you trapped him in the desert lol.... where the hell do you live in the sahara lmaoI think they may bite...but hell...I used to own a gila monster. I trapped him in the desert....let him go after about six months though...too fuckin dangerous with drunk people around him.
Congrat's On A Nice Ass Harvest, Those Look To Be Danky!!!!,,,,,,,,,Happy Smoke'nha ha ha...I cant find his sneaky ass again...hmm. so columbia huh...yeah....fuck thanks. my old man lives in panama and its calm for him but not in crazy man...good choice to move.
and satman you are funny...lmao...since I named him he-mantis...I was thinking I need to find him a skelewhore...ha...I am baked....just smoked the first bowl of the shit I chopped the other's spicy!