majority of employers favor raising minimum wage


Well-Known Member
Our gas is $2 a LITRE.

That'd be approximately $7.50 a gallon.

Fucking retard.
i pay $3.75 a gallon and get 20 miles per gallon. that's the average in america.

you pay $7.50 a gallon and get 40 miles to the gallon, if you're on average for europe.

in the end, we both pay the exact same amount to go the exact same distance.

fucking retard.


Well-Known Member
that's only for one type of NEW cars, it does not include all types of new cars or even all types of automobiles.


OMFG what a retard you must be. that says nothing about what the average MPG is in ireland, dipshit.

For Stormfront buck, facts are mostly a guessing game.
for you, lying relentlessly is only par for the course.


Well-Known Member
So Ireland is the same country as Italy?

Try comparing country to country instead of Continent to country.
Notice your link has no citations for their claims? another instance of "high ranking Economists" by Stormfront Buckeroo.
they cited the civil society institute, actually.

you reading compensation, it fucking sucks.


Well-Known Member
that's only for one type of NEW cars, it does not include all types of new cars or even all types of automobiles.


OMFG what a retard you must be. that says nothing about what the average MPG is in ireland, dipshit.

for you, lying relentlessly is only par for the course.
It says 30MPG, right in the link.

The AA are the Automobile Association, they sorta know their shit.


Well-Known Member
it SUPPOSES 30 mpg. wipe your drool and work on you reading compensation.
It's "supposed" from the data they've collected, some call this mathematical endeavour "statistics".

A math graduate like yourself should know that.

Oh, didn't graduate?

Didn't even finish?

Too bad, so sad.


Well-Known Member
If I stay around 50-55mph which I have to do a lot of the time on the rural roads I get on average 9 miles per litre, if memory serves there is 3.81 litres to the US gallon so without doing the exact math that's about 34-35mpg.
My car engine is a 1.6L and on average I spend 90-100 euro per week.
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Well it works here, free education for all young people and education+welfare for the unemployed.

You arguing against educating people so they can get a better job instead of languishing on the minimum wage, which will always be the floor (hint: that's why it's call minimum)?

You're not even good at being a lefty.
Interesting fact, hillary clinton publicly advocates affordable higher education, then turns around and charges hundreds of thousands of dollars to speak at universities.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I guess this belongs here:

Stevenson covers other oft-cited reasons to raise the minimum wage, including the argument that, adjusted for inflation, the minimum wage would already be above $9 an hour. But inflation rates can both rise and fall, which means a minimum wage that truly kept up with inflation since its inception in 1938 would only be $4.12 today—not the current $7.25.
They were using Stormfront Bucky Big Mac inflation, there is no inflation according to Stormfront Buckeroo.