It seems that he still does not know that I know via multiple smoking guns of guilt that I know what he was up to. He called me yesterday and was chummy and I fed him exactly what he was looking for. He is suppose to be coming out tonight. The guy who will be bringing him is privy to what is going on. Two other guys are slated to be here as well. There's gonna be a back yard get together and Bill is going to be put on the spot.
I'm going to call him out and one of the guys who will be here is the man he tried to talk into helping him rip me off. This guy is also the man he went to looking for a piece. I'm going to call his ass out. I'm going to pose certain questions to him. The slightest bit of anything other than extreme humility is going to work against him. He's going to get tuned up if he cocks off once or denies anything just fucking once. He's going to get tuned up and that's the way it is. If he keeps his mouth shut and his head down he will have the option of walking out down my dead end road and to whereever the hell he wants to go and there won't be a finger laid on him. Knowing him as I do Bill will be getting tuned up.
Concerning Melissa....I had her out here last night. The player is being played and knows it not. It's all right to play with poisonous snakes when handled as such. If I get bitten I won't be crying about it. There is a certain part of her that I cannot get enough of. It fucked with me real bad as I started to become suspicious of her behavior and convinced she was plotting to rob me of my flowers as well. I have to be honest in that I have no smoking gun proof of her plotting against me. However her behavior told the story of someone who was up to no good. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's most likely a duck. But part of me wants it to be a big misunderstanding, a big fucking part of me...but I can't deny the discrepancies and until I can I have to assume the worst. If she was not plotting then some of the most coincidental shit that ever happened in this world happened to me concerning her.
To make matters worse we had a problem just a week and half before this shit storm. A small thing but she lied to me and ever since I've been struggling with trusting her. That alone has probably sealed the deal concerning the probable demise of our "thing". She's coming over for the evening again tonight

And yes she has seen this thread. She knows who GardenBoss and S'Manta(prob jealous of you after arms comment lmao) are. But I haven't known of her to ever visit here on her own...of course now she may very well make it a point. But I don't even think she prob remembers the name of the web sight. I need to take it off my bookmarks. If she does come looking oh well. I told her last night if she had not spun a web of lies to hide something that wasn't even fucking serious I would have been less likely to suspect the worse of her. Fucking nuts and I'm playing with the fire and can't help myself.
This is her by the Blair Witch right at 3:00 p.m. Monday. Just 12 hrs. later I was laying the ax to The Blair Witch in haste and looking over my shoulder.
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