Man, that's the trophy points board, not likes! You gotta get the forum software to like you to get trophy points. Or something.
I'm gonna have to get a tattoo or disappear off that board pretty soon. Or post like yessica till I hit 5000, and who got time for that?!?
There's only one trophy that relates to the relationship directly between likes and posts, and that is awarded to members who reach 1000 likes before they reach 1000 posts. The 1000th post then triggers the award. I believe Chingown was the first member to recive that trophy. Many members could NEVER get that trophy because their post count was too high when the new system started, hence why so many relatively new members have exactly 303 trophy points, exact same trophies in the imaginary cabinet.that list shows trophy points
having a good post to like ratio is what gives the most trophy points
the thread is not about likes, it is about post to like ratio
hope this helps
Go on then.Ill delete a post I make that gets likes just to keep my ego in check.... I also lie about things like deleting post I get likes on
Somebody brought up @Senor Sunshine's ratio of posts to likes and I compared it with my own. Apparently, I blow dogs. Whereas Sunshine has a four likes to every post, I have one like per four posts.
I think something happened in translation of software. I demand that the hard copy be pulled.
Or do I suck that much? I'm going to kill myself.
Same thing happened to me I'm really much more liked then it seems!!When they reset the site they also reset the likes. I went from over 1000 to 100. Sitting at 16xx post and 1911 likes right now.
Everybody pretty much likes you @Unclebaldrick so I wouldn't worry about it. It's not like your @Finshaggy or mainliner or bullet or any of those other fucking worthless douche bag mother fuckers that should step in front of a moving bus.
Its known as over compensation....but his wife loves him anyway despite......That's the BIGGEST ratio I ever seen....
Stop saying m8 you dumbass redneck
Looks like you're due a landmark trophy in about 229 posts. Grats! Im sure you're thrilled!
C'mon Baldrick, ya took a fuck long hiatus.....and, I dunno, maybe impending daddyhood has softened your former snarkness? Ya just gotta get back into the swing