there special light filters.what are they........the best guess i got is light filter like they use on stages or effects lighting
no these are no good not unless u have the light want to slide it in and turn on ....
suck dick working.maiiinnneeeyyyyyyy come out n playyy
there special light filters.
you use the right one in kelvin to match your bulb's kelvin, and you can change your bulbs hue to any color. Idk
you don't need a slide you could just make a homemade light box? Idk
this isn't an advertising scam thingy iv seen before on this site,,its just sometimg iv been thinking about so i can gradually change my bulbs from summer hue to autumn hue in color?
maiiinnneeeyyyyyyy come out n playyy
very impressed . Pm me the price i didn't find Kevin?no sir i would not get them .............what they show is all well and great but no one that i have seen has ever done this stoners and ppl are cheap this would have been something with value a idea like that would of sweep over the net pages as the next best thing turn your 1 bulb into everything u need
if u want a light u have some control of here
have a look at this model ...............i can not say the price outloud because i promised them but if u like the light talk to Kevin ...........this is the maker of the light so u are buying it at cost compared to retail mark up..............put it this way i got 2 600w and a controller for what i would of spent on one light from here plus the taxes and shipping
the 600w are made for a 2x2meters area a 5x5 tent is only about 1.5x1.5 meters
you should get off yoru high horse dickweed karma dont give no fucks about delinquents growing dope and butt hurt dwellers on the netu should play nice with others ............karma is a bitch if u piss her off ............she is still a bitch if she likes yah but atleast the ending results are better then if u are dick
say what !!you should get off yoru high horse dickweed karma dont give no fucks about delinquents growing dope and butt hurt dwellers on the net
you should get off yoru high horse dickweed karma dont give no fucks about delinquents growing dope and butt hurt dwellers on the net
Lmao I sure ruffled your feathers.hahahaha ....what ever little boy
grow up and learn otherwise do us all a favor just die off so u stop using stuff and cost of living gets little less due to less demand
and karma cares about everything your actions makes waves those waved are deflected and comes back to u a dick and your life gets worst nice and the shit is less harsh compared to what it could be
like this whole thing u just did u tried to insult me and make me angery because someone repeated something to u have heard half a billion times from ppl in your life and u refuse to accept .............u did not do anything to me just got yourself a bad wave coming back at yah keep going i like to see the end result and get a good laugh from it
Lmao I sure ruffled your feathers.
It's the internet bro.
Need I say more?
And bullit is a troll ya silly person it's mainliner
Peace out have fun feeding him derpstick
Lmao wow. I am aware of how the internet operates.sorry no feathers here i am far far away from that class of person .........dude if u made me mad u would know it ...........nothing on the internet is hidden a person if they wanted too could track and id who u are with a few programs
there are 3 numbers linked to u........IP addy....MAC addy.......HID number
u might know how to do a proxy and hide the ip number for about 40 secs but your mac and hid are not hidden at all unless u know to hide them
from the way u talk u think the internet is safe u do not know ................everything u do on here can be tracked and traced in real time (yes someone is reading what u type look at and all that in real time ) u did not know that it happend a few years back all the telecom ppl have 2 rooms one is the main server room where all the internet traffics tho the cables juntions/ the 2nd room is the USA goverment tapping into those lines is amatter of keywords and places if u trip to many u are flagged and the traffic is sent tho for human review
and who the fuck cares who the person is ..............they did not want to use main account to aviod ppl making fun of him for asking a ? go for it make a new fake one ask the ? get answer and never go back ...............personally do not give a rat's ass i find it sad that ppl like u are assholes to someone asking a ? to learn
whats a HID number?
- Jiji
Lmao wow. I am aware of how the internet operates.
I just spent seven hours learning about binary code today what about you? No joke I'm a student.
And thanks for the hilarious over reacted answer your really constructively spending your time bitching out a person you don't even know.
Go ahead nigga tell me what I know.
Don't tell me what I know niggah, I already know.
Just end it because I'll never stop![]()
Yeah, there's no such thing as a hid number. Mac Id is a hardware address but is easily spoofed. To spoof your mac Id or change your IP address is easy and no external program is needed. Not that it would help much.
Buy yeah I heard what Snowden said.
- Jiji
Lmao your so spiteful I never even did anything to you did daddy beat you.Hardware Identification number ...............a ip can be assigned to different computers but a mac and hid number is what ID u as u /that computer
some programs will allow u to control all 3 of these things making a person untrackble and unbannable ........but these programs are illegal them self ........if u want a real kicker your computer can be infected right now and your antivirus will skip right over it because it is one of them on the white list that the goverments registered with mcafee norton and most all of them one know of one that tells them fuck u and cleans it out same thing the cartels use
kid u do not know the amish fucker me this is fun for the sheer fact i am bored with nothing else to do but learn and goof off on projects ..........figuring out how your mind works was something to do to kill time ............what i can see from the responses u give back ......the only thing i can do is pity you day a brick wall will fall on u and u will break under the weight .....
Go ahead nigga tell me what I know.
Don't tell me what I know niggah, I already know.
Just end it because I'll never stop![]()
let me just quote you for a secLmao your so spiteful I never even did anything to you did daddy beat you.
Your heads so far up your own ass haha.
Keep assuming things about someone you don't even know, keep feedin the fire
You can barely form a proper sentence to get your point across let me guess you didn't even graduate highschool and you live in your mom's basemnt.
If your gonna assume shit about me ill return the favour
Have a nice day knob gobbler
That's how I feel about your ignorant remark....niggah niggah nigga nigga nigga.........Your heads so far up your own ass....... let me guess you didn't even graduate highschool......Have a nice day knob gobbler