Why do people buy the idea that enemies can be bombed into submission?


Well-Known Member

Wymin are only in the cross-hairs of rascally, geriatric, white, sexist Republicans.

Once the white geezers attain control of the Senate this November, open season on Wymin truly commences.

Wymin are seriously doomed after a Republican takes over the oval office in '16.

Oh noo.


Well-Known Member
pubs are just afraid that women will prove even more ruthless than they are
Men have an amazing capacity for brutality that women can't even imagine tho.

I think we'd win in the "sex war" by just kicking them in the teeth, just saying...

(We've Padawanbater to rape the shit out of any who prove strong too, so we're good)


Well-Known Member
Men have an amazing capacity for brutality that women can't even imagine tho.

I think we'd win in the "sex war" by just kicking them in the teeth, just saying...

(We've Padawanbater to rape the shit out of any who prove strong too, so we're good)
IMO women are just as capable of brutality and chauvinism, in fact, I think it's rather sexist to disagree.


Well-Known Member
IMO women are just as capable of brutality and chauvinism, in fact, I think it's rather sexist to disagree.
No but seriously, if a man were to imagine he were fighting a man when he was fighting a woman...women wouldn't have a fucking chance.

Why do you think there's laws against us hitting them? They're just not built for it.

We protect them, they contain our mannish bullshit, generally speaking its a symbiotic relationship.

However we can recognise rationally the differences between the sexes and still treat everyone equally as individuals.


Well-Known Member
No but seriously, if a man were to imagine he were fighting a man when he was fighting a woman...women wouldn't have a fucking chance.

Why do you think there's laws against us hitting them? They're just not built for it.

We protect them, they contain our mannish bullshit, generally speaking its a symbiotic relationship.

However we can recognise rationally the differences between the sexes and still treat everyone equally as individuals.
and imagine if said man were going easy on a girl and got his ass kicked for it


Well-Known Member
This goes all the way back to ancient times, the general idea being that you can defeat an enemy by killing him. I certainly agree, you can kill a person who holds the ideals and beliefs of your enemy, but the enemy still persists. Why? Because you can't kill an idea with military force, no matter how strong it is.

This is something I feel doesn't compute to most Americans. Most humans are emotional creatures, most of us base most of our decisions on emotion; what we feel is "right" at the time. The people demanding action in Syria over James Foley's murder is a good example. Same thing with Daniel Pearl.. People act mostly out of instinct, in the moment, and governments rely on this to push agendas.

So what happens if you kill every single member of the IS? They have families, loved ones, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, fathers, mothers.. what happens to them? What happens to the sons who lose their fathers?

They become terrorists. We create them, through our offensive actions.

Bottom line; you can't defeat the IS, or any enemy, by military might.

No matter how big the force, the ideal will persist.

So this is the purpose of the thread; What do we gain by fighting the IS?
Dead enemies don't have ideas. "What happens to the sons who lose their fathers?" We kill them, too. You don't seem to understand how "war" works.


Well-Known Member
and imagine if said man were going easy on a girl and got his ass kicked for it
In a life or death situation, neither side would be going easy on the other.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, Padawan would use them to lure desperate people into his rape-van.


Well-Known Member
Dead enemies don't have ideas. "What happens to the sons who lose their fathers?" We kill them, too. You don't seem to understand how "war" works.
That's perpetual war. War is what took place in WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korea. We didn't occupy those countries after the fact in a large scale combat role like we do in the Middle East. We didn't give any of those previous enemies reason to become radicalized.

Perpetual wars bankrupt countries, and since no enemy in the world can defeat the American armed forces and the coalition that comes with it, that's the strategy they use, and you are falling for it hook, line and sinker.

US debt is at nearly $18 Trillion, no country in history has come back from more than $10 Trillion.


So let me ask you a legitimate question, do you really think we can afford the strategy of perpetual war?


Well-Known Member
Blow them all to hell and back- J. Wayne
I understand the sentiment, but we have to realize the strategy of fighting fire with fire is what they want us to do. We have to be smart about the way we fight terrorism or we will spend ourselves into oblivion, just like the USSR did.