we were little), I am not like "calling out white people".

But I think smiling is predatory, we think of it as "happy", but other animals that "smile" do so for purposes that have to do with their teeth and their ability to catch prey.

So whether we realize it or not, when we smile for a picture, we are basically saying "Look at what a predator I am". Other people smile too, but I want to point out something.

Indians didn't smile

And in the early 1900s, Marcus Garvey taught his people that being silent and strong gives off a stronger aura to the White Christian Power structure. So smiling may be predatory, but it is not necessarily strong.



Nation of Islam

My grandmother was 100% native American and was almost always smiling, so Indians do smile. You show pictures of unhappy people protesting and think that represents everyone of that group. Ask anyone of any ethnic group to show you pictures of their family, and nearly everyone of them will be smiling.


Well-Known Member
I mean, they are just against a brick wall. If you had them in a tobacco field, or with horses, a lot of people would say they would rather be the one on the bottom when they are young and the one on top when they are old.

I really think we are entering a misguided time in human history though. That bottom picture is predatory, and we don't realize it. And it shows us nothing about those people, pictures are supposed to tell stories.
It's just a God damn picture. Not a book.


Well-Known Member
In the early days of photography, no one smiled hence why your photos are all pointless.

I'm white and pictures of my ancestors from the late 1800s did not smile in their pictures.

People in general didn't smile in pictures for quite awhile

And you can't say only white people smile in pictures look at Michelle Obama ;)


Well-Known Member
Finn, ever hear of "Bang the fat chick"? It's an initiation task to get into a frat. You are Ty's fat chick
bahahahahah = my HORRIBLE roommate in Uni when I was 20 was the fat-chick a dude banged to get into his frat.

She totes deserved it - total CUNT.