PLANTS stolen!!!!

People are asshats. Plain and simple. I would never ever consider doing shit like this especially fenced areas. It's unbelievable. Grow for yourself or get a job and buy your own shit!!!
Me neither the worse part is it was my breeding project and was full of seeds I wanted
Nope, I am 50 years old. There were 5 of us in a 1100 sq foot home, we had to share one bathroom. While in Jr. high in the summer I would pick berries to earn money to buy the bike I wanted and some school clothes as well. In high school I worked after school in a greenhouse for money and extra credit towards graduation. I had to buy my own car and pay for the insurance and gas.

So to answer your question, no, my parents made me work for what I wanted guess that is why I am not a thief, I know it takes hard work to get what you want.

Sound like my house growing up. Dad was bi-polar and things were tough. Mom did her best working and keeping us raised right. None of of steal. All of us work to this day. I am living in that house today. 940 square feet of wonderful memories. Some not so great.
Karma is a funny thing. I found out if some one drops 20 bucks and i keep it, something that cost 40 bucks will break on my car.
I was 16 years old and found an envelope with close to 3 grand in it at a grocery store. I went to the front desk and told the lady. She told me to give her the money. It didn't feel right. I told her I was the only one who knew how much was in it. She made the announcement that if some one lost tell me how much was in it.

A little old lady come to claim the money. Give me a c note as a reward.

Fast forward to a few years ago. My wife and I cash a 7000 tax return check. At some point my wife dropped the bank sleeve with the money. 2 hours and a few parking lots later we find the sleeve with every dollar in it.

If i was a douche, I think that money would have never been found.
Well bottom line is its done and there's nothing I can do about it. Just learn from it. The opportunity presented itself easily for the then thieves. I am just not the person Who is looking in yards to take what's valuable to someone else. I am 53 years old. A female etc. easy pickings living alone. I am sure it was kids or young adults with nothing to do on a Friday night. This plant was only one week or so into flowering. So it's not ready even yet. Next year there will be many more precautions.
They dug mine up roots and all. :(
I would like to think that this was done by some mindless teenagers who just
don't know better, and some time in the future they suffer a like disappointment
and reflect back on that stupid, mean and thoughtless act and feel the pain
that they inflicted!!!
In memory of Martha. I kind of hope she stopped producing the moment they took her. She had been repotted again since this pic.

Was having an issue getting these photos to upload. So here is Martha my dear soul. Bless her heart and I hope she's ok I guess. And on a lighter note Berta. My remaining gal. But I liked Martha much more.


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