How to deal with nosey neighbors?

Hey I know this should have probably gone under "toke n talk" so mods feel free to move it please, I just posted here because I am familiar with you all and you all have given great advice in the past!

Anyways, I moved here approx. 6 months ago & have an outdoor garden. The whole neighborhood is very nosey, my immediate next door neighbor in particular. My grandparents were visiting about two weeks ago & the mail lady accidentally put my immediate next door neighbors mail in my mail box, so me & my grandpa brought their mail to them. We started talking and my Gpa + her were talking about vietnam, cisis, etc. Then she all the sudden asked me if I was growing pot in my backyard. I just laughed and replied "No mam" She immediately said, "It's alright if you are" She kind of caught me off guard so my reaction may have lead her to think... "Huh, I bet he is"

The past two weeks I have been staying up at night & sleeping during the day to watch my plants in their final couple of weeks so I have not been getting much sleep at all, since half of it is interrupted sleep hearing my motion alarms going off and having to check on them. She called me today while I was sleeping and left a voicemail. She said "Hi, this is Carol, your neighbor, I was just calling because I haven't seen you and wanted to make sure you're ok. Call me back."
I am pretty confident she has seen me up and knows I am ok. I think she was just trying to discretely be nosey.
I have seen her and her dogs out there at night when I had just flipped on my porch light and have lights on at night and the tv on/going up until about 9 A.M. when I go to bed, so I am pretty sure she has seen me up and just wants to be nosey wondering why I am up so late.

When I brought her mail back to her, at the end of the convo she said "I didn't know you had a dog until the neighbors told me" I said "Yeah she is a husky so usually doesn't make a lot of noise" She then said "Oh, well I will have to come over sometime to meet her and pet her" I just kind of responded" Yeah, that sounds good" or something along those lines. As we were leaving my Gpa said uh huh yea she just wanted to be nosey, that's what she wanted to do.

I think these neighbors may be growing. Her husband is a retired vietnam vet with parkasins & PTSD, but even if they are, I still don't want them knowing I am because they are some nosey ass neighbors who like to gossip. I see them talking to the other neighbors a lot.

Since I am running on little sleep, my mind is sort of foggy & I was hoping to not talk to neighbors until after harvest when I am back on a normal sleeping schedule and getting better sleep.

Do you all have any suggestions how to handle this situation?
I would greatly appreciate any & all advice!!!! Not quite sure what to do here :confused:

Do you happen to live at a duplex in Jacksonville???


lol sounds like u dont tho cuz the meth heads across the hall dont grow outside
You said no one can smell it but she knew you were growing so it probably does smell. I'd tell her the truth and then ask her to watch your grow. Old people love having a job like that.
Try to ride it out until after harvest. If you want to return her call, just tell her you're fine, and thank you. I wouldn't mention your change in routine. Keep it short and sweet.

I think if they were growing, they would say something like, "gee your garden smells nice", not "are you growing pot?".

Once you get everything cleaned up and in jars you can get a better feel for them. Totally agree with you about them not knowing, so that may be moot.
Do you happen to live at a duplex in Jacksonville???


lol sounds like u dont tho cuz the meth heads across the hall dont grow outside
No I live in Colorado... I have never even done ecstasy.. The only "drug" I have EVER done is cannabis, which I do not consider a drug. Just always liked how the word sounded, especially with it spelled out the way mine is.. And if you would of read through the thread, you would of saw where I said I don't even fit the profile of a stoner.. If I don't fit the profile of a stoner, how in the hell would I fit the profile of a meth head? I look more like a business guy/college student/a cop more than anything lol. You would of also read where I said the closest neighbor is 300-500 yards away.

I live in a nice, upscale, family neighborhood... Best of luck with the meth heads tho... Sounds like you live in a crazy neighborhood...
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Much respect for you.

Go and help them out! They clearly recognise it in the garden and want you to offer them some.

That's what happened to me a few years ago with an outdoor grow. They were over 70 and they wanted some.

Old people make good neighbourhood watch so keep in. As you know, they are around all day and have lot of free time to keep look out.

I doubt they are currently growing. The ones that are up to things don't ask questions because they don't want questions in return.
You think? I could def. see that, that would make sense. Especially since I highly suspect that he smokes at least. Only thing I don't want is them telling the whole world, which is why I have been against telling them. They def. would make a good neighborhood watch, very true. I just worry about them telling everyone. Good point on them probably not growing. Great post! Thank you! :)

My question is how did she get your number...........?
I wondered if someone would ask lol. When me and my Gpa brought her mail back to her, she asked for my number for whatever reason. I didn't want to say no, or give her a fake number.

You said no one can smell it but she knew you were growing so it probably does smell. I'd tell her the truth and then ask her to watch your grow. Old people love having a job like that.
Lol for sure that very well could be. I honestly figured it was more so because I am a young kid in a very nice upscale family neighborhood, and I don't have a family.. I also don't have anyone over, ever, and don't go out to often. So I figured that is why she came to that conclusion. You could very well be right though. Although I haven't been able to smell it, doesn't mean others haven't.. My noise is sort of immune to it.

Try to ride it out until after harvest. If you want to return her call, just tell her you're fine, and thank you. I wouldn't mention your change in routine. Keep it short and sweet.

I think if they were growing, they would say something like, "gee your garden smells nice", not "are you growing pot?".

Once you get everything cleaned up and in jars you can get a better feel for them. Totally agree with you about them not knowing, so that may be moot.
Good point, thank you! Yeah as far as them knowing, I just worry.. People like to talk to much, & I have done a very good job not telling anyone, except immediate family, so hate to ruin that now. And the elderly LOVE to talk lol. (Nothing wrong with that, I just don't want that happening in this situation) Although would be great to share with them, if that is what they are wanting. They are nice people and I love sharing...

What do you think about not calling her back? I worry she then might try to come over to see if i'm alright.. At the same time I worry if I do call her back, she might try to invite herself over lol.

You are right, I will feel much better when it is all in jars, then like you said, I can get a better feel for her.
No I live in Colorado... I have never even done ecstasy.. The only "drug" I have EVER done is cannabis, which I do not consider a drug. Just always liked how the word sounded, especially with it spelled out the way mine is.. And if you would of read through the thread, you would of saw where I said I don't even fit the profile of a stoner.. If I don't fit the profile of a stoner, how in the hell would I fit the profile of a meth head? I look more like a business guy/college student/a cop more than anything lol. You would of also read where I said the closest neighbor is 300-500 yards away.

I live in a nice, upscale, family neighborhood... Best of luck with the meth heads tho... Sounds like you live in a crazy neighborhood...

Lol ik I just saw nosey nabours

And I couldn't take amy chances

Next time theres a drug deal like the one that JUST happened im gonna broadcast it on tiny chat
Just call her back and if she invites her self over claim to have excruciating diarrhea.

Then from now on when your outside in her view just talk to your self. If you have the flare for the dramatic a full on loud argument with your self and I guarantee they won't even speak to you again.
No I live in Colorado... I have never even done ecstasy.. The only "drug" I have EVER done is cannabis, which I do not consider a drug. Just always liked how the word sounded, especially with it spelled out the way mine is.. And if you would of read through the thread, you would of saw where I said I don't even fit the profile of a stoner.. If I don't fit the profile of a stoner, how in the hell would I fit the profile of a meth head? I look more like a business guy/college student/a cop more than anything lol. You would of also read where I said the closest neighbor is 300-500 yards away.

I live in a nice, upscale, family neighborhood... Best of luck with the meth heads tho... Sounds like you live in a crazy neighborhood...

You also grow indoors! Sweet baby jeebus you then don't plant huge evidence in your yard if you don't really KNOW your hood. I live just outside of Los Angeles homez. I've lived here all my life (except for the part I spent in Orange County, San Bernardino County and Riverside County). Living in Colorado I'd simply tell them yeah it's a pot plant. Stuff is legal here, when I saw it popup I left it. Did the people here before me grow? How do you take care of it? Walk away from that plant with all disinterest. At least I would but I don't know your neighborhood.

Leave it at that. The rules about growing are, no tell, no sell no smell. The last thing you want in LA is a pot plant pointing rippers to the big money hydro grow indoors the cops got nothing on rippers. Now that is Los Angeles and it's 'burbs but I'm very mistrustful of most people. So that's how I'd spin it. Good luck,
Nosey neighbors can be a good thing or a bad thing depending. If your plant counts are legal and they are locked up per CO law, they can go pound sand if they don't like it. If you are in more of a grey area, I would keep them away until after harvest and then feel them out before next season. If they are not pro MJ, you need to run a completely legal grow next year and not take risks. If they are pro MJ, they can be part of your security team.

I've got nosey neighbors that are on my team and I couldn't be happier. Probably not right to call them nosey, more just concerned and vigilant libertarian survivalists that will show up at 2am if needed, locked and loaded. Always just a radio call away. Love it. Anything they need, I'm there for them as well.
Lol ik I just saw nosey nabours

And I couldn't take amy chances

Next time theres a drug deal like the one that JUST happened im gonna broadcast it on tiny chat
Haha. For sure dude, go for it. Call em out. My friend used to live in a neighborhood with meth heads.. Always out working on their trucks at like 3 A.M. Was annoying, and they were annoying as hell to, so I feel your pain.
Just call her back and if she invites her self over claim to have excruciating diarrhea.

Then from now on when your outside in her view just talk to your self. If you have the flare for the dramatic a full on loud argument with your self and I guarantee they won't even speak to you again.
Haha I love it. That is a good excuse for sure. I was trying to figure out a good excuse in case she would invite herself over. I was thinking some flu or something, then I worried she would try to bring me a care package or something.

LOL! They might think i'm on drugs or something then! Gave me a good laugh though!

You also grow indoors! Sweet baby jeebus you then don't plant huge evidence in your yard if you don't really KNOW your hood. I live just outside of Los Angeles homez. I've lived here all my life (except for the part I spent in Orange County, San Bernardino County and Riverside County). Living in Colorado I'd simply tell them yeah it's a pot plant. Stuff is legal here, when I saw it popup I left it. Did the people here before me grow? How do you take care of it? Walk away from that plant with all disinterest. At least I would but I don't know your neighborhood.

Leave it at that. The rules about growing are, no tell, no sell no smell. The last thing you want in LA is a pot plant pointing rippers to the big money hydro grow indoors the cops got nothing on rippers. Now that is Los Angeles and it's 'burbs but I'm very mistrustful of most people. So that's how I'd spin it. Good luck,
I agree, I am very mistrustful of people to. I live in a very nice neighborhood, I am not worried about any of the neighbors I have met, but there are a couple kids in there 20's or so that look like little wanna be gangsters that I don't trust too much. Seen weird activity from them since moving here. I started my plants indoors before even knowing where I was gonna move, and by the time we found a place, they were to big to flower indoors. I wish I would of not put them outside, but they had P.M. early in veg & the low humidity here naturally made it disappear, and it hasn't been back since. So ya, live and learn. I agree def. not the best idea to give them a peak at what is indoors, although my indoor is relatively small, most of my plant count is outside.

I like your idea of just saying it randomly grew there! I may do that, I have not decided yet.. Great food for thought which I appreciate! Although my plants are caged in with a chicken wire roof, so looks like a marijuana prison + I have them all staked up and in raised beds, so would look pretty obvious it wasn't just a random plant, IF they peaked over the fence. I don't think they have though.

That is also a great rule of thumb to go by, no tell, no smell, no sell. I abide by that policy. Which is why I don't want to tell them at all. But if they have peaked over the fence, then they would wonder why I am lying to them.. But I worry if they know, they will tell one neighbor who will tell the next, and eventually before ya know it little timmy hears about it and tells his friends at school then next thing it gets to the wrong people. I would rather no one know for the peace of mind. I really appreciate that idea, thanks curious2garden!!

Nosey neighbors can be a good thing or a bad thing depending. If your plant counts are legal and they are locked up per CO law, they can go pound sand if they don't like it. If you are in more of a grey area, I would keep them away until after harvest and then feel them out before next season. If they are not pro MJ, you need to run a completely legal grow next year and not take risks. If they are pro MJ, they can be part of your security team.

I've got nosey neighbors that are on my team and I couldn't be happier. Probably not right to call them nosey, more just concerned and vigilant libertarian survivalists that will show up at 2am if needed, locked and loaded. Always just a radio call away. Love it. Anything they need, I'm there for them as well.
I agree, i'm all under my plant count outdoors, but would still rather wait til after harvest then feel them out. I will not grow outdoors here next year, so would rather no one know. Just wanted to this year for the experience. Even when all legal, I would still rather no one know. Like @curious2garden said, cops don't have anything on rippers. I've read stories about people getting jacked and the cops not doing shit about it. And my neighbors are innocent, nothing to worry about with them, but people like to talk and I worry that talking would end up getting in the wrong hands.

That is awesome to have that good mutual relationship where you can trust your neighbors and they actually help watch out for everything & vice versa. Would give you a peace of mind to an extent. It's great you have that!
Thank you for taking the time to stop in & give some experienced advice, it is much appreciated!!
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