kill all dangerous dogs

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Dear this thread and dog haters:

If we remove everything that can potentially cause harm, there will be nothing left alive on the planet.

Instead, we should learn to do the best we can to train/handle them correctly, minimize potential risk to others, and accept that accidents happen, which is often more appropriately attributable to circumstances beyond our control, as well as people (e.g. victims) being reckless, careless, inconsiderate, and lacking self-control. Kids can't often help those things, so if kids and pits (or any medium to large breed, really) are to be in the same vicinity, enhanced precautions should be taken. Even if it's not a pit, most dogs are territorial and become quite loyal and protective of both their environments and their masters, and the masters should always remember this: the dog may perceive a threat where you do not, and since you understand better than the dog does, you need to do your best to make sure to maintain control of every situation.

You're not just protecting others from the dog, you're also protecting the dog from others, and from itself.
the boys handbook i believe its called , written around 1875-1885 said the pit-bull terrier is the most preferred dog for a boy . loyal and intelligent , you can put an ole coward mutt in a corner and kick him enuff that dog will bite you , that doesnot make it dangerous . dogs like people become a product of their enviroment .

chows are perhaps the finest dog a human can have if socialized, but if you leave them locked up in the house and backyard they become very protective and distrustful of strangers which results in someone getting bit .
This is ridiculous...
I didnt think this thread would have lasted this long.
The op is obviously someone who has had a loved one bitten which if thats the sorry if not...then your a social retard and again im sorry.

I think dog owners are responsible for their pets and if someone gets bit its because the person is doing something they shouldnt have been doing.

I have had manymany so called "dangerous breeds" and not one if my dogs has ever bit anyone. But my exs cat bit three kids does that mean all cats should be killed.
Smarten up
Most civilized countries dont even kill known murderers after a trial and u wanna kill all mean dogs
There is only one breed of dog that I feel is actually mean/inclined to bite and that is chows because those fucking dogs are mean. I am an animal person and know how to approach an animal I have not met before without making it skittish. But the few times I have met a chow those fuckers wanted nothing to do with me, not really a "people" breed but dtill nice looking dogs and I certainly do bot want them wiped off the face of the earth because they dont like me. I adopted a pit that was six months old and skittish as all hell, now that she isnt having her ass beat on the regular by some asshole tho she is a big cuddler and is great with my nephew, my much older bassett/beagle is not nearly as patient but he is getting grouchy in his old age.
Dig deep enough and you'll find the people who wish to kill off "X" would also kill off many other things if they could: more animals, folks with religious, ethnic and political differences
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