Rippers came this morning


Well-Known Member
How do those work?
For one I don't want to leave something that destructive to hurt anyone. Second I'm not going to dig one up and look at it.
Dig a hole for the can to fit in. In the center of your hole dig a little deeper. Put a length of 2x4 in center hole just shy of the length of can. Then you just need pyrodex, wire, 9 volt battery. Then a pressure switch. You can google the switch.

Attach everything but switch to side of board. Switch on top of the board. Coffee can over the whole setup upside down.
Lightly cover with dirt.


Well-Known Member
Maine’s castle law, revised in 2007, allows for the use of deadly force in defense of person and property when it is believed that it is necessary to prevent a criminal from committing a crime on one’s property or inside their home. Maine does not have a duty to retreat. However, deadly force is justified only after the victim has warned the intruder and given him an opportunity to leave the home or property.
We don't fuck around up here lol
Same in KY, except you don't have to warn jack shit. Now, if you want to give them a sporting chance to run like hell while you unload on their sorry, lazy, no working, freeloading asses, by all means, yell a warning.


Well-Known Member
Of course, the law is void in our state if:

"The person who uses defensive force is engaged in an unlawful activity or is using the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle to further an unlawful activity...."

Which basically means the state will charge you with murder if you are growing.


Well-Known Member
if I was growing legally.. and this big.. id be setting up some sort of fencing.. and then sleeping inside of a tent inside of the grow for the last 3-4 weeks fuck it.. rippers are always looking man. its tough.. maybe build some reinforced greenhouses.. put driveway alarms and lights with sensors.. and cameras.. and say fuck it.. make it a FORTRESSS I mean shit.. if im doing it big.. im a do security bigger

cameras.. so you can prove they were trying to STEAL.. I dontcare if the FEDS think it has no value.. but.. when the cops chop a legal crop for no reason.. they get sued.. fuck if I had a gun in this situation. id sleep out in a tent. and shoot and use as fertilizer teach em a lesson.. especially because.. these teens all talk.. so when 3 teens go missing on a night they told there friends they were going out lookin to steal peoples weed. they might think differently..

what we need is AN OLD GUY who is about to DIE. to be the MARTYR lol.. let him shot and kill a bunch of teens robbing his crop.. and then see the publics reaction.. if most people are like well they shouldn't steal someones medicine.. or WEED. period.. if its a good reaction on the side of the weed grower. and a jury of his peers don't find him GUILTY.. every CASE after that will be easier to win .

Big spliff93

Well-Known Member
I come to this site A LOT for opinions and info on growing but just now finally created an account to post. Let me start off by saying we are fairly new to Michigan and still getting our feet wet with growing our own mmj. Last year we had a small greenhouse that got a late start with about 8 plants in it. They weren't spectacular, but damn they were pretty. Rippers came and took all of it but a plant and a half with 3 weeks to a month of flowering still to go. I blame it on our own ignorance. Dogs were inside. Didn't hear a thing. We assumed we were safe since nobody knew us or about our grow, or so we thought. This greenhouse is about 8 feet from our house btw. This year we have 2 greenhouses, his and mine. We have already fought so much and won against all types of attacks against our plants. An attempted theft when our plants were still in pots in veg, bugs, powdery mildew, and even a knock on the door from the state police with a compliance check. After all that, and TONS of hours of hard work, our plants are big, beautiful, and oh so stinky and so close to being done. Well it appears that somebody out there is trying to reap the benefits of all OUR hard work again this year. My old man, bless his heart, stays up every night babysitting these greenhouses, sometimes with help, sometimes by himself, and always with our 2 dogs and our pup in training. This morning, at about 3:15am, he heard voices. Then a rock got thrown at our fence, I'm assuming to test the dogs. My man shot off our 22 into the air and listened to them run away down our driveway, 3 of them he thinks. Last year they came through the woods. This year walked right up the damn driveway. I guess I have 2 reasons for posting our story.....1) To put it out there to let the rest of you know the rippers are out and so are their balls. Guard what you worked your asses off for. (This is Muskegon/Oceana county area btw.) 2) I'm looking for any advice on what more we can do, within the limits of the law, to keep these scum sucking thieving bastards from getting us again. All suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
I don't think they'll be back after hearing a warning shot. I mean unless there retarded enough to risk getting shot over some weed... Glad your plants are okay.


Well-Known Member
Keep the guns away from your grow, your only asking for bigger problems than loosing your weed.
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Well-Known Member
This is probably the one place these kind of dogs have a useful purpose. Diesel is silent, he's doesn't bark. His favorite thing is chasing & catching things. He'll chase you down, knock you down & hold you down. With his coloring he's invisible in the dark.
Nobody messes with Diesel's garden....
greenhouse 9-19-2014 001.JPG
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