For all of you stooges terrified of ebola...

par for the course, of course.
It will be all radio, with a minority of support.
the reason?
Radio(and most news media) is dominated by conservative shows. Liberal shows are fun to watch for a little bit, but Like bucky claiming bull shit, it gets real old real fast.

There are no liberal media shows that get watched or listened to. Rachel Maddow gets about 1/3rd the viewers as the blonde on Fox, Meghan something or other. Why? Rachel is a smart gal, but she doesn't have much in common with the average idiot viewer. She isn't attractive like the blonde, so she doesn't get the attention of 80% of males, and since she is so intelligent she doesn't get the attention of 80% of the females either. So Liberals have a base of perhaps 10% of the nation that can watch or listen.

You can't win with that, idiot voters can easily outvote you. And because of the way voting works, it only takes 1 extra idiot voter to vote for (Republican name here) to get every one of your states electoral votes, winner takes ALL to the Idiots.

This is the nation of Idiocracy, not Buck Rogers.
You know the Nurse in Texas that flew on the plane? The CDC TOLD HER IT WAS OK TO FLY, the nurse had called the CDC to let them know she was exhibiting signs of ebola and was wondering if she should fly back to Texas from Ohio. The CDC gave her the go-ahead and said that because her fever ( amongst other signs) was only 99.5, instead of the threshold 100.4. Apparently you can't have ebola unless you have a fever of minimum 100.4, even though you exhibit all the other early signs too.

Does anyone wonder how it is possible to be this incompetent?

I have to think it is somehow being done on purpose so that this newest emergency can provide cover for more warring, more money printing, and more government "necessity".

Call me paranoid, but preparation is key.

Might want to invest in stock of companies that make Lysol and Bio suits. Short any airline that flies international. Puts and calls if you know your business.

If shit gets real? I mean that as in major metropolis mass outbreak. Might want to think about 4 gallons of fresh water per person per day and enough food/vitamins/toilet paper to last 6 months.

Good Luck.
I can't tell if this is satire or not, but if you're serious, stop watching the news..
I can't tell if this is satire or not, but if you're serious, stop watching the news..



A Dallas nurse who treated an Ebola patient contacted federal health officials before boarding a passenger flight Monday due to a slightly elevated temperature, but was allowed to board the flight because she was not exhibiting additional symptoms of Ebola.

Amber Vinson’s temperature was 99.5 degrees – below the 100.4 reading for a fever, according to a federal official from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A fever is one of the symptoms of Ebola. Other symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. She was not asked to avoid boarding the flight.
Stop reading news about ebola and stop spreading unnecessary panic. The situation is under control
Yeah, sure, under control. Obama just activated the individual ready reserve. These are the guys that just got out of active duty and have to serve the rest of the 8 years on IRR, it is NOT National Guard members. Army and Marines , combat elements mostly.

If Obama has to activate people that haven't trained for years to go combat Ebola, this shit just got REAL.

Don't panic, stay calm, get your supplies together now before something really bad happens.

How can you even make that argument when ebola has spread to folks in the USA because of incompetence. Why were doctors in the 70's able to reuse gear but these doctors can't even get a man into quarantine without getting infected? incompetence... never expect that coming out of Texas.


I seem to remember this other disease that was thought mainly effected gays and black men that was a lot harder to transmit causing all sorts of havoc for a very long time. Can't remember what it was called but all folks had to do was wear a condom and that didn't stop it from spreading like crazy threw certain communities. Wish I could remember what that was called. I think it may have originated in exactly the same way in the same regions.... damn can't for the life of me think of it.
So you are saying the CDC is purposely trying to get people infected? Why?

No, I said the CDC knows what they're doing and they have the situation under control

Did you know you're about 100 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by ebola?

Why no panic threads about cops killing people?
Ebola can easily be spread through casual contact. Shaking hands, touching door knobs, etc.

Just because the virus comes from Africa, that does not mean its spread just like the AIDS virus. Listen to the rest of the world. Not Obama. Not his CDC. Right now, all we have to rely on is the private sector for making drugs to help Ebola patients, and hope the FDA doesn't create any unnecessary road blocks.
Right now, all we have to rely on is the private sector for making drugs to help Ebola patients

oh, you mean the company we were discussing yesterday who was contracted by the department of defense in 2007 to find a cure for ebola?
Cop beatings aren't contagious.

Ebola requires you to be in contact with bodily fluids, it is not easily transmittable and it's not airborne

Ebola can easily be spread through casual contact. Shaking hands, touching door knobs, etc.

Just because the virus comes from Africa, that does not mean its spread just like the AIDS virus. Listen to the rest of the world. Not Obama. Not his CDC. Right now, all we have to rely on is the private sector for making drugs to help Ebola patients, and hope the FDA doesn't create any unnecessary road blocks.

Complete bullshit. You have to be in contact with the carriers bodily fluids, it is not easily transmittable.

It's not "Obama's CDC", it's a non partisan institution, it worked the same under Bush, Clinton, etc.
oh, you mean the company we were discussing yesterday who was contracted by the department of defense in 2007 to find a cure for ebola?

The government throwing money at a new project is nothing new. Lets give credit; where credit is due. The private sector.
The contract was put into motion by the Bush administration
By the way, Obama has cut DOD spending by historic margins.
A second mutated strain of the Ebola virus has been found in the Congo, and scientists believe it may now be airborne.. The virus in the DRC, which is nearly 2,300 miles away from the most eastern extent of the much larger West-African outbreak has been studied by a joint French-Canadian team of virologists for the World Health Organization who confirmed that it was distinct, sharing only 96.8 percent of genetic material: “The complete genome sequence of the virus responsible… confirms that it is a virus Ebola species but it shows that the Congolese strain is different from Africa West”.
NEWS ALERT: Obama's new Ebola Czar has zero medical experience. Just another stooge partisan hack put there to do whatever Obama tells her to do, while at the same time ready to take the fall if anything goes wrong.