I thought you guys were "winning"...?





it's probably smart of you to stop arguing your failed kynesian talking points (the guy can't even do exponents and you were too much of a pussy to even tell him so), they are only making you look retarded now.
Winter sea ice is at record volumes, you fucking dolt.
Oh that one again.

I already killed it once in this thread.
Note I said volume, not area.

And I don't give a fuck about Arctic ice.

Antarctica and Greenland are where I'm worried about.

You seem to be missing the point again, I've basically said less extremism from your side would drag moderates like me into your camp simply because we both want the same outcome albeit for different reasons.
Oh that one again.

I already killed it once in this thread.

Like I said, straight up delusional.

You could literally tell these silly fucks "blue is red", show them a picture of how blue = red, then get Rush Limbaugh to express how much he hates that blue is blue, and that it should be RED! And blue is destroying this country! Silly stupid fucks like Harrekin would come out of the woodworks in favor of RED!!! Show em a picture of a blue sky, they'd insist "THAT'S A RED FUCKING SKY, DIRTY LIBERAL COMMUNIST SOCIALIST!!!"

Stupid fucks like Harrakin don't deserve to be taken seriously
moderates like me


You're even more stupid than I gave you credit for
Note I said volume, not area.

And I don't give a fuck about Arctic ice.

Antarctica and Greenland are where I'm worried about.

You seem to be missing the point again, I've basically said less extremism from your side would drag moderates like me into your camp simply because we both want the same outcome albeit for different reasons.

Antarctic sea ice is at a 35 year record high but it isn't volume, it's area.
Yet you work minimum wage and I don't.

Again, 70% of scientists analysed in the study YOU KEEP CITING take my position.

I don't work minimum wage. I did at one point, as I'm sure you did too! Does that make you an idiot? Are you calling yourself an idiot? Are you calling all workers who make minimum wage during a time of recovery an idiot? Your argument, like usual, is demonstrably baseless. There are workers with masters degrees who make minimum wage, 60% of service workers have Bachelors degrees and are being underemployed, you fucking retard. Our society is going through a deep depression, and yet in all your stupidity, you fail to take that into account and label everyone making less than you a piece of shit scumbag. You know what? At least they don't look down upon their fellow citizen for simply earning less money, that's the signature of an elitist piece of shit who's never actually worked a day in his life and has been given everything to him, hand and foot, at the expense of others. Exactly the fucking scumbags I fight against. You think earning more makes you a better person? OK, fair enough. Enjoy the BBQ that's coming for your ass. You'll be the first at the stake to be served as steak. You think regular people have any qualms about tasting human? I certainly don't! I bet the rich taste better. After all, you sit on your fat asses all day doing nothing but screwing working people out of their money, lets see if money makes you more flavorful :P It'll be funny til you're actually on the rotisserie, eh?

Less than 1% of scientists take your climate-truther bullshit as fact, why do you insist on lying about it to make your argument seem more valid?

Nobody but an uneducated, illiterate retard takes your position. So, you are in good company. You guys should invest in wall technology, because the rest of us are coming, and you're first on the fuckin' menu.
Please, no more rape fantasies. I know that's a lot to ask from a sicko like you but we're already dealing with Buck.

You should tell that to your representatives





Or you could try sticking to the subject at hand, climate change, and quit with the adhoms, but since you're standing on some faulty foundation, I don't expect anything more from retards like you who think they're smarter than the worlds leading scientists. It'd be like laughing at someone with downs syndrome for sticking the cylinder in the square hole. Not funny, just sad as fuck..

You're even more stupid than I gave you credit for

The Biggest Climate March in all of History...
Before and After photos:


Humans produced a lot of CO2 over those 3-4 days in 19XX...
and wind.

Here's another big climate march:
The participants who showed up that day didn't march very far, unfortunately.
Or maybe fortunately?
You should tell that to your representatives





Or you could try sticking to the subject at hand, climate change, and quit with the adhoms, but since you're standing on some faulty foundation, I don't expect anything more from retards like you who think they're smarter than the worlds leading scientists. It'd be like laughing at someone with downs syndrome for sticking the cylinder in the square hole. Not funny, just sad as fuck..

They're your representatives dumbass, we wouldn't event elect douchebags like Uncle "the cause" Buck nor does anyone give two shits about how sad and deprived your life is that global warming is the be-all and end-all in your small infantile world - It's like they've started a whole new business sector for narcissists and sycophants :dunce: all buying the sky is falling line.

I'll tell you what's not funny just sad as fuck ... I thought you guys were "winning"...?
The Biggest Climate March in all of History...
Before and After photos:


Humans produced a lot of CO2 over those 3-4 days in 19XX...
and wind.

Here's another big climate march:
The participants who showed up that day didn't march very far, unfortunately.
Or maybe fortunately?

How many scientists were there?