Those Oregonians are a loony bunch.

so i'm guessing your abandoning our attempt to cite your own claim.

that's what i expected.

Buck, my citations were credible.

You have a knack for attacking everyone's citations except your own. And you're very good at it. To a certain extent. And that extent is bounded by the TRUTH. Whenever your fucked up leftist views meet the truth, you get your fucking ass kicked. And it's fun to kick your ass, but I'm kinda getting bored with it.

Try to put up more of a fight in the future, to keep me interested.
Buck, my citations were credible.

You have a knack for attacking everyone's citations except your own. And you're very good at it. To a certain extent. And that extent is bounded by the TRUTH. Whenever your fucked up leftist views meet the truth, you get your fucking ass kicked. And it's fun to kick your ass, but I'm kinda getting bored with it.

Try to put up more of a fight in the future, to keep me interested.

sorry to fuck up the truth with my leftist views and whatnot, but can you please point me to the citation that shows that 50.00000000001% or more of "muslim groups" are terrorists?
You're funny Buck. My wife and I so look forward every evening to seeing what bullshit you post. You provide us with more comic relief then we've seen out of all the major comedy movies in the past 30 years.

Dude, take your wife out, dafuq kind of piece of shit husband stays on RIU to entertain their wife?
Fuck off, stupid shit stain (I learned that term from UncleFuckHead). My wife and I have fun reading the idiotic posts of the idiot liberals on this web site. Including yours.

And please quit posting unless you can talk trash. Which you can't. Take lessons from me and Buck. While Buck is a certified fucking asshole, at least he can talk trash. You can't.

Take some lessons and come back in a year or so.

Till then, aloha.

Once can't cite "heart of heart" statistics...I believe they believe that way...hating us...because they believe the Koran PLAINLY tells them to.

as long as you admit that it's just your own stupid, misguided feels, and has no basis in fact whatsoever.
You're a mother fucking leftist commie Hitler youth goose stepping SS asshole wannabe...

You're funny Buck. My wife and I so look forward every evening to seeing what bullshit you post. You provide us with more comic relief then we've seen out of all the major comedy movies in the past 30 years.

Thank you Buck. You'll never know exactly what you mean to me.

Not to be rude, but you forgot to mention floor shitting. Thank you.
let's see, over a billion mulsims in the world, 19 extremists cited...

19/1000000000 = 0.00000019%

since you need 0.9%, and not 0.00000019%, you're off by 0.89999981%.

a spectacular failure if ever there was one.

Buck, did you not see the news coverage of Muslim countries on the evening of 9/11? They were OVERJOYED at what happened that day. Completely OVERJOYED.
Buck, did you not see the news coverage of Muslim countries on the evening of 9/11? They were OVERJOYED at what happened that day. Completely OVERJOYED.

then show the tapes of the 1,440,000,001 muslims celebrating or shut your whiny cock hole.
then show the tapes of the 1,440,000,001 muslims celebrating or shut your whiny cock hole.

Funny Buck. Funny.

Show me the actual ballot selection of every American who voted for Hussein in 2008 and 2012.

You request impossible corroboration of any view that does not line up with your fucked up leftist views.

Good job at deflecting the truth. Damn, you're almost as good as Hussein himself.
My claim was that Muslim countries hate us. There's no denying that Buck. Except by someone like you, who's just a plain fucking idiot who is so far out in left field...
Do you think spending the best part of the last 60yrs fucking with shit that has nothing to do with America has something to do with the hate you've brought upon yourselves?

How about all the covert action to subvert and overthrow democratically elected governments, in favor of despotic regimes and their monstrous dictators?

One word for 'ya bud, BLOWBACK!
I don't fucking care who hates us. We're the BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. We've saved Europe (and the whole world) at least twice. We're hated, and yet we fight back. Novel concept, huh?

The world is a far, far better place because of America.

Have we made mistakes? Of course. But is the world better for our overwhelming international successes? Damn right.

Fuck anyone who hates us. When they're in trouble, they'll be begging us to come help them. And we will. And as soon as we've solved their problems, they'll unjustifiably renew their hatred for us.

I don't care. Fuck them. And, especially, YOU.

Cos world peace would be shitty.