Nobody on the left is defending the IRS, I'm defending the 5th fucking amendment, get it right. The person in question has every right to enact 5th amendment rights, as would Bill fucking O'Reilly if he were being questioned. It has nothing to do with party affiliation, I'm not a fucking democrat, how retarded are you people?
You wanna bitch about the 5th amendment, take it up with the supreme court.
The IRS targeted LIBERAL groups too, why do you continually dismiss this fact?
"The only lie here is to lie that I think conservatives are telling and saying that somehow another this was a conspiracy against conservatives," Brazile said. "(The IRS) also investigated liberal groups, groups that have progressive in their name, groups that had Israel in its name. So the IRS was basically looking at everybody because they were trying to figure out where all of this fake, phony, secretive money was flowing in the last election cycle."
This is why your party is failing; its constituents only believe the bullshit talking points that contradict reality, not the facts.