How will the GOP solve the problem of demographics?

i'm so sorry that you hate the constitution and logic, but taking the 5th is not an admission of guilt in any way.

it is called a constitutional protection you fetid accumulation of horse stool.

I find it funny these same retards claiming the government shouldn't be such pussies when it comes to the law are the first to stand up and bitch when the government actually does anything..

To them, government big and bad and scary when dey incroacheng on MY rights! But when it comes to dos LIBERALZ, FUCK EM!

Tea Party retards.
I'm beginning to believe all of these people have never graduated from high school or obtained their GED. They're simply way too fucking stupid.
well now, schools all across the south are known for their low, low standards.

Welcome to the bible belt..

They seem to be isolating their base to white Christians.
223 million white people in USA,

83% of Americans identify as Christians, probably a higher percentage of whites identify as christian.

so lets say 90% of white Americans are Christians. That means that 200 million white Christians.

200/308=65% of the population.
You can win with that, just need them all to show up and vote Republican't.
Plenty of white christians who vote democrap though.

None of this matters anyway, the democrats and the republicans are in essence just 2 sides of the same coin. Nothing really changes.
Nobody is defending the IRS, like I said, you people see what you wanna see, you believe what you wanna believe.. None of it has any basis in reality and anybody reading along can see that clearly for themselves..

The 5th amendment guarantees the right of self incrimination. I'm sorry you're unamerican in that you disagree with this fundamental right our forefathers felt it necessary enough to include in the Bill of Rights. That's on you and the conservative idiots that agree with you, namely the Tea Party - an intelligent bunch they are!

As for climate change, you're on the losing end of the stick on that one and every day adds to that fact.

<97%... 34 international science academies, tens of thousands of scientists, millions of man hours...

And your saying all this while not defending the IRS.:lol: