White Lesbian Sues Sperm Bank After Giving Birth to Black Baby

This shit gets crazier & crazier ever day. Yeah real good parents huh?

Couple a wacked out pussy bumpers.

There is an eleven year old boy in Berkley, CA, Thomas Lobel, who has had the misfortune to have been adopted by a couple of lesbian women who, in what may be their own little act of revenge upon the male gender, are transforming a defenseless little boy into a girl. Thomas is undergoing a controversial hormone blocking treatment which will prevent him from going through puberty as a boy, although his boy genitalia will still be there in a diminished form.

Great for him, he won’t be a boy, won’t be a girl, but will definitely be different. That is just what you want to do to a kid who is trying to navigate the landscape of growing up. Put obstacles and self-doubt into his path.

They have justified their actions through the perverse idea that he will inevitably have to make the transition, so why not just get it over with. The younger the better, they argue, he’ll be less likely to want to kill himself if he’s allowed to turn into a girl.

That rationale should be enough to make them take a pause in and of itself. Emotional harm is one of the criteria for child abuse. If you contribute to the damage of a child’s psyche intentionally, to such an extent that you are concerned for the child’s potential suicidal response, you are probably doing something wrong to that child. Changing a physically normal boy into a hybrid does not eliminate the risk of suicide. In fact, an increased risk of suicide would seem to be a likely outcome. Raising a well adjusted boy with the proper physical equipment to handle daily life seems a more preferable alternative.

Rather than encourage manliness and educate the boy as to what it means to be a man, they engage in the self-gratification of their lifestyle preference by proxy. Does vanity demand that the boy be sacrificed for the sake of their in-vogue lesbian activism and new-found fame as neighborhood celebrities?

Perhaps, if the Gender Distortion agenda weren’t in charge of so much of the court, judicial, educational and medical professions, this kind of perversion upon an innocent child wouldn’t be permitted, much less encouraged in the lunatic preserve that is California, and the San Francisco Bay area.

I don’t care what two adults do between the two of them. I believe in personal liberty and personal liberty begins at home. I do care when you extend that freedom into an attack on innocents, such as a child, in the name of promoting an agenda.

That is what is being done here by the State of California through this morally, if not statutorily criminal act. They are sacrificing this child in the name of their demented version of the common good and the furtherance of their leftist agenda.

The liberal agenda is anti-natural, anti-traditional and especially anti-God. So any acts in which they can insert themselves into the equation as a replacement for any or all of these components are irresistibly attractive to them. With their actions in this case, the State has hit a grand slam.

The damn brainwashed people are afraid to speak up. Theyre scared they will be judged as intolerant & not inclusive, name called, or ridiculed. I aint scared! I don't give a damn what any of these mindless idiots think about me! They all a buncha sicko freak perverts any how.

i like how you got that story from "newnation.org", an obvious white supremacy website which offers its readers links to the following (also white supremacy) sites:

Some links that may be of interest

You reap what you sow.

This is what happens when you put bankers in charge.

They are obviously more dangerous than standing armies.

For the record, I'm a big supporter of EEO, Anti-Discrimination legislation, Workers Rights, Minimum Wage and workplace rights and protections in general. http://www.fairwork.gov.au/about-us...ts/rights-and-obligations/protections-at-work

You have allowed a system to manifest in which corporate America has nearly unlimited influence in the political and financial realms - this influence and manipulation extended all the way to the Obamacare rollout.

But i'm glad you've got your guns.

Say what? This is hilarious. Fuck minimum wage and all that other liberal entitlement crap. If you're not worth $5.00 working for me, you'll get what I think you're worth regarding productivity.

This shit gets crazier & crazier ever day. Yeah real good parents huh?

Couple a wacked out pussy bumpers.

There is an eleven year old boy in Berkley, CA, Thomas Lobel, who has had the misfortune to have been adopted by a couple of lesbian women who, in what may be their own little act of revenge upon the male gender, are transforming a defenseless little boy into a girl. Thomas is undergoing a controversial hormone blocking treatment which will prevent him from going through puberty as a boy, although his boy genitalia will still be there in a diminished form.

Great for him, he won’t be a boy, won’t be a girl, but will definitely be different. That is just what you want to do to a kid who is trying to navigate the landscape of growing up. Put obstacles and self-doubt into his path.

They have justified their actions through the perverse idea that he will inevitably have to make the transition, so why not just get it over with. The younger the better, they argue, he’ll be less likely to want to kill himself if he’s allowed to turn into a girl.

That rationale should be enough to make them take a pause in and of itself. Emotional harm is one of the criteria for child abuse. If you contribute to the damage of a child’s psyche intentionally, to such an extent that you are concerned for the child’s potential suicidal response, you are probably doing something wrong to that child. Changing a physically normal boy into a hybrid does not eliminate the risk of suicide. In fact, an increased risk of suicide would seem to be a likely outcome. Raising a well adjusted boy with the proper physical equipment to handle daily life seems a more preferable alternative.

Rather than encourage manliness and educate the boy as to what it means to be a man, they engage in the self-gratification of their lifestyle preference by proxy. Does vanity demand that the boy be sacrificed for the sake of their in-vogue lesbian activism and new-found fame as neighborhood celebrities?

Perhaps, if the Gender Distortion agenda weren’t in charge of so much of the court, judicial, educational and medical professions, this kind of perversion upon an innocent child wouldn’t be permitted, much less encouraged in the lunatic preserve that is California, and the San Francisco Bay area.

I don’t care what two adults do between the two of them. I believe in personal liberty and personal liberty begins at home. I do care when you extend that freedom into an attack on innocents, such as a child, in the name of promoting an agenda.

That is what is being done here by the State of California through this morally, if not statutorily criminal act. They are sacrificing this child in the name of their demented version of the common good and the furtherance of their leftist agenda.

The liberal agenda is anti-natural, anti-traditional and especially anti-God. So any acts in which they can insert themselves into the equation as a replacement for any or all of these components are irresistibly attractive to them. With their actions in this case, the State has hit a grand slam.

The damn brainwashed people are afraid to speak up. Theyre scared they will be judged as intolerant & not inclusive, name called, or ridiculed. I aint scared! I don't give a damn what any of these mindless idiots think about me! They all a buncha sicko freak perverts any how.


From the lower link:

The two female guardians (whose gender identity I feel is irrelevant since they are of the position that the boy should remain a boy) say Thomas has threatened self-mutilation in response to having been seen as a boy instead of the girl Thomas insists being, and the guardians wish to give Thomas more time to consider the truth to that claim.

That's one of the saddest fucking things I've ever read.

Would he have been that fucked up had he been adopted into a REAL family with an actual MAN to act as a role model?

Doubt it.

Way to go lesbians. You've managed to completely mind fuck that poor little boy to the point that he doesn't even know what the fuck he even is, and not a g'damn thing will happen to them for their misconduct.

Perfect example of why gay "couples" should adopt pets, not children.
From the lower link:

That's one of the saddest fucking things I've ever read.

Would he have been that fucked up had he been adopted into a REAL family with an actual MAN to act as a role model?

Doubt it.

Way to go lesbians. You've managed to completely mind fuck that poor little boy to the point that he doesn't even know what the fuck he even is, and not a g'damn thing will happen to them for their misconduct.

Perfect example of why gay "couples" should adopt pets, not children.

happens all the time in families with a mother and a father as well, you bigoted heap of camel feces.
From the lower link:

That's one of the saddest fucking things I've ever read.

Would he have been that fucked up had he been adopted into a REAL family with an actual MAN to act as a role model?

Doubt it.

Way to go lesbians. You've managed to completely mind fuck that poor little boy to the point that he doesn't even know what the fuck he even is, and not a g'damn thing will happen to them for their misconduct.

Perfect example of why gay "couples" should adopt pets, not children.
According to the Daily Mail they have three other kids and grandchildren.
A lot of the stories I've read about kids with gender identity issues have heterosexual parents.
this will not convince the bigots and homophobes (who apparently shop for their news on white supremacy websites) that they have been duped by propagandists.
It's not a great effort at all. The author had them breaking way too many laws for it to be plausible.

Something I've never understood though about lesbians is how the real pretty ones want men to join in and the not so pretty ones are a bunch of butch man haters, well that's what the internet says so it must be true!
It's not a great effort at all. The author had them breaking way too many laws for it to be plausible.

Something I've never understood though about lesbians is how the real pretty ones want men to join in and the not so pretty ones are a bunch of butch man haters, well that's what the internet says so it must be true!
That's only in the movies you watch.
says the holocaust denying, three-time member of rollitup's white nationalist groups.

Not sure if you're a snitching rapist or a raping snitch...

Did you know you're the founding member of RIU rat pack?

You'll do it again remember?????

there you go again, rejection the facts, evidence, and scientific studies presented so far in favor of your bigoted homophobia.



I'm not bigoted or homophobic towards you. If you feel raping a walrus makes you happy so be it.

Just don't ask me to support such sick garbage.

You need to kill yourself ASAFP so your walrus can finally be happy and reap many fishes from her infinite sea..
From the lower link:

That's one of the saddest fucking things I've ever read.

Would he have been that fucked up had he been adopted into a REAL family with an actual MAN to act as a role model?

Doubt it.

Way to go lesbians. You've managed to completely mind fuck that poor little boy to the point that he doesn't even know what the fuck he even is, and not a g'damn thing will happen to them for their misconduct.

Perfect example of why gay "couples" should adopt pets, not children.

There's a lot of sick people in society.

Pets? I wouldn't trust them with caring for my dog. I love her (my heeler) too much!
Say what? This is hilarious. Fuck minimum wage and all that other liberal entitlement crap. If you're not worth $5.00 working for me, you'll get what I think you're worth regarding productivity.

That's your problem right there, you are blinded by partisan bullshit.

I bet you have whole bunch of people lining up to trim your weed bro, keep your $5 bucks, blokes like you need it.
That "boy" sure looks happy...in a concentration camp kind of way.

That kid needs to be removed from those two idiots and they should be charged with child abuse.
You pretty clearly implied as much with this post

The idea that a kid can't be raised "correctly" (whatever the fuck that is) without a mother & father figure in their lives is nonsense, demonstrably so

This is the one and only fallback bigots have to hold onto.. "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!"...

Well, got news for you, bud, your antiquated idea of what's correct is simply an opinion, imo, not worth repeating twice

There's not a single thing my mother couldn't have taught me growing up that my father did, and likewise, not a single thing my father could have taught me that my mother couldn't. I challenge anyone who disputes that to provide a single example.

I'm guessing pissing standing up would have been easier for dad to demonstrate.
That's your problem right there, you are blinded by partisan bullshit.

I bet you have whole bunch of people lining up to trim your weed bro, keep your $5 bucks, blokes like you need it.

I'm blinded by common sense and our Constitution. NO ONE deserves a government mandated minimum wage and no government should dictate how a private businessman should pay.

I take it you have never owned a biz or hired employees?
I'm blinded by common sense and our Constitution. NO ONE deserves a government mandated minimum wage and no government should dictate how a private businessman should pay.

I take it you have never owned a biz or hired employees?

Common sense and your constitution don't go hand in hand. In todays world your constitution means nothing. No one cares not even your own government. Your last refuge is the second and even that is a joke to the rest of the world and the people with bigger and better guns.

I take it i do own a business and America needs to catch up with the rest of the modern world - empire sickness has all but killed your empire. Legislated employee protections are necessary in ensure the employers do not run rampant in "god mode", take advantage of their employees or deny them their rights in any way, shape or form.
Common sense and your constitution don't go hand in hand. In todays world your constitution means nothing. No one cares not even your own government. Your last refuge is the second and even that is a joke to the rest of the world and the people with bigger and better guns.

I take it i do own a business and America needs to catch up with the rest of the modern world - empire sickness has all but killed your empire. Legislated employee protections are necessary in ensure the employers do not run rampant in "god mode", take advantage of their employees or deny them their rights in any way, shape or form.

Says the Euro slave who already gave up his guns.LOL!

"Bigger and better guns? The US war machine thought it was a joke in Nam and Russia thought so in Afghanistan and look what happened to them. Never underestimate armed people fighting on their own land in their own country...they will never quit.

With guns you are citizens without them you are subjects!