Well-Known Member
This is the dumbest fucking logic ever presented for evidence of your opinion.
Shhh, I'm enjoying the liberal tap dance.
It's the old "you can't tell us what to do, but we can tell you what to do" reasoning.
This is the dumbest fucking logic ever presented for evidence of your opinion.
It's the old " make retarded children illegal and punish the parents in the off chance they should both be killed and there are no other family members who would care for a incestual retarded ginger child with no soul"" bit again.Shhh, I'm enjoying the liberal tap dance.
It's the old "you can't tell us what to do, but we can tell you what to do" reasoning.
you missed the point because you want to argue defending stupid. If you can avoid having a retarded child by not sleeping with your sister I would suggest you do so. If you have a child that is retarded due to other causes of course you are to love your child no matter. Today I learned on RIU that some person wants to marry his brother... and would fight and argue to marry and fuck their mother and sister. Must be a you people thing. Off to make my world better after hearing this BS.Retards have a right to live too. Should all parents of disabled kids be locked up for birthing them? Should the kids be put down for "the greater good"?
Why do you feel you have to the right to decide who can and can't marry but get mad when others do it? Are you going to answer this or should I quit asking?
Yeah London, except mental retardation isn't a sign of incest. the chance of siblings having babies with ANY kind of defect is only a few percent higher than normal folk. Alcoholics and drug users have a MUCH MUCH higher chance of having fucked up missed the point because you want to argue defending stupid. If you can avoid having a retarded child by not sleeping with your sister I would suggest you do so. If you have a chile that is retared due to other causes of course you are to love your child no matter. Today I learned on RIU that some person wants to marry his brother... and would fight and argue to marry and fuck their mother and sister. Must be a you people thing. Off to make my world better after hearing this BS.
you missed the point because you want to argue defending stupid. If you can avoid having a retarded child by not sleeping with your sister I would suggest you do so. If you have a child that is retarded due to other causes of course you are to love your child no matter. Today I learned on RIU that some person wants to marry his brother... and would fight and argue to marry and fuck their mother and sister. Must be a you people thing. Off to make my world better after hearing this BS.
I'm sorry I thought you were speaking of companies that actually were doing this and getting away with it. Now imagine what they would do if with ZERO penalties
Yeah London, except mental retardation isn't a sign of incest. the chance of siblings having babies with ANY kind of defect is only a few percent higher than normal folk. Alcoholics and drug users have a MUCH MUCH higher chance of having fucked up babies.
No one can avoid having a retarded child you moron. Did you know that sickle cell is a birth defect? Do you have sickle cell? I say lock your parents up for that one, it's all their fault, they knew sickle cell runs in the family and they had sex with each other anyway. Sick fuckers!! Then they had you, a blight on humanity because of your genetic lottery that made you retarded, err I mean have sickle cell. Die fucker die.
Love you,
kisses and hugs
London does. Which is why I don't think we are hearing from him anymore, back to the drawing board to come up with a better plan than making birth defects illegal.It's a very painful and crippling condition, but I don't think the law should have stopped his parents from having other children.
London does. Which is why I don't think we are hearing from him anymore, back to the drawing board to come up with a better plan than making birth defects illegal.
I said airlines have done it, are doing it and will do it.
If you think they catch them all.... Well that's on you.
Without federal input into marriage, we'd most likely have the vast majority of states recognizing gays marriages.
Marriages that must be government approved.....hmmm... smells like Prima Noche never went away.
It's that group think of "for the greater good". If the majority of citizens think gay marriage will bring on hellfire and the fall of society, then they use a coercive element to make everyone else toe the line.
Blame collectivism.
So you feel it's your right to tell stupid people how to live? What ever happened to live and let live?
If someone wants to drink raw milk, I say let them. If someone wants to pray to a spaghetti monster in the sky, that's on them. If someone wants to believe you can borrow your way out of debt, they will soon learn the fallacy.
so it's ok to drink and drive UNTIL you hurt it. crazy ass fuck
In this thread you have said prohibition doesn't work but we need to prohibit this this and this. People who want to prohibit that however, are evil.
Back to the original question, no, I would not push the button. I would not look forward to the proliferation of sweat houses and child labor.
I wouldn't expect you to understand the point.why do you hate freedom so much?
i should be able to fuck my sister, send our retarded kid to work in the mines, and then drive him home while i'm drunk.