Put your coffee cup down idiot, YOU offend US

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
People are not property at all. People have rights.

So not only do you believe that people can be a form of property, you oppose civil rights.

I do not oppose civility or good manners. I oppose some people telling others that they MUST interact with them though.....how about you?

Do you oppose forced human interactions ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It isn't side stepping, it is the very core of anarchism. Nothing strikes deeper into the core of it than any of the other crap you are trying to focus on. People are not property, people have rights.

So why do you take their money using the government gun Mr. Sidestep?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It isn't side stepping, it is the very core of anarchism. Nothing strikes deeper into the core of it than any of the other crap you are trying to focus on. People are not property, people have rights.

True....People DO have rights. Hey we agree. I think they have the right to choose who they will interact with, but you don't.


Well-Known Member
My kid does everything I tell him to. He makes his bed, brushes his teeth, fetches me beers, rubs my feet, whatever I say. Since I also must feed, clothe, and house him, I would say that I own him. Well, I'm more just kinda leasing him.
Child labor is alive an well in the USA!!


Well-Known Member
All that and I pay him $10 a week. He'd be better off in China.
I make my kids work about 5 hours a day, 8 hours a day on weekends. Not so much on Sundays, but not because its the sabbath or anything. They have to get up at 5 AM on school days so they can get their chores done. I pay them nothing. I see you are the generous type.


Well-Known Member
So the fact that if you don't pay your taxes you will go to prison means you support the government making you pay your taxes. Thats some convoluted thinking.


Well-Known Member
My kid does everything I tell him to. He makes his bed, brushes his teeth, fetches me beers, rubs my feet, whatever I say. Since I also must feed, clothe, and house him, I would say that I own him. Well, I'm more just kinda leasing him.
You can rent him out on craigslist and recoup some of the losses.