Getting to perpetual...journal


Well-Known Member
mate i wouldnt wana go near that thing bein human... lol
its scary lookin!! looks like it would wana eat me


Well-Known Member
I think they may bite...but hell...I used to own a gila monster. I trapped him in the desert....let him go after about six months though...too fuckin dangerous with drunk people around him.


Well-Known Member
I think they may bite...but hell...I used to own a gila monster. I trapped him in the desert....let him go after about six months though...too fuckin dangerous with drunk people around him.
you trapped him in the desert lol.... where the hell do you live in the sahara lmao
i swear shit i used to live there in egypt it was fukn shit neva again... lol two years of my life wasted...


Well-Known Member
cool sounds nice i havent a clue where that is but one day im sure i will see it on a holiday programe or summin n then i can think oh yea i know a guy who grows weed there lmao:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
oh i see now in america lol i used to live there to..sort of more south america in columbia barrenqueya.. it was a shit hole lol people gettin fuckin shot n shit just outside my gaff man what a fuckin place lol stayed there for about a year then come home man fukn people dyin all over the place there was lol fuck that!!!


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha...I cant find his sneaky ass again...hmm. so columbia huh...yeah....fuck thanks. my old man lives in panama and its calm for him but not in crazy man...good choice to move.
and satman you are funny...lmao...since I named him he-mantis...I was thinking I need to find him a skelewhore...ha...I am baked....just smoked the first bowl of the shit I chopped the other's spicy!



Well-Known Member
lol tell me bout it!! it wasnt a good place to live man..
n he-man aint gona be found he hunting lol

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
lol....too funny...and rub it in why some trim off the avatar will be better when its finished and cured,but she is gonna live up to her smell....I just hope the clones take,no more seed of her...I may try to reveg her,just for clones,or seed if I come across the right male.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha...I cant find his sneaky ass again...hmm. so columbia huh...yeah....fuck thanks. my old man lives in panama and its calm for him but not in crazy man...good choice to move.
and satman you are funny...lmao...since I named him he-mantis...I was thinking I need to find him a skelewhore...ha...I am baked....just smoked the first bowl of the shit I chopped the other's spicy!
Congrat's On A Nice Ass Harvest, Those Look To Be Danky!!!!,,,,,,,,,Happy Smoke'n:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
sup honkey bro i jus found out that i could go buy one of them things in my pet shop but the one i seen looks alot bigger.... wtf man i dont want one anymore....lmao you're nuts:-|

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
hey cyrus,mr man tis,is the wolf of the insect world,mites,aphids,he don't care....very valuable assett to any grow room.....I am


Well-Known Member
here are some pics of the harvest a few days ago...I put it in a jar today....havent weighed it yet...not till it's cured. but her it is next to a budweiser can so you can get some perspective on how much I got.....I was surprised once it was in a jar. smells like fresh cut red apples....should be interesting.



Well-Known Member
so my buddy I got the clones from is growing outside...his plant is about seven feet is a great big sativa...anyway...he called me today and wants to chop the top off. I am getting the top of it. so I am gonna have a shit ton of clones...the same ones I have now....yay yuh:mrgreen: