Do I really suck this bad?


Well-Known Member
Somebody brought up @Senor Sunshine's ratio of posts to likes and I compared it with my own. Apparently, I blow dogs. Whereas Sunshine has a four likes to every post, I have one like per four posts.

I think something happened in translation of software. I demand that the hard copy be pulled.

Or do I suck that much? I'm going to kill myself.
Its never the 'likes' ... its those that 'follow you' ...over the hill and down the way etc ...those are the ones to care for ...!
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Somebody brought up @Senor Sunshine's ratio of posts to likes and I compared it with my own. Apparently, I blow dogs. Whereas Sunshine has a four likes to every post, I have one like per four posts.

I think something happened in translation of software. I demand that the hard copy be pulled.

Or do I suck that much? I'm going to kill myself.
He has 1:1 ratio... most of which he suck off a hobo for :(

I got a 2:1
... suck on that!