I thought you guys were "winning"...?


Well-Known Member
Yes they are.
If I change the phrasing to linear regressions are not adequate, would that change your response?
If not, then to what scale are they useful?
I can take the argument back to the ice age and run a linear regression on that, too. It gives a similar result, but the explanation is vastly different.
Ergodicity...that is my bigger topic of exploration, ATM.


Well-Known Member
Solar Roads again?
Talk - Action = 0
I don't want to "imagine" it...lay out 1 block in a suburb, and let's see how well they work. Setting up a driveway or a parking lot is not enough. It needs to be tested under live loads in a medium intensity environment. Otherwise I have a great idea for quartz crystal roads that generate electricity by pressure...
give me money...
