I thought you guys were "winning"...?

Yeah, you are a conspiracy theorist, and you did mention a conspiracy. You believe the vast majority of climate scientists are colluding to misinform people about climate change. That's a conspiracy, you believing it makes you a conspiracy theorist by definition.

That is not the conspiracy here. The conspiracy IS NOT from the Climate Scientists, even the ones that signed that silly opinion poll.

The conspiracy is from the dumb hippies, as usual. Mother Jones. Discover, Rolling Stone, etc. are over the top with Fight Words.

It is also from the dumb-ass marketing machines at EPA, NASA, DoD, etc.

And it is from the 3rd world Oligopoly power structures that sense the Big Money to play ball with AGW woop woop.
So area and volume are the same now?

Do tell.

I suppose hardness is the same as density too?

Fucking retard lefties...

the ice caps are shrinking by every metric and if your dumb ass had anything showing otherwise, you'd have posted it by now.

dumb fuck.
Maybe I'm just not bothered because regardless of what I say you'll still be retarded.

good job on not letting your anti-semitism out, jew hater.

better job at giving up your retarded stance that the ice caps are growing, since they are not.

deluded little petulant child.
{uncle buck} THE EARTH IS FLAT AND YOU ARE A RACIST IF YOU DENY IT!!! {/uncle buck}

tell me again about how the ice caps are growing.

maybe throw in some geography lessons about iran or alberta while you're at it.

hell, this thread would be perfect for you to expound upon your theory that forest fires cool the globe.
The ice caps are melting, my niggas.

This year, the ice cover remained more extensive over the Barents and Kara seas compared to last year. The most notable feature was the lack of ice north of the Laptev Sea that at one point in the melt season extended beyond 85 degrees North latitude, within 550 kilometers (342 miles) of the North Pole. This year was also unusual compared to recent years in that the Northwest Passage remained closed. On the other side of the Arctic, the Northern Sea Route or Northeast Passage opened with little ice near most of the shipping route along the coast of Siberia.

This year, the ice cover remained more extensive over the Barents and Kara seas compared to last year. The most notable feature was the lack of ice north of the Laptev Sea that at one point in the melt season extended beyond 85 degrees North latitude, within 550 kilometers (342 miles) of the North Pole. This year was also unusual compared to recent years in that the Northwest Passage remained closed. On the other side of the Arctic, the Northern Sea Route or Northeast Passage opened with little ice near most of the shipping route along the coast of Siberia.

Don't post satellite observations, Buck already knows better.

What could satellites know that Buck doesn't already?
Don't post satellite observations, Buck already knows better.

What could satellites know that Buck doesn't already?
Satellites only offer updated information that isn't 2+ years old from a perspective we can't achieve on our own. Buck probably already knows this stuff, but he uses those other tactics for the unique purpose of pissing people off.

And I'd have to say it works pretty well. :lol:
Satellites only offer updated information that isn't 2+ years old from a perspective we can't achieve on our own. Buck probably already knows this stuff, but he uses those other tactics for the unique purpose of pissing people off.

And I'd have to say it works pretty well. :lol:
He's as predictable as fuck is what he is.
Extent doesn't measure volume, only area. I have to remind you goons of this daily.

Multi-year ice is in rapid retreat. As for the northwest passage, read the bold statement again. It's unusual compared to recent years for the passage (as shallow as 50 feet in many areas) to have remained closed. 2009 was the first year on record that pack ice was absent for the entire year.
Do you accept the IPCC's findings that ACC is real or not?

If not, you believe in a conspiracy theory, which would make you a climate-truther
Which set of findings? They change every year. "If not, you believe in a conspiracy theory, which would make you a climate-truther" That is nonsense