kill all dangerous dogs

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My parents made me go to a German Shepherd training school when I was 12 and he was 6 -9 mths. It was on this condition I could keep the dog.

Dog schools are great, they train the owners, not the dogs. My pit is trained by hand signals now. I rarely see other dogs over here that are well trained.
Thats cool.
My canine background is actually in German Shepards. My dad was a trainer for police in our state. I grew up raising, training, and showing Shepards.
If I hadn't have been injured so badly in the Marine Corps,after 12yrs service and getting discharged,I would have finished my military career retiring in the USMC K-9 corps working with Shepards.
We have 2 Shepards in our home along with a staffordshire bull terrier and a Lab/Pitt mix.
The dog fights that I attended are (not in the US) well organized affairs, with reputable betting agents and vets on hand, these dogs have been bred with one main factor like all dogs, to do the bidding of man, they have class, weights, and a fighting ladder a kin to that of boxing or wrestling, rarely does a dog ever get killed or put down afterward, 10 horses would be killed to one of dogs if that ..if there was ever a ratio involved.
Your post implies that west only love dogs ...thats myopic in the extreme, and no ..not all dog lovers, breeders or killers are brain dead creatures... just give a moments thought to the thousands of racing hounds that are eliminated every year from the track regardless of the propaganda supplied by the industry of successful re housing options open

Besides its low in fats and high in worms

I 've no desire to fight with you anymore than I have the desire to agree with you on the dog fighting front, I would imagine most of the people on here would not agree with you that dog fighting of any kind is okay, even with vets and betting agents! just the sound of dogs fighting makes me want to vomit how anyone could get pleasure from watching it is beyond me, but I know we are not all the same and you are entitled to your opinion. As for the racing hounds that to is cruel my local kennels try to rehome them when they retire and I support and help them as much as I can, but your right these are just a drop in the ocean many more are killed when they are no use to any one, we live in a cruel world with cruel people in it, but I know their are dog lovers all over the world and that I am thankful for. As for you picture, you let yourself down greatly and if it was your intention to shock me you failed miserably, so lets leave it there shall we.
Banned dogs
In the UK, it’s against the law to own certain types of dog. These are the:
  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Braziliero
It’s also against the law to:
  • sell
  • abandon
  • give away
  • breed from
Whether your dog is a banned type depends on what it looks like, rather than its breed or name.
Example If your dog matches many of the characteristics of a Pit Bull Terrier, it may be a banned type.

You have a banned dog

If you have a banned dog, the police or local council dog warden can take it away and keep it, even if:
  • it isn’t acting dangerously
  • there hasn’t been a complaint
The police may need permission from a court to do this. If your dog is in:
  • a public place, the police don’t need a warrant
  • a private place, the police must get a warrant
  • a private place and the police have a warrant for something else (like a drugs search), they can seize your dog
A police or council dog expert will judge what type of dog you have and whether it is (or could be) a danger to the public. Your dog will then either be:
  • released
  • kept in kennels while the police (or council) apply to a court
While you wait for the court decision, you’re not allowed to visit your dog.

You can give up ownership of your dog but you can’t be forced to. If you do, your dog could be destroyed without you even going to court.

Going to court
It’s your responsibility to prove your dog is not a banned type.

If you prove this, the court will order the dog to be returned to you. If you can’t prove it (or you plead guilty), you’ll be convicted of a crime.

The maximum penalty for having a banned dog against the law is a £5,000 fine and/or 6 months in prison. Your dog will also be destroyed.

Dogs are not treated equally in the UK ^^ :(
Banned dogs
In the UK, it’s against the law to own certain types of dog. These are the:
  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Braziliero
It’s also against the law to:
  • sell
  • abandon
  • give away
  • breed from
Whether your dog is a banned type depends on what it looks like, rather than its breed or name.
Example If your dog matches many of the characteristics of a Pit Bull Terrier, it may be a banned type.
You have a banned dog
If you have a banned dog, the police or local council dog warden can take it away and keep it, even if:
  • it isn’t acting dangerously
  • there hasn’t been a complaint
The police may need permission from a court to do this. If your dog is in:
  • a public place, the police don’t need a warrant
  • a private place, the police must get a warrant
  • a private place and the police have a warrant for something else (like a drugs search), they can seize your dog
A police or council dog expert will judge what type of dog you have and whether it is (or could be) a danger to the public. Your dog will then either be:
  • released
  • kept in kennels while the police (or council) apply to a court
While you wait for the court decision, you’re not allowed to visit your dog.

You can give up ownership of your dog but you can’t be forced to. If you do, your dog could be destroyed without you even going to court.

Going to court
It’s your responsibility to prove your dog is not a banned type.

If you prove this, the court will order the dog to be returned to you. If you can’t prove it (or you plead guilty), you’ll be convicted of a crime.

The maximum penalty for having a banned dog against the law is a £5,000 fine and/or 6 months in prison. Your dog will also be destroyed.

Dogs are not treated equally in the UK ^^ :(

This has become an EU law, not just UK. I can't take my dog even through France, Germany or Italy etc.

Even in Spain they have recently introduced new dangerous dog laws (excl germ shep, shar pei). Muzzle , 2 m lead, license for dangerous dog and insurance.

In the UK you would need to get the dog neutered and microchipped. They are not going around houses or parks and taking away people's family pets of years but they are trying to make the breed die out.

The wrong people tend to favour them at home and due to this, they are now reducing them.
The wrong people tend to favour them at home

that was the dangerous dogs act its been around since 1991
it was part of the clampdown on the rave culture and drug dealers who were associated with these dogs
perhaps something similar is now EU law too

sadly for those types of dogs they can attract violent owners
they put pittbulls at the top of the banned list in the uk at a time when rottweilers were responsible for more public attacks

they also seem to selectively ban dogs known to be fighting* dogs
even though most of them are rare here
Rhodesian ridgebacks are pretty common, not sure why they didn't try to ban them too
My mom is not a "dog person". When I got our pitbull she said, "do not ever bring that dog around me or to my house!"

There are many many dogs in our family (all my siblings have multiple too)

GUESS which is the ONLY dog in a giant framed portrait hanging on the wall in her house now. :)

She actually wants a blue nose pit now and he sleeps on her when she visits.

She's an international attorney for UPS. She must want one for her "image". :lol:

Oh....and guess who's head is in my lap as I type.:P
that was the dangerous dogs act its been around since 1991
it was part of the clampdown on the rave culture and drug dealers who were associated with these dogs
perhaps something similar is now EU law too

sadly for those types of dogs they can attract violent owners

Yes I remember. I couldn't legally take my dog out for a couple of years! I looked over 16 anyway and never had a problem. Plus he was MY dog!

For a while it worked and less thugs were seen getting pulled down the streets by leather studded harnessed pitbulls.

However as fashion goes, it unfortunately has come around again to sell pitbulls on the black market as they are more restricted and therefore desirable.

Over here in Spain I get a very mixed reception. Teenagers and mums with kids are very keen but old people not so much. The kind of people who own them here are not 'Chavs' in the slightest.

I've considered breeding my blue nose with his little gf in the park, another blue nose but I'm worried about what homes the puppies would go to. The bitch in question has an excellent temperament and responsible owners.
Yes I remember. I couldn't legally take my dog out for a couple of years! I looked over 16 anyway and never had a problem. Plus he was MY dog!

For a while it worked and less thugs were seen getting pulled down the streets by leather studded harnessed pitbulls.

However as fashion goes, it unfortunately has come around again to sell pitbulls on the black market as they are more restricted and therefore desirable.

Over here in Spain I get a very mixed reception. Teenagers and mums with kids are very keen but old people not so much. The kind of people who own them here are not 'Chavs' in the slightest.

I've considered breeding my blue nose with his little gf in the park, another blue nose but I'm worried about what homes the puppies would go to. The bitch in question has an excellent temperament and responsible owners.

I totally agree the wrong people can be attracted to them. Pits want to please SO bad that if you are PLEASED when they're mean and aggressive they will do so for you. Whatever you say master! Although, mine is such a PANSY I don't think he could be mean if I wanted him too. If I look at him and go BOO! loudly he'll jump 3 feet in the air. LOL. The vacuum? FORGET IT!

In previous decades it was cool for thugs to have a doberman, or a rott or shepherd etc etc.

IMO the new "thug" dog is having some sort of mastiff or mastiff mix (which dummies mistake for pitbulls adding to the "data")
Cane Corsos and Presa Canarios etc. They will be demonized next probably.

Once I became educated about pits I realized how many DIFFERENT people own them. The thug population is actually a small percentage. They just do SO much damage for the reputation it's hard to ignore them.

A friend of mine is a middle school math teacher who looks like napolean Dynamite and acts pretty similar. LOL. Does he have a pitbull for his "image" or because That's the dog that needed a good home? :)

When we were at the pound, the LAST dog I was looking for was a pitbull (I believed the hype). When we walked by his kennel he threw himself on his back and let out the most pathetic sound I've ever heard then looked at us like "PUH-LEASE GET ME OUTTA HERE!"
We took him and gave him 30 days. If he did anything weird or aggressive back he went.

It was evident immediately all he wanted was love and a safe home. That was 3 years ago.

Guess who's staring at me whimpering because it's time to play "stick" in the backyard?
Heres another she eats and attacks everything.... biggest lap dog imaginableView attachment 3269347 everything

LOVE HER! Before I decided to ditch the yorkie SHE was my pits best friend. He was the only one sad when she left. And she even bullied him!

Older lab/rott HATED the yorkie. It would jump up in the air and bite her on the face! I saw her stomp on that Yorkie a few times. :)
LOVE HER! Before I decided to ditch the yorkie SHE was my pits best friend. He was the only one sad when she left. And she even bullied him!

Older lab/rott HATED the yorkie. It would jump up in the air and bite her on the face! I saw her stomp on that Yorkie a few times. :)
My oarents have a black and silver shepard her name is savannah (shes older and has hip displaysa) a pit and boxer mix her name is rocket and a bulldog and something else his name is Brock. The original owner use to beat and abuse brock and keep him chained up on a 4ft chain... so after physically seeing this my sis stole the dog and is now at parents. He is really skiddish of people he loves us but no one else amd yes of course the last dog my parents have is a yorkie named toby and that mother fucker has serious little man syndrome. He will snip snap bark attack and try to bullly the bigger dogs. I agree yorkies are mean lil fuckers and oh yeab toby can jump like a mother fucker. My dad feeds the dogss at certain times and if he is late toby will bark growl bite his pants legs until he feeds the big dogs its funny
I never said I wanted to kill anything. I simply stated that you must be aware of what the animal you own is capable of. I have nothing against dogs or dog owners. I do have a problem with ignorance though, especially when it comes to potentially dangerous dogs. If you can accept and respect the fact that what you own is capable of causing harm to others than you are on the right track. It just really urks me when people deny what dogs are capable of. I would love to think that my dog would never hurt anyone. I know better though. I take the necessary precaution to not put my dog in a situation where it may cause harm to someone. Like someone stated earlier "dogs are like guns".

see, i completely agree with this thinking, but i think any dog can be mean, regardless of the breed.. our old dog was abused before we got him, and you could sure as shit tell.. he'd bite anyone outside of say 4 people the second he got the chance, we just made sure he never got the chance is all.. he lived a long and pretty even free life, minus when my sister had him for the first year or two..
your mom is not a "dog person". When I got our pitbull she said, "do not ever bring that dog around me or to my house!"

There are many many dogs in our family (all my siblings have multiple too)

GUESS which is the ONLY dog in a giant framed portrait hanging on the wall in her house now. :)

She actually wants a blue nose pit now and he sleeps on her when she visits.

She's an international attorney for UPS. She must want one for her "image". :lol:

Oh....and guess who's head is in my lap as I type.:P

Dude! Gross! What's your mom's head doing there!?


Light edit ;)
My oarents have a black and silver shepard her name is savannah (shes older and has hip displaysa) a pit and boxer mix her name is rocket and a bulldog and something else his name is Brock. The original owner use to beat and abuse brock and keep him chained up on a 4ft chain... so after physically seeing this my sis stole the dog and is now at parents. He is really skiddish of people he loves us but no one else amd yes of course the last dog my parents have is a yorkie named toby and that mother fucker has serious little man syndrome. He will snip snap bark attack and try to bullly the bigger dogs. I agree yorkies are mean lil fuckers and oh yeab toby can jump like a mother fucker. My dad feeds the dogss at certain times and if he is late toby will bark growl bite his pants legs until he feeds the big dogs its funny

I LOVE your sister!
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