White Lesbian Sues Sperm Bank After Giving Birth to Black Baby

I think the stigma is more damaging to the child then the lack of one particular sexed parent.

If the social stigma of having two same sex parents was eliminated, these children would be 'normal.' Society is more damaging then the child's same sex parents I would guess.

I don't think social "stigmas" have anything to do with the lack of a viable male / female role model in the home.

Not being female, I could NEVER offer the kind of insight to a daughter that only a mother could, be it about female physiology, emotion, or behaviors. The best that I could do is cite some shit I learned in a book, and give advice from my male perspective....which just might not be good enough.

Likewise, a female can't offer a son the insight he needs as he becomes a man. And as soon as he hits puberty and becomes bigger and stronger than "mommy", she starts looking to HIM for protection, and as a result, both her "control" and "authority" go out the window. Gay couples will be in the same position, and their "children" will also suffer from this lack of insight.

Blaming "society" for the selfish actions of individuals just doesn't cut it. That's like blaming "society" for not allowing somebody to walk around naked.

Regardless, I'd rather see kids adopted out to normal couples, as they seem to do about as well as any other kid raised in any other normal family. IMO, gay "couples" are better suited for raising pets, not children.
. IMO, gay "couples" are better suited for raising pets, not children.
wow.....im really sorry your parents raised such a homophobic person..it must be really hard on children to be brought up in a home that is really just intolerant, and filled with hate..must be really hard a child to grow up hating everything because their parents pushed their hating views and distorted morals...

im really sorry you were mentally abused like this...
wow.....im really sorry your parents raised such a homophobic person..it must be really hard on children to be brought up in a home that is really just intolerant, and filled with hate..must be really hard a child to grow up hating everything because their parents pushed their hating views and distorted morals...

im really sorry you were mentally abused like this...


First, I was raised in a single parent home. Go figure.

Second, your responses have been consistently based on individual emotion, and not logic, and therefore add nothing meaningful to the discussion. Show us some data that contradicts anything I've said instead of simply decrying my statements outright.

Finally, your responses have attacked me directly, despite the fact that all I have done is present the data, and an opinion based on that data. In essence, you're shooting the messenger because you don't like the message.

I would expect more from a Mod.
Your use of "couples," specifically the use of quotation marks could be considered homophobic and insulting. I think Sunni might have been reacting to that. She made it clear her parents are a same sex couple, she may have taken it personal.

Same sex couples are 50% less likely to get divorced then heterosexual couples. This means they are more like to stay together and raise a child.

This study of 78 adolescents with two female parents points to positive results.
From that study 13% identified themselves as lesbian or gay. I wonder how that stacks up with children from heterosexual parents.
People drive drunk every day without getting into a wreck, however, those are the exceptional cases, and we sure as hell don't want drunk driving approved as policy.

are you actually comparing single parents to drunk drivers?

fuck me running, you are one dumb mother fucker.

Are gay "parents" any better?

AGAIN, I can't say, because there isn't enough evidence to confirm or deny it either way, however, I'm willing to bet that their kids will mirror those raised by a single parent due to the absence of the true male / female role model. Regardless, I am NOT willing to use children as guinea pigs just because some selfish gay dude / woman wants to be a "parent". Hell, get a damn pet, don't fuck up a kid to appease your own ego.

studies show gay parents (not "parents", you fucking bigoted dickwad) do a better job. ginja already cited a study.

you can drop the willful ignorance now, but we all know you won't. ignorance is kinda your thing.
Your use of "couples," specifically the use of quotation marks could be considered homophobic and insulting.

The overwhelming majority of citizens on this planet visualize a married couple as being a man and a woman, NOT two same sexed individuals, hence the quotation marks to distinguish them from normal couples.

Same sex couples are 50% less likely to get divorced then heterosexual couples. This means they are more like to stay together and raise a child.

First, I applaud you for at LEAST trying to make a fact based claim instead of launching an emotional tirade.

Second, on page 1 it says that "percentage of gay couples that end their legal relationships is 0 to 1.8% with 1.1% being the average vs. 2% for normal couples." That data seems kind of hokie to me as there is a LOT of "wiggle room" between 0% and 1.8%, and they don't offer the normal marriages the same kind of "wiggle room". For them it's just 2%. Why don't the normal couples get the same margins?

Finally, it is my contention that a kid needs a mother and a father to have the best chances of becoming a well adjusted citizen, not two "mommies" or "daddies", so homosexual divorce rates aren't relevant to the issue IMO.

13% of them self reporting as being gay is NOT my idea of a positive result.

All the study suggests is that gay and lesbian parents are better at conflict resolution, hence the above average health and well being in their children. This doesn't make better parents.

The fact is LGBT parents are such a small % of the populace that long term comparative studies are not available in abundance.

You still have not convinced me LGBT parents are any better at parenting than heterosexuals.

Single fucking parent here and I'll happily wager my kid is way better off than any pond scum a fuckwit like you could produce

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Product of divorce or a bastard child?

Yep save your pennies, you'll be spending a pretty one on mental health professionals.[/QUOTE]
I haven't looked back in the thread, but it seems it's deteriorated into some kind of "hetero parents are better than homo parents" bullshit, well, here's a straight kid raised by two lesbian parents take on the subject, enjoy;


First, I was raised in a single parent home. Go figure.

Second, your responses have been consistently based on individual emotion, and not logic, and therefore add nothing meaningful to the discussion. Show us some data that contradicts anything I've said instead of simply decrying my statements outright.

Finally, your responses have attacked me directly, despite the fact that all I have done is present the data, and an opinion based on that data. In essence, you're shooting the messenger because you don't like the message.

I would expect more from a Mod.
lol my post went right over your head didnt ?

First, I was raised in a single parent home. Go figure.

Second, your responses have been consistently based on individual emotion, and not logic, and therefore add nothing meaningful to the discussion. Show us some data that contradicts anything I've said instead of simply decrying my statements outright.

Finally, your responses have attacked me directly, despite the fact that all I have done is present the data, and an opinion based on that data. In essence, you're shooting the messenger because you don't like the message.

I would expect more from a Mod.
gay couples I have known and their kids are normal as can be. I am sure the reason this couple specified a white sperm donor was so they wouldnt have to explain one more thing to some bigoted asshole about their kids
most likely because she wanted a kid of her color.

now i can see that alot of people who use artificial insemination ask for a child of the same color, gay or straight...

some dont care and some want a child that may resemble them.
All the study suggests is that gay and lesbian parents are better at conflict resolution, hence the above average health and well being in their children. This doesn't make better parents.

The fact is LGBT parents are such a small % of the populace that long term comparative studies are not available in abundance.

You still have not convinced me LGBT parents are any better at parenting than heterosexuals.

yeah, don't let facts or evidence or scientific studies convince you, echelon.

just let your bigotry and homophobia guide the way.