Those Oregonians are a loony bunch.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Mohamud, a naturalized U.S. citizen, was a student at Oregon State University student when undercover agents befriended him after learning that he had exchanged emails with terrorists and published articles for an online jihadi magazine.

You progs do your best to ignore anything critical of Islam, so I will help you guys out. The story is dated October 1, 2014. Today is October 1, 2014. The handsome young fellow (I think, might be a girl) was sentenced today to 30 years in prison.

I am sure the pertinent point, though, is that Christians engaged in the crusades during the middle ages.

October 01, 2014 6:47 PM

A Somali-American man has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for plotting to bomb a Christmas-tree lighting ceremony in the western U.S. state of Oregon nearly four years ago.
Yes, the FBI entrapped him very neatly.
So my question is, if they weren't there to help him with this fake plot, would he have done anything? Would time have shaken his twisted beliefs?
Who knows...they found a vulnerable person and set him up to fail, in the end.
last time clinton was brought up as i recall, it was your fellow racist righty ginwilly blaming him for bush's global economic collapse, all while telling us to stop blaming boooo000o0oo0ooo0oo0osh already.
last time clinton was brought up as i recall, it was your fellow racist righty ginwilly blaming him for bush's global economic collapse, all while telling us to stop blaming boooo000o0oo0ooo0oo0osh already.
Nope it was you, you brought up how nice the economy was doing under Clinton.

Hey look, presto, a size 10.
Now we all know why you drink so much UncleBuck, can't say that I blame you.:lol:
beer goggles.jpg
You progs do your best to ignore anything critical of Islam

I am sure the pertinent point, though, is that Christians engaged in the crusades during the middle ages.
I'm not sure how much more clear I can make it than this, so pay attention..


That has been my opinion since I joined this forum, in 2006, 8 years ago. It hasn't changed the entire time.

You simply believe what you want to believe, and to you, criticizing Christianity (because I live in America where it's shoved down my throat on a daily fucking basis) means I must love Islam. That's simply not how it works and you're ignorant for believing it.

If I lived in a Muslim country, I would be criticizing Islam. But I don't, and I don't give a shit about Islam, it's not a threat to me or my rights like Christianity is. It will never take hold in America no matter how much Fox News tells you they've infiltrated the country. You are 8 times more likely to be killed by an American police officer than you are a Muslim extremist. Your fear of Islam/Muslims is completely misguided and misplaced.

Do you understand?
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Nope it was you, you brought up how nice the economy was doing under Clinton.

Hey look, presto, a size 10.
Now we all know why you drink so much UncleBuck, can't say that I blame you.:lol:
View attachment 3265723

a quick search of "clinton" in this forum reveals that the last mention of clinton was when you brought him up, washere.

try it for yourself if you;re not too busy staring at your neon corona sign.
We're not talking about who was the last one to mention Clinton, it's who brings his old news up so much.
You lied and said Desert Dude brought up an old story, you said it was four years old, the fact is, it is brand new news.
But you routinely bring up Clinton, ya fucking asswipe.

Hey UncleBuck, is this how your wife wears a size 10.:lol:

View attachment 3265737 , a size 10.

a search for "clinton" shows that you bring the guy up more than almost anyone else, actually. about 6 times since february compared to my ZERO.

If I lived in a Muslim country, I would be criticizing Islam.
Actually, you would probably be stoned and dead for doing it, but that is just another reason why people should be scared of religious zealots. Religion is a tool used by TPTB to foment attitudes, and they and all the holy works portend that they alone are the truth, and all others must convert or die. I hope like white does in the Sunset Limited that there is no after life.
a search for "clinton" shows that you bring the guy up more than almost anyone else, actually. about 6 times since february compared to my ZERO.
Meh, you've used him 5 times in the last week. Heroes get much mention. Clinton was OK, I liked him, I voted for him the second time around. His wife is the crazy one IMO.
Yes, the FBI entrapped him very neatly.
So my question is, if they weren't there to help him with this fake plot, would he have done anything? Would time have shaken his twisted beliefs?
Who knows...they found a vulnerable person and set him up to fail, in the end.

No, not really. The guy was spreading Jihad on the internet, that is what alerted the FBI to his existance. The FBI then pretended to be fellow murderers and gave him what he thought was a remote detonater to a bomb that they told him they planted. He pushed the button as it passed a large group of people. Had it been a real bomb, there would have been several hundred fewer Oregonions; who knows maybe Unclebuck might have been one of the martyrs.

That proves two things:
1. that he conspired to murder people.
2. he pushed the button to actually make it happen, so he actually tried to do it.

No sympathy here. I would have given him 60 years in the klink. As pretty as he is he will be popular in there amongst his fellow sociopaths.
I'm not sure how much more clear I can make it than this, so pay attention..


That has been my opinion since I joined this forum, in 2006, 8 years ago. It hasn't changed the entire time.

You simply believe what you want to believe, and to you, criticizing Christianity (because I live in America where it's shoved down my throat on a daily fucking basis) means I must love Islam. That's simply not how it works and you're ignorant for believing it.

If I lived in a Muslim country, I would be criticizing Islam. But I don't, and I don't give a shit about Islam, it's not a threat to me or my rights like Christianity is. It will never take hold in America no matter how much Fox News tells you they've infiltrated the country. You are 8 times more likely to be killed by an American police officer than you are a Muslim extremist. Your fear of Islam/Muslims is completely misguided and misplaced.

Do you understand?

I agree that Islam is dangerous. Very dangerous.