Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

Greatest I am

Active Member
Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)

I think that Adam, not being deceived, was more culpable than Eve.

Why then did God favor the guiltiest, Adam, with, --- he shall rule over you?

Men rule over women? Why when men were not deceived but disobeyed?
What was the transgression, --- if not a wise decision to choose knowledge and wisdom and shun immortality of the flesh, --- even if that were possible, --- and why was Adan not punished as hard as Eve when he was clearly more guilty?


how does he have more guilty then her ..........she ate the apple first knowing she was fucked like lillith she gets him to bite into the apple too so she is not alone

then they get busted .......pisses off god he does that bleed but live thing to girls plus painful child birth .......and the life of easy and peace is replaced by the monster u see now a days

guy punishment is living in this world ..........female punishment is same plus they bleed every month for 40 years plus the instinct to have kids but it comes with great pain

they got the shit end of the deal for sure to be ruled by emotions but for them to always be in flux from teen to golden years (then u got that menopause shit and they even battier for a few years until that settles out)
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how does he have more guilty then her ..........she ate the apple first knowing she was fucked like lillith she gets him to bite into the apple too so she is not alone

then they get busted .......pisses off god he does that bleed but live thing to girls plus painful child birth .......and the life of easy and peace is replaced by the monster u see now a days

guy punishment is living in this world ..........female punishment is same plus they bleed every month for 40 years plus the instinct to have kids but it comes with great pain

they got the shit end of the deal for sure to be ruled by emotions but for them to always be in flux from teen to golden years (then u got that menopause shit and they even battier for a few years until that settles out)

Adam should have more guilt because he disobeyed while Eve was deceived with God's own power relayed through the talking serpent.

The rest of what you wrote I have no comment on.

Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

"Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression." (I Timothy 2:11-14)

I think that Adam, not being deceived, was more culpable than Eve.

Why then did God favor the guiltiest, Adam, with, --- he shall rule over you?

Men rule over women? Why when men were not deceived but disobeyed?
What was the transgression, --- if not a wise decision to choose knowledge and wisdom and shun immortality of the flesh, --- even if that were possible, --- and why was Adan not punished as hard as Eve when he was clearly more guilty?

Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die...not exempt...the punishment was death for all...making a mistake is one thing... being deceived not good...and it all happened for end result
Adam should have more guilt because he disobeyed while Eve was deceived with God's own power relayed through the talking serpent.

The rest of what you wrote I have no comment on.


he did not disobey he was tricked by eve the one he trusted

eve was the one to disobey she ate it becuase the devil talked in her ear ..........be like god it is the oldest sales line he has
Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die...not exempt...the punishment was death for all...making a mistake is one thing... being deceived not good...and it all happened for end result

What end result?

If being deceived is not good, why did God do evil by putting the deceiver, who cannot be resisted by humans, right there beside Eve?

Looks like a set up to me.

he did not disobey he was tricked by eve the one he trusted

eve was the one to disobey she ate it becuase the devil talked in her ear ..........be like god it is the oldest sales line he has

Ok. Make up your own story that ignores the text.

I will argue with those who are in the same story as I.

Ok. Make up your own story that ignores the text.

I will argue with those who are in the same story as I.


how did i make up anything ...........that was the whole point of the story

god wanted him to do something ..............he did not want to do it and left ............big storm sailor drawling lots he got the short end of the stick thrown over fish gulps him up 3 days later burped up he did what he was told too

only thing i did was take away the extra info from the story but that is the basic plot the way i was taught it

southern babist .......i was thinking u might have a mind but i see i was wrong your locked into one view point another limited human

good luck in life .....and for the love of god think for your self ...........god does not want mindless ppl to obey him he wants ppl to look at everything and pick him ...........other wise u get a ISIS group bunch of mindless followers listen to a evil man thinking it is god word/plan
Fucking entrapment..... that's why. He got off on a technicality.

Yes. Eve suffered the entrapment while Adam got of on the technicality of just being a man in a world where men ruled and women were chattel.

The ancient world was a misogynous one.
The new world is still recovering from that unhealthy condition.

Yes. Eve suffered the entrapment while Adam got of on the technicality of just being a man in a world where men ruled and women were chattel.

The ancient world was a misogynous one.
The new world is still recovering from that unhealthy condition.

Not that i disagree with the existence of the ancient patriarchy, but...

Dude, have you Seen the way women behave? I won't say it was the right way, but someone had to do something. Maybe it's just my region... (ironically a very religiously influenced region)

of course it was a setup, the whole idea of the story is everything is preplanned...
...which is one of the parts that makes it an obvious farce.

How can sin exist if everything is preplanned? If "God" wrote the plan, and planned for me to do whatever "sin," how is that my fault? He should punish himself for writing such a stupid plan!
Not that i disagree with the existence of the ancient patriarchy, but...

Dude, have you Seen the way women behave? I won't say it was the right way, but someone had to do something. Maybe it's just my region... (ironically a very religiously influenced region)

...which is one of the parts that makes it an obvious farce.

How can sin exist if everything is preplanned? If "God" wrote the plan, and planned for me to do whatever "sin," how is that my fault? He should punish himself for writing such a stupid plan!

I agree with your last.

Not with this.

"Dude, have you Seen the way women behave?"

I do recognize that I am not looking with your eyes and could be way off but consider just two of a number of issues.

1. Est. Jail stats. (5 % male, 5 % female.

Either women are way less violent that men or are way smarter in crime and do not get caught the way stupid men do.

2. I do not have the stats but do know that there are a hell of a lot more deadbeat dads than deadbeat moms out here.

That tells me that women's sense of duty to family is greater that men's.

I hope these facts change your perspective.

Your anecdotal situation is important to you, no argument. But do try to look global and not local for your moral tenets and opinions.

I've never met a woman who was as good as she wanted people to think she was. I suppose the closest any have come to accomplishing that, would be my sister. Mom's not terrible, but the disparity between her actual ways and how she wants to be perceived, is greater. I see this trait repeated endlessly throughout the population (even those i've only observed from afar and haven't met).

I've met plenty who were two-faced, vindictive, irrational and cruel, but wanted to be treated like bottled perfection.

I can't look global about this, because i'm not global, and don't have access to become global. I can only be local. That's why i deliberately referenced "my region." My best guess is "they're not like this everywhere," but i can't know for sure. All the places i'll never reach, and all the people i'll never meet, are beyond my realm of experience. They may as well not exist.

I'm not saying men are better, i'm saying women are not the innocent saints they like people to think they are.

Also, the system is heavily biased in their favor, which is hilariously ironic, considering how feminists constantly reference the alleged "patriarchy," as if they receive zero beneficial special considerations just for being female. They will deny the obvious and insist the absurd, ceaselessly, and anyone who disagrees becomes their enemy, and they will manipulate everything they can reach, to attempt to make that person sorry for infringing their fantasy. At least, the majority of those i've met, in a particular region... which are the only ones i know to relevantly exist, because the rest are out of reach.

I think people are mostly just people, and most people, unfortunately, apparently suck. Most of them are not worth my time, which makes my own life not worth much, since there are very few people with whom i could pleasantly and beneficially interact.

Back on topic... there are Countless glaring inconsistencies, and instances of blatantly illogical un-reasoning, throughout the bible(s). A significant amount is fiction, another significant amount is merely "stolen" from preexisting mythology and folklore (also almost certainly fiction). You've found one of the numerous examples of why it should not be taken as a credible historical document, but as a work of fiction, specifically created for population control, in accordance with the agendas of its creators (i.e. humans). We have no way of knowing whether "Christ's message" is even included in this incredible work. It's entirely possible the man existed, had a message, shared it with those he encountered, but that it did not get accurately represented in Any of the stories, by anyone who composed the books. It's possible his intent was deliberately obscured by people who wanted to use his "character" to push their own message, or even that those who disliked him or what he stood for, deliberately disgraced him by claiming he stood for the opposite of what he actually did. We really have no way of knowing what any of it actually means. But we have plenty of reason and ability to see so many things are clearly wrong with the book, that it should not be taken seriously at all.

"Fiction to Kill for" seems completely bizarre and absurd, to me. We might as well say Harry Potter invented the universe. That would be equivalently irrational.

The idea of "God" came from humans on earth, who did not exist prior to the universe... so it's impossible! Plus there's no actual evidence, only a bunch of stories that obviously don't make sense, and a bunch of people who self-induced psychosis and called it "spiritual contact," or simply hallucinated, and somehow thought that meant "God exists."

Those who wrote the bible sucked at logic, that's why so much of it is contradictory nonsense. They didn't realize their incompetence betrayed their own intentions. Those who continue teaching it as if it were "the gospel truth," apparently also lack logic, so are unable to perceive that, or why, it simply doesn't make sense. Maybe it made sense in the original language, but the translators were incompetent? Who knows.

I just know, someone is going to get all offended by this... but that's not the point, and not the intention. Logic tends to offend those who lack it.
I was going to jump all over you for your, "I've never met a woman who was as good as she wanted people to think she was."

I was going to do this.

I've never met a man who was as good as he wanted people to think he was.

Then I saw your, "I'm not saying men are better".

After reading the rest of what you wrote, I have no argument and agree that we all have some work to do.
