How to deal with nosey neighbors?


Well-Known Member
Hey I know this should have probably gone under "toke n talk" so mods feel free to move it please, I just posted here because I am familiar with you all and you all have given great advice in the past!

Anyways, I moved here approx. 6 months ago & have an outdoor garden. The whole neighborhood is very nosey, my immediate next door neighbor in particular. My grandparents were visiting about two weeks ago & the mail lady accidentally put my immediate next door neighbors mail in my mail box, so me & my grandpa brought their mail to them. We started talking and my Gpa + her were talking about vietnam, cisis, etc. Then she all the sudden asked me if I was growing pot in my backyard. I just laughed and replied "No mam" She immediately said, "It's alright if you are" She kind of caught me off guard so my reaction may have lead her to think... "Huh, I bet he is"

The past two weeks I have been staying up at night & sleeping during the day to watch my plants in their final couple of weeks so I have not been getting much sleep at all, since half of it is interrupted sleep hearing my motion alarms going off and having to check on them. She called me today while I was sleeping and left a voicemail. She said "Hi, this is Carol, your neighbor, I was just calling because I haven't seen you and wanted to make sure you're ok. Call me back."
I am pretty confident she has seen me up and knows I am ok. I think she was just trying to discretely be nosey.
I have seen her and her dogs out there at night when I had just flipped on my porch light and have lights on at night and the tv on/going up until about 9 A.M. when I go to bed, so I am pretty sure she has seen me up and just wants to be nosey wondering why I am up so late.

When I brought her mail back to her, at the end of the convo she said "I didn't know you had a dog until the neighbors told me" I said "Yeah she is a husky so usually doesn't make a lot of noise" She then said "Oh, well I will have to come over sometime to meet her and pet her" I just kind of responded" Yeah, that sounds good" or something along those lines. As we were leaving my Gpa said uh huh yea she just wanted to be nosey, that's what she wanted to do.

I think these neighbors may be growing. Her husband is a retired vietnam vet with parkasins & PTSD, but even if they are, I still don't want them knowing I am because they are some nosey ass neighbors who like to gossip. I see them talking to the other neighbors a lot.

Since I am running on little sleep, my mind is sort of foggy & I was hoping to not talk to neighbors until after harvest when I am back on a normal sleeping schedule and getting better sleep.

Do you all have any suggestions how to handle this situation?
I would greatly appreciate any & all advice!!!! Not quite sure what to do here :confused:
My suggestion?ride it out till u have harvested and once its done then go and speak to her and tell her something has been on your mind that you need to ask.Then as politely as you can ask her why did she ask you wether you are growing pot in your backyard ?did she ask you because her and her husband are?that will put her on the spot and you will know by her reaction wether she is just being nosey or sussing you out because they don't like weed growers or they have their own.Doesnt sound like she or her husband are gonna rip you that's for sure.
Dude, roll a fatty and go blaze her out. And when your shit is done a cured, put together a little "thank you for being fuckin cool" package and you'll never have to worry about it again. Had a neighbor like this and always thought they got down but it never came up until we got 20in of snow over night and I slid my car into the ditch power sliding around a turn. Since I wasn't making it to school that day, I lit up the blunt I had rolled for the after school ride home. Well half through smoking this, here comes the neighbor driving down the road in his f250. He smiled and said he'd be right back. Jumped on his tractor to come pull me out. Well when he came up to the car to hook it up, he told me my car smelled just like his truck did and laughed about it. Once he pulled my car out, I immediately sparked the last half of the blunt and handed it to him on his way by. Never had to worry about them ever again. And even better. When I was dry, he always had some flame to throw my way free of charge. You know how it is. Us smokers can pick each other out of crowds.
yea I second the above post. Sounds like a cool neighbor to have. It could be 360 in the other direction and you wouldn't have to wonder if they are cool or not, you would know that they aren't . She knows you grow pot because she can smell it and knows what it smells like probably for more reasons than not. You should have Gpa take one for the team. :mrgreen:
My suggestion?ride it out till u have harvested and once its done then go and speak to her and tell her something has been on your mind that you need to ask.Then as politely as you can ask her why did she ask you wether you are growing pot in your backyard ?did she ask you because her and her husband are?that will put her on the spot and you will know by her reaction wether she is just being nosey or sussing you out because they don't like weed growers or they have their own.Doesnt sound like she or her husband are gonna rip you that's for sure.
I really like this idea! I have a feeling her husband at least smokes, but you never know for sure. I guess I am always scared of the worse (Them not liking weed growers) Naw they won't rip me, but they are old & retired with nothing to do, so I worry they will tell one neighbor, who will tell the next, who will tell the next & before you know it someomes kids hear their parents talking about it, then they tell their friends... Then I have to be concerned about rippers.. Which is why I DON'T really want them knowing :/

Dude, roll a fatty and go blaze her out. And when your shit is done a cured, put together a little "thank you for being fuckin cool" package and you'll never have to worry about it again. Had a neighbor like this and always thought they got down but it never came up until we got 20in of snow over night and I slid my car into the ditch power sliding around a turn. Since I wasn't making it to school that day, I lit up the blunt I had rolled for the after school ride home. Well half through smoking this, here comes the neighbor driving down the road in his f250. He smiled and said he'd be right back. Jumped on his tractor to come pull me out. Well when he came up to the car to hook it up, he told me my car smelled just like his truck did and laughed about it. Once he pulled my car out, I immediately sparked the last half of the blunt and handed it to him on his way by. Never had to worry about them ever again. And even better. When I was dry, he always had some flame to throw my way free of charge. You know how it is. Us smokers can pick each other out of crowds.
Haha awesome story man! That is good to hear for sure. And yes, us smokers can pick each other out of crowds generally.. But I def. do not fit the profile of your average smoker at ALL. I have had friends in the mountains ask me if I was a cop before I got to know them well. I look like the opposite of a smoker lol. Thank you for stopping by and giving me some food for thought :)

yea I second the above post. Sounds like a cool neighbor to have. It could be 360 in the other direction and you wouldn't have to wonder if they are cool or not, you would know that they aren't . She knows you grow pot because she can smell it and knows what it smells like probably for more reasons than not. You should have Gpa take one for the team. :mrgreen:
I have very good odor control in & out, so she shouldn't be able to smell anything. I can't smell my plants from 5' away from them. A dif. Gpa has helped me out with an odor control product that has worked amazingly well. And the houses in the neighborhood are spaced out approx. 300-500 yards apart at least. Kind of like a country type of neighborhood.
Lol I wished I could have Gpa take one for the team.. Lives in a dif. state and doesn't smoke :/

Oh and by the way, these neighbors are in their mid-late 60's. He is in a wheel chair because he got shot in vietnam.

Thank you for stopping in to help out! :)
Vietnam...wheelchair...hes on the meds for sure even if its just to help his mental well being
That is what I was thinking, especially since he has PTSD on top of that.. I feel like there is a reason she told me he has PTSD & Parkisans after asking me if I grew pot.
im with the second post here as a go in hard get the answer you want straight away :)
Yeah for sure! I like your way of going about things best in all honesty. I just hate to have much communication with them right now while I am worn out (From lack of sleep & all the mental stress that comes with growing outdoors this time of year) I would rather be well rested and able to quickly think of my feet if need be.

Not quite sure how to respond to her calling me just yet :/
Haha that is awesome, I love it! Some great looking CBD oil by the way :)
I am originally from an illegal state, but now that I am in a state with medical laws, I would say more people grow and smoke than I realize.
Why thank you about the oil. My friend a chemist @cannabineer prepares it for me. It's really immaculate stuff. Actually there's no CBD in it. It's Beam test was negative. But it's some wickedly potent Space Queen grown by a friend here. I'm just getting ready to split my rooms finishing my summer ark mode. I'm doing a Cali Connection survey and most stuff on the table there is CC.

Good luck with your neighbor. Why not simply smile and ask them why they thought you were a grower? Just do the direct thing. That's often what I do.
All my neighbors know I grow, due to a comedy of errors, 16 years ago. Lost most of a year's grow. The local PD enjoyed it, I've heard. Anyway, one neighbor's family ripped us twice. Another neighbor, a retired supervisor at the state drug/crime lab is the best. Take it slow, and on an individual basis. Never assume. BTW, the neighbor's family moved to another state after I had a talk with them about my attitude about thieves. They tried to get us in trouble, after they tried to rip us off again, only to be foiled by my security measures. The cops came by and ended up warning them to leave us alone. The PD was kind of upset when they asked us why we didn't call them when ripped off. We told them about our previous experience, and watching officers lie through their teeth on the stand, and half our confiscated crop disappearing before our case went to court. Never trust a cop. They are the biggest criminals on the street.

Sorry for the rambling. I'm pretty thoroughly medicated.
Why thank you about the oil. My friend a chemist @cannabineer prepares it for me. It's really immaculate stuff. Actually there's no CBD in it. It's Beam test was negative. But it's some wickedly potent Space Queen grown by a friend here. I'm just getting ready to split my rooms finishing my summer ark mode. I'm doing a Cali Connection survey and most stuff on the table there is CC.

Good luck with your neighbor. Why not simply smile and ask them why they thought you were a grower? Just do the direct thing. That's often what I do.
Oh wow that is neat. It looks like some cbd oil I had recently, which is why I thought that. I am glad to hear you like it though, looks great! Yea, that is probably what I will do, be direct, i'd just rather wait til this season is over and I am more rested lol. Thank you for the advice and stopping in :)

All my neighbors know I grow, due to a comedy of errors, 16 years ago. Lost most of a year's grow. The local PD enjoyed it, I've heard. Anyway, one neighbor's family ripped us twice. Another neighbor, a retired supervisor at the state drug/crime lab is the best. Take it slow, and on an individual basis. Never assume. BTW, the neighbor's family moved to another state after I had a talk with them about my attitude about thieves. They tried to get us in trouble, after they tried to rip us off again, only to be foiled by my security measures. The cops came by and ended up warning them to leave us alone. The PD was kind of upset when they asked us why we didn't call them when ripped off. We told them about our previous experience, and watching officers lie through their teeth on the stand, and half our confiscated crop disappearing before our case went to court. Never trust a cop. They are the biggest criminals on the street.

Sorry for the rambling. I'm pretty thoroughly medicated.
Haha all good man, I appreciate you taking the time to give me some advice. I am sorry to hear you have had trouble with neighbors in the past. Damn neighbors and PD, enjoying your hard earned work :/
I agree with the PD and it sucks. Some of them I am sure would be very helpful and try to help/protect cannabis growers. Others disagree with the laws & would just try to be assholes an screw them over.. So it's a tossup and I overall do not trust them. They are the biggest criminals on the streets, I agree.
I've read officers here have become very hesitant to prosecute growers regardless if legal or not. There have been several cases where officers have THOUGHT they found an illegal grow, then come time of court they find out it was actually legal and get sued for a ton of money for confiscating and destroying (Or really, probably consuming) the persons medicine.

I just don't know.. This is the first and only year I will grow outdoors here in my back yard. I just wanted the experience, but don't want to give potential rippers a peak at what I have going on inside :/
any one remember her?
Go and help them out! They clearly recognise it in the garden and want you to offer them some.

That's what happened to me a few years ago with an outdoor grow. They were over 70 and they wanted some.

Old people make good neighbourhood watch so keep in. As you know, they are around all day and have lot of free time to keep look out.

I doubt they are currently growing. The ones that are up to things don't ask questions because they don't want questions in return.
yea I second the above post. Sounds like a cool neighbor to have. It could be 360 in the other direction and you wouldn't have to wonder if they are cool or not, you would know that they aren't . She knows you grow pot because she can smell it and knows what it smells like probably for more reasons than not. You should have Gpa take one for the team. :mrgreen:
not trying to be a dick but doing a 360 you end up going in the same direction