Look out superthrive - Organic Competition


Well-Known Member
So after reading about the SPT I am ordering some and wondering what I can expect on very well establised plants?

Would I mix and give this to the plants on a seperate feeding schedule or can I throw this in with say the bat guano tea?

I like the idea of using organics a I feel the plants do much better with these types of ferts than the chems.

Thanks for your time and patience. I'm still learning this is my 3 yr.
Mrgreenbudz... On well established plants - what you will see is an increased vigor & increased yield in the end (that one is my favorite).
I use the SPT on my non-fertilizing week. I feed weakly - every two weeks. I water (in between) with the SPT. I have found this works best in soil.
You can add SPT to other ferts.. but I find this way safer & more productive in the end. It reduces the chance of overfertilizing to almost zero.
Sunning your teas is good for killing off bad bacteria & fungi - but it will also kill off good ones. The SPT is made to live in the dark - exposing it to intense sunlight - will kill it - & convert it to just a weak fertilizer. If you bubble (oxygenate them) with a cheap aquarium air pump / air stone - the good guys reproduce quicker, kill off the bad ones & make for a sweet tea - alive & well.
Remember in nature, Mary was growing for thousands of years, with no help from us. With those chem ferts like (0-50-30) your chances of overfertilizing (stunting growth) & smoking nasty tasting shit - go way up. The more is always better line - they are selling is not right. More is not always better.
Slow, Steady & Organic wins the Race....
Organics buds are much smoother tasting buds, & yields can be just as good as chem ferts, plus the left-overs can be composted without causing a toxic waste dump.
For both the SPT & your Guano Tea (seperate or together) - stick to only using (one quart - mixed up tea) per gallon of soil. That formula has served me well for a long time. It will serve you well too.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real.....Organic....
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Well-Known Member
So you're using those PUR self-contained filters that use gravity? I've got one, too, but each filter is $10 per at the local Walmart (more at Lowe's I'm betting, I'm itching to take a ride, too, so maybe I'll take a run that takes me by Lowe'sdown), and when I throw one away it just irks me. There's got to be something that can be reused in there! But, it's all full of the crap that comes up with our well water.

Actually, looking at some of our drippers (irrigation) from last year and seeing how crusted up they are, I can totally see how we end up with the caves and all those beautiful formations that we have around here. I can also see how I end up with a layer of mulm (minerals) in every toilet tank. Hoo boy, talk about hard water!

Ohso, I have found EXTENSIVE research on micorrhizae, I don't remember where I saw the bit about not using it on cruciferous vegetables, though. I have seen some excellent comparison pix though, pine grown with and without, mature madrone dosed with and showing it from one year to the next, and mostly agricultural and landscape/horticultural research. It can certainly be translated, though.

Hell yeah bro i just moved to the ozarks and the water is hard as hell! i dont have a tds but the ph is 9.0 from my tap!
Check this out i just bought one but instead of taking it apart like this guy did i just bought a house that fits on the sprayer and it works great! plus it will still be functional to use for your car (Which i did last sunday). after i used the filter my ph droped to 7.6 so i used pete moss in my rez and it works great ph is a constant 5.8 after 2 days and is stablized!

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - DIY Reverse Osmosis - For Scale Grower - Cheap, Portable, & Effective


Well-Known Member
Hey Ohsogreen,

Thanks man for the tips on using the SPT and guano teas. Also would you suggest the mix ratio of 12 gallons per bottle or the 32 gallon mix seeing how they are big and established?

As mentioned I have large plants and holes, on a normal watering my plants are taking between 3-5 gallons ( depending on size ) of spring water every other day right now as I am on the every other day schedule. I'm in northern Cal and it's very hot. My spot is getting direct sun from about 8:00 am all day at least until 7:00 pm then indirect light until it sets. I'm on a sweet hillside on my property.

I will make sure to give the SPT to my kids by itself and not mix it with my bat guano and molasses tea. I didn't know letting the tea cook in the sun was bad way to go. EDIT: Is it the HEAT or SUNLIGHT or both that harms the GOOD MICROBES? I ask cause I was wondering if just switching to a 55 gallon barrel with a cover would be ok? Or I could mix it in te evening and then use the following morning.

I would love to use the aquarium air pump method to oxygenate them but no place to run an electric cord to my spot and I'm mixing in 4 large containers as I'm making about 50 gallons at a time for 24 big thirsty kids. :]

Thanks for your help and I will be sure to keep you posted on the SPT usage.

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Well-Known Member
Mrgreenbudz... On well established plants - what you will see is an increased vigor & increased yield in the end (that one is my favorite).
I use the SPT on my non-fertilizing week. I feed weakly - every two weeks. I water (in between) with the SPT. I have found this works best in soil.
You can add SPT to other ferts.. but I find this way safer & more productive in the end. It reduces the chance of overfertilizing to almost zero.
Sunning your teas is good for killing off bad bacteria & fungi - but it will also kill off good ones. The SPT is made to live in the dark - exposing it to intense sunlight - will kill it - & convert it to just a weak fertilizer. If you bubble (oxygenate them) with a cheap aquarium air pump / air stone - the good guys reproduce quicker, kill off the bad ones & make for a sweet tea - alive & well.
Remember in nature, Mary was growing for thousands of years, with no help from us. With those chem ferts like (0-50-30) your chances of overfertilizing (stunting growth) & smoking nasty tasting shit - go way up. The more is always better line - they are selling is not right. More is not always better.
Slow, Steady & Organic wins the Race....
Organics buds are much smoother tasting buds, & yields can be just as good as chem ferts, plus the left-overs can be composted without causing a toxic waste dump.
For both the SPT & your Guano Tea (seperate or together) - stick to only using (one quart - mixed up tea) per gallon of soil. That formula has served me well for a long time. It will serve you well too.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real.....Organic....

Ohsogreen, i am a newbie and just bought some stp for my bubbleponic/dwc system and was wondering if stp isnt anough nutes for the vegg stage i figured i would want to get flowering nutes when im 12/12 but didnt know if i would need some liquid guano?

And how many tsp per gallon or whatever the ratio is?


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah bro i just moved to the ozarks and the water is hard as hell! i dont have a tds but the ph is 9.0 from my tap!
Check this out i just bought one but instead of taking it apart like this guy did i just bought a house that fits on the sprayer and it works great! plus it will still be functional to use for your car (Which i did last sunday). after i used the filter my ph droped to 7.6 so i used pete moss in my rez and it works great ph is a constant 5.8 after 2 days and is stablized!

International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - DIY Reverse Osmosis - For Scale Grower - Cheap, Portable, & Effective
Wow! Thanks for that information, I love the diy stuff, and we actually use those Mr. Clean things to wash our cars and bikes. They work great! :D


Well-Known Member
Wow! Thanks for that information, I love the diy stuff, and we actually use those Mr. Clean things to wash our cars and bikes. They work great! :D

Isnt that crazy! i had to rereaded what i read and was very skeptical but when my ww and lavender started growing 1in every 12 hours i knew it was offical! Do you have a tds meter? i was cuiros on the ppm of our water and the ppm after the MR.clean filter i know the guy who made the diy thread said his droped to alomost nothing but his tap isnt near as hard as ours! No big deal if you cant i need to get a tds meter anyway.8-)


Well-Known Member
Isnt that crazy! i had to rereaded what i read and was very skeptical but when my ww and lavender started growing 1in every 12 hours i knew it was offical! Do you have a tds meter? i was cuiros on the ppm of our water and the ppm after the MR.clean filter i know the guy who made the diy thread said his droped to alomost nothing but his tap isnt near as hard as ours! No big deal if you cant i need to get a tds meter anyway.8-)
No, I sure don't, but I can tell you that our (well, DEEP well, like had to drill just shy of 800' to get water deep well) has a LOT of dissolved solids in it. We've lived here 2.5 years, and we have already had to siphon out a thick layer of crud from the toilet tanks because it gets so thick.

I've got to tell my husband about that filter set-up, but we also need to get a filtration system for the whole house or we're gonna be replacing all our plumbing soonly.


Active Member

its not my soil...ph is alright....nitrogen is good potash is adequate and phosphorus is sufficient. is miracle-gro 30-10-10 and superthrive good enough? no nitrogen burn funny spots though, no bugs since we brought them inside. jap bettle ate an some...well, more than some. lower leves turning yellow drying and fall off they look like charlie brown christmas tree. these r special babys master khush....SAVE THEM!!!


Active Member
So you're using those PUR self-contained filters that use gravity? I've got one, too, but each filter is $10 per at the local Walmart (more at Lowe's I'm betting, I'm itching to take a ride, too, so maybe I'll take a run that takes me by Lowe'sdown), and when I throw one away it just irks me. There's got to be something that can be reused in there! But, it's all full of the crap that comes up with our well water.
I don't think the Pur facet system is considered "gravity" since its a facet system. I guess it would utilize the pressure of the water coming from my facet...therefor making it a pressure system??? Yes it is expensive and I'd recommend people to use the 24hr/48hr blubber technique to remove chlorine from water. Or if not using organics to just use strait tap water with chlorine in it. As I said before, I had never had a problem using strait tap water for hydro rez or as a failage strayer untill I used organics and SPT.

It took me a while but I converted my Pur facet styem to fit on the end of a garden hose. I forget what parts I used to do this, but I got it all at my local garden store and used a few hose claps. I use some type of quick release ends on my hose simular to air hoses and air tools. So I can swap out my Pur facet system with any other hose attachments like a sprayer. if anyoone wants to see pics of what I'm talking about I can post them. Just rather not since I'm lazy ;) and always stoned. But I'll get off my ass if it will help anyone.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the Pur facet system is considered "gravity" since its a facet system. I guess it would utilize the pressure of the water coming from my facet...therefor making it a pressure system??? Yes it is expensive and I'd recommend people to use the 24hr/48hr blubber technique to remove chlorine from water. Or if not using organics to just use strait tap water with chlorine in it. As I said before, I had never had a problem using strait tap water for hydro rez or as a failage strayer untill I used organics and SPT.

It took me a while but I converted my Pur facet styem to fit on the end of a garden hose. I forget what parts I used to do this, but I got it all at my local garden store and used a few hose claps. I use some type of quick release ends on my hose simular to air hoses and air tools. So I can swap out my Pur facet system with any other hose attachments like a sprayer. if anyoone wants to see pics of what I'm talking about I can post them. Just rather not since I'm lazy ;) and always stoned. But I'll get off my ass if it will help anyone.
Ah, no chlorine issues, we're on a deep well. There are dissolve solid issues, the ruin-your-household-plumbing-kind, which also happens to be the kill-all-your-poor-houseplants-kind.

Pix of your rig, though, might be interesting and helpful. :)


Well-Known Member
Ohsogreen, i am a newbie and just bought some stp for my bubbleponic/dwc system and was wondering if stp isnt anough nutes for the vegg stage i figured i would want to get flowering nutes when im 12/12 but didnt know if i would need some liquid guano?

And how many tsp per gallon or whatever the ratio is?
Acea74 has been running some SPT in hydro set ups. He advises 1 tablespoon per gallon in the res., seems to be the right mix. Two other people running hydro setups have advsied about the same. Vice the ounce which is a (3) tablespoons for soil growing. Hydro is more effiecent, so it needs less nute & amendment wise.
SPT is not really a fertilizer - the NPK in it - is just their to feed the micro-beasties & keep them alive. When you mix a ounce of it, to a gallon of unchlorinated water it adds a NPK of about 1.25-.4-.9 (for when your growing in soil) For Hydro - adding 1 tablespoon would make an NPK of .6-.2-.45 or (2) tablespoons of it NPK 1.25-.4-.9 for your hydro setup. I would not go above (2) tablespoons per gallon in the res.
SPT is meant to inoculate your root zone with mychorizzal fungi & other benefical bacteria - not as a straight fertilizer. If you dose it up heavier than recommended, you'll end up with too many micro-beasties in you mix - the over population (which would not happen in nature) would casue them to die off quicker than they produced - so you'd lose the benefits - and just end up with a weak fertilizer. More is not better with dosing.
If used correctly -those friendly micro-beasties kill off the bad fungi & bacteria - protecting your roots. The mycho fungi also tap into your roots & directly feed them. The makes a BIG difference in their ability to take up water & nutrients. Boosting Vigor. In a matter of a few days, you should see a bigger, very white rootball. The bigger the rootball - the better the plant.
After adding the SPT, you still have to use another source of NPK - just go easy on it. Start out with a low NPK mix & build up slowly. Overfertilizing is one of the two most common grow problems. Overwatering which is really a soil grower only problem is the other.
Hope this helps..
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Well-Known Member
Hey Ohsogreen,

Thanks man for the tips on using the SPT and guano teas. Also would you suggest the mix ratio of 12 gallons per bottle or the 32 gallon mix seeing how they are big and established?

As mentioned I have large plants and holes, on a normal watering my plants are taking between 3-5 gallons ( depending on size ) of spring water every other day right now as I am on the every other day schedule. I'm in northern Cal and it's very hot. My spot is getting direct sun from about 8:00 am all day at least until 7:00 pm then indirect light until it sets. I'm on a sweet hillside on my property.

I will make sure to give the SPT to my kids by itself and not mix it with my bat guano and molasses tea. I didn't know letting the tea cook in the sun was bad way to go. EDIT: Is it the HEAT or SUNLIGHT or both that harms the GOOD MICROBES? I ask cause I was wondering if just switching to a 55 gallon barrel with a cover would be ok? Or I could mix it in te evening and then use the following morning.

I would love to use the aquarium air pump method to oxygenate them but no place to run an electric cord to my spot and I'm mixing in 4 large containers as I'm making about 50 gallons at a time for 24 big thirsty kids. :]

Thanks for your help and I will be sure to keep you posted on the SPT usage.

Mrgreenz... UV light kills micro-beasties - both bacteria & fungi - if you google "solarized soil" you will see it can kill them up to 6 inches deep in soil - over time. Primarily in areas with very intense sunlight. So in water - they can be even more lethal. The UV shoots straight throught shallow water - killing quickly.
Heat also kills, but it's not normally as big a problem - since it takes 130 degrees F for 10-15 days or 180 degrees F for 3 days - to kill off most of the micro-beasties.
So, as long as you stay out of direct light, or shield your tea - it will still contain plenty of benefical micro-beasties. Guano Tea Rocks... I've been using Higher N Guano Tea for Growing & Higher P Tea for Flowering for years - nothing else comes close for overall performance, and vigor. So, it's clear your feeding them good stuff.
Since, you are having to water so frequently. Here is what I'd do:

Mix up a few gallons of SPT (using the std. one ounce to one gallon ratio).
Then for watering give each plant (3) gallons of plain (unchlorinated) water. Wait for 5 minutes, then go back through your patch & water in the SPT (mix) using one quart per plant.
By watering first, you ensure the SPT (mix) doesn't just drain quickly in to dry soil. Once you have wet the soil, with the intial watering, you ensure the SPT stays in the root zone - where it will do the most good.
Hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
Re: Ohsogreen,
Hey that sounds like a great formula to me :] I found a battery operated aquarium pump from a local Petco and going to pick it up tomorrow for next weeks brew ha!

I'm on pure mt spring water coming right up out of the mt on our property co no warries about nasty ole' clorine in the water there.

I think between the molasses mix with the bat guano and then hitting them with the SPT on a different day my kids are going to get bigger fast. I didn't realize how important it os to oxygenate the tea mix.

This might sound funny but I would hot have figured on watering first and then pouring a small quart of the SPT mix as a topper. Brilliant idea and thank you.

I am very excited to see what the SPT and mollasses does during the next 6 weeks of growth. Prior to this season I have only used mollasses once last season when in flower stage and used it 1x each week and will say the bud were quite pleasing to all...

Thanks again for your time and help.


Well-Known Member
SPT will aide in the burning of plants only if you over fertilize which can be easy due to the fact that the "micro-beasties" make the absorption of nutes so much more efficient if you catch my drift start low on nutes when working with SPT increase SLOWLY. When burning is seen even just a little back it off


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to burn plants with the SPT?
Like GrapeOptimo said... You can burn them, but it's not the SPT that does it. It makes your roots super effiencent at drawing in water / nutrients. If, there is allot of fertilizer in your medium, it will end up getting feed to your plant - fairly quick. Like within (3) days.
If you think, you may have overfertilized, just cut the SPT dose to a quarter strength & you'll be fine.
If you fertilize low, slow & steady, your plants will be very healthy & produce much better - with the help of SPT. That is one of the things I like about it.
Since you end up putting less fertilizer in your soil or water (if hydro growing) you don't end up with harsh tasting buds.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real....Organic...


Well-Known Member
To that guy who sent me the email... Sorry. While seriously stoned... I deleted your email address before responding, so here it is... Hope you find this...
Can Super Plant Tonic be used in a hydroponic setup or just soil ? It can be used in both.
For soil use - mix one ounce ( 2 tablespoons ) of Super Plant Tonic to one gallon of (chlorine free) water. The NPK value is 1.25-.4-.9 Pour into soil at the rate of one quart (mixed) to each gallon of soil in containers, and for in ground use - do not exceed one gallon per plant (weekly). Example: 4 gallons of soil in a container - requires one mixed gallon of Super Plant Tonic per week - or less. For soil this works out to 16 gallons of mix at regular strength or 32 gallons at half strength - per bottle.
For Hydroponic use - mix 1/2 ounce (one tablespoon) of Super Plant Tonic per gallon of (chlorine free) reservior water (weekly). Example: 20 gallons / 20 tablespoons and the added NPK is .6-.2-.45 (this is regular strength for hydroponics). There are (2) tablespoons in an ounce. For Hydroponics this works out to 32 gallons regular strength mix or 64 gallons at half strength - per bottle.
OK, that's exactly what is says in the listing on Ebay - almost straight from the horses mouth....
Hope this helps...
Keep Real....Organic.... :weed:
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Well-Known Member
Acea74 has been running some SPT in hydro set ups. He advises 1 tablespoon per gallon in the res., seems to be the right mix. Two other people running hydro setups have advsied about the same. Vice the ounce which is a (3) tablespoons for soil growing. Hydro is more effiecent, so it needs less nute & amendment wise.
SPT is not really a fertilizer - the NPK in it - is just their to feed the micro-beasties & keep them alive. When you mix a ounce of it, to a gallon of unchlorinated water it adds a NPK of about 1.25-.4-.9 (for when your growing in soil) For Hydro - adding 1 tablespoon would make an NPK of .6-.2-.45 or (2) tablespoons of it NPK 1.25-.4-.9 for your hydro setup. I would not go above (2) tablespoons per gallon in the res.
SPT is meant to inoculate your root zone with mychorizzal fungi & other benefical bacteria - not as a straight fertilizer. If you dose it up heavier than recommended, you'll end up with too many micro-beasties in you mix - the over population (which would not happen in nature) would casue them to die off quicker than they produced - so you'd lose the benefits - and just end up with a weak fertilizer. More is not better with dosing.
If used correctly -those friendly micro-beasties kill off the bad fungi & bacteria - protecting your roots. The mycho fungi also tap into your roots & directly feed them. The makes a BIG difference in their ability to take up water & nutrients. Boosting Vigor. In a matter of a few days, you should see a bigger, very white rootball. The bigger the rootball - the better the plant.
After adding the SPT, you still have to use another source of NPK - just go easy on it. Start out with a low NPK mix & build up slowly. Overfertilizing is one of the two most common grow problems. Overwatering which is really a soil grower only problem is the other.
Hope this helps..

Thanks for the info! I was thinking the amounts on the bottle. Everyday growing is getting more complex. What do you think would be some good organic nutes to use with SPT for a bubble/dwc system with waterpump? Or know anyone who would... Im so lost on what to get?

I have a little bit of gh nutes the 3part flora i know its not organic but it still should work right? I was thinking of just using the gh till i get something else in since its almost gone.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info! I was thinking the amounts on the bottle. Everyday growing is getting more complex. What do you think would be some good organic nutes to use with SPT for a bubble/dwc system with waterpump? Or know anyone who would... Im so lost on what to get?

I have a little bit of gh nutes the 3part flora i know its not organic but it still should work right? I was thinking of just using the gh till i get something else in since its almost gone.
The GH 3 part Flora nutes will work with SPT. They are decent nutes & you will not catch me knocking em'. I just prefer soil & organics.
The Super Plant Tonic is full of good micro-beasties & they can live anywhere except in extreme pH conditions (under 5.5 or over 7.3 . Using stuff like NPK 2-45-15 can cause a big, sudden pH shift. So, as long as you don't use Extreme Ferts...you will be OK.
Earth Juice & Botanicare both make real decent (all or almost all) organic nutes. I'd just run them through a paper coffee filter to ensure no chucks made it into your resevior.
If the GH Flora Series has been working for you & your comfortable with it, I would not change. I'd just reduce my mixing doses, after adding the SPT.
Hope this helps....